The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 299: Fantasy Mite 2.0

After leaving the Brenhill Institute of Artificial Intelligence, the crow immediately entered the administrator background of the mobile game version of "Fantasy Royal Hand 2.0" and released the latest mission.

— "Girl Rescue."

The task difficulty is set to five stars, that is to say, only players who have reached the five-star level can accept the task. Other players can't even see the specific content of the mission.

So far, apart from the two administrator accounts of Crow and Haruno Kiyama, among the real player accounts, only two have met this requirement.

"Puppeteer" and "Electric Shock Guta".

To put it bluntly, it was Ling Xingye and Misaka Mikoto. One has just advanced to level 4, and the other is the well-known level 5, the two with the highest ability levels among all players.

In fact, this mission was issued specifically for the two of them.

The only problem now is that these two people have never logged in to the game since they registered their accounts...

Ling Xingye found this software specifically to investigate the "Fantasy Royal Hand" incident and downloaded it, but since he found out that it seems to be a third-rate mobile game that is rubbish, he has no interest in paying attention to it.

For similar reasons, Misaka Mikoto originally wanted to try to use the ability of fantasy hands to become stronger, but found out that it was just a mobile game that I didn't know the so-called, so I left it behind.

So Crow is not sure whether these two people can discover the reminder he gave.

"It's really troublesome..." Crow said to himself, "We should find a way to bring in some other high-level ability users. The data below level 3 has been collected sufficiently, but the samples of higher levels are still seriously lacking. If it continues, it will be difficult to deduce the superpower system of Academy City."

As the sun sets, a small battle is going on under a certain bridge hole.

On the surface, it appeared to be an unhealthy bullying incident in which three people surrounded and beat a thin teenager.

But in Academy City, the number of people often does not represent an absolute advantage.

Because the city's theme is "superpowers."

It is normal for a superpower who has mastered a powerful ability to be outnumbered.

It can be said bluntly that the underlying rules that Academy City follows are actually the laws of the jungle dressed in the cloak of high-tech civilization.

That's why people are indifferent to the growing group of armed incompetents in the city, allowing them to grow and grow.

Because here, these incompetent guys are the lowest existences, and they are nothing to be afraid of.

At this moment, the two parties in conflict are like this.

The boy who was alone had an advantage, because he was a level 3 powerful person.

On the other hand, although there are three delinquents, they are all weak chickens like level 0 or level 1, no different from ordinary people.

So even if he knew that he was being targeted, the young man with strong abilities didn't mean to be afraid—after all, he was the real strong man.

Until he was knocked to the ground by a stick, the trio of unscrupulous boys surrounded him with punches and kicks.

"The ability-returner..." The eldest brother among the three kicked the unlucky guy unconscious for the last time, "If you have the ability, you have burned us... Pooh!"

"Brother Fei, he's already passed out." Among the three, the golden retriever squatted down and observed, "Is this considered a knockout?"

The last one was the boy who attacked with a baseball bat just now, he quickly operated the phone: "Turn off, turn off..."

Then he looked at a certain data slot on the screen, and he looked distressed: "It took 12 seconds to start up, and it took 36 points... This is a waste of money!"

"But it's really effective." The eldest brother comforted, "This time it's level 3. If we don't use the 'power reduction' function, it will be very difficult for us to win. Don't worry, the consumption will be shared equally this time."

As he spoke, he also took out his mobile phone and knelt down beside the victim. Then open the software called "Fantasy Royal Hand 2.0".

Take pictures of the downed "prey" and take fingerprints for identity verification.

"Okay, submit...confirm!" the eldest brother muttered.

His two younger brothers also leaned over and stared at the phone screen together.

"Come here!" Soon, the three shouted excitedly at the same time.

"Sure enough, it's level 3, not bad. There are a total of 120 reward points!" The golden retriever whistled.

The three formed a team together, so it was easy to share the rewards for this mission.

"We have an average of nearly 30 points in the account again, and we are one step closer to upgrading!" The elder brother nodded with satisfaction.

"But accumulating points like this is really too slow!" The club man complained, "It only rewards about 100 points for knocking down a level 3—but you need 1,000 points if you want to rise to the three-star level!"

"Yeah, I really can't wait," Jin Mao also said with deep feeling, "It is said that some high-level players have already received rewards for improving abilities—the legend of the 'Fantasy Master' is true!"

"Hmph, of course it's true!" said the eldest brother, "Hasn't the 'declining ability' already appeared?"

The ball stick man continued: "But if you want to unlock the 'Fantasy Royal Hand' function, you must at least upgrade to a three-star level or above... At that time, we will be able to raise our ability to level 3!"

"So what about level 3?" The eldest brother sneered, kicking the powerful person under his feet, "We killed it so easily!"

"But I still want to raise the star level as soon as possible!" Jin Mao said, "It is said that after the five-star level, you can become level 5!"

"Speaking of this..." the ball stick man opened a certain interface, "The top two on the leaderboard are five-star levels! Could it be that they have become level 5 superpowers?"

"Hmph, who knows if it's true or not?" The elder brother curled his lips, "It's not like we haven't played other games before—holding two top numbers on it to stimulate Isn't this a common trick used by game operators!"

"Brother is right!" Golden Retriever nodded again and again, "But this game doesn't seem necessary to do this, right? It's not that we want to make money..."

"Who knows?" The stick man shrugged, "But who cares? As long as you can take revenge on those oppressors who have always been on top! Not to mention being able to become stronger—however you look at it, there are only advantages and no disadvantages." .”

"That's right!" The eldest brother also nodded in agreement, "It's rare to have such a good opportunity, just grasp it! What are you thinking about so much?"

"Besides, if we really can krypton gold... we must not be able to compare with those rich people!"

Satisfied, the three left the bridge hole unsteadily, leaving only the powerful man lying on the ground.

"By the way, which one of you still has a good prey? Hurry up and tell me, I'm going to do a big job!" The elder brother's shout came from afar.

"I know one, the monitor of our class, because he is level 3, he is defiant..."

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