Chapter 106

This island is very prosperous, there are many nobles, generally speaking, pirates rarely make trouble on this island.

Because the country on this island is a member of the World government, Marine will soon arrive in the event of a disturbance.

Although the island looks bright and beautiful, the bottom layer is very chaotic, and people often disappear inexplicably on this island.

In a village near the sea with dozens of families.

A little girl who was only about ten years old, with a few bags of food in her hand, was behind her with a woman who was about the same height as her, wearing a black slit gown.

Yes, she is the tornado.

After the ship docked, Su Yu left one person to watch the ship every day by drawing lots, and all the rest were free to move.

“Do you live in a place like this?” Tornado glanced around at these simple houses.

Emily nodded, not at all ruining her mood because of the surrounding environment.

“Yes, sister!”

Soon, they came to a small room, the contents of which were also very dilapidated.

“Are you alone?” Tornado continued.

“Yes, after my father disappeared a few years ago, my brother went to be a pirate. Only me and grandma are left at home, but not long ago, grandma passed away too.” Emily replied in a low voice.


“It’s okay, sister, you are my savior. If it weren’t for you, I might have been captured by traffickers today.” Emily squeezed out a smile with difficulty.

“This island is so dangerous, why not leave!”

“My brother said he will come back, and I will wait for him here.”

Looking at Emily, at such a young age, it really hurts to be sensible.

Not long after Emily came back, some people in rags walked in.

“Xiao Mi Li, where have you gone these few days, it makes us worry to death.” A middle-aged man asked impatiently.

Emily was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: “I went to town to find some food々ˇ.”

“Didn’t I tell you? The town is very dangerous, why you just don’t understand.” A woman on the side yelled.

“I know it was wrong, you see, I brought you so much food.” Emily said, ran to the dilapidated kitchen and took out a few bags of food.


Those in rags sighed helplessly.

“no more chance!”

“Don’t worry, uncle, aunt, Xiao Mili won’t have another time.” Emily said softly.

“Who is this···”

Those in rags turned their eyes to Tornado.

“She is a friend I made in town.” Emily replied. She didn’t say that Tornado was her lifesaver. After the province said it, it worried them.(Read more @

One of the women took Emily out and said, “Don’t make friends, there is no good person in town.”

Emily quickly explained: “Tornado is a good person!”

“You are still young, don’t understand!” the woman retorted.

“She is really a good person.”

“Okay, okay, I won’t argue with this, and your brother is back.” The woman whispered.


“of course it’s true?”

“Then where is he now?”

“You’re embarrassed to ask, he went to town to find you, and your brother is amazing now. Hearing from him, he has joined a powerful pirate group, and we will have stable food in the future.” As he spoke, a smile leaked out of his face.

“Really? Really?” After hearing this, Emily became excited.

“When did I lie to you, I watched, there are hundreds of people in his team!”

“Hundreds of people, my brother is amazing.” Emily heard this and couldn’t wait to see her brother who hadn’t seen her for many years.


Tornado wanted to leave, but Emily insisted on telling her to stay and eat before leaving.

When it was time to eat, her brother also came back, and the house and outside were crowded with people.

However, fortunately, when they came back, they brought their own food. Otherwise, Emily cooked it, and it would be gone before the round was finished.

“This is?” Ebuck asked.

“His name is Tornado, thanks to her saving me in town today, and she is a pirate like her brother.” Emily explained.


Ebuck glanced at the tornado, and then continued: “No, which pirate group even needs children!”

Hearing the words, Tornado immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks: “Calling me, kid, kill you!”

Emily on the side hurriedly pulled Tornado’s hand: “Sister, sister, don’t be angry, brother, don’t look at your sister like a child, he is actually very old.”

Tornado sighed and continued to eat.

“Brother, Auntie said you joined a powerful pirate group, which one is it!” Emily asked.

Before Ebuck could answer, the younger brother beside him answered for him.

“Do you know the super-dimensional pirate group that crossed the Holy Land Mary Geoise?”

“I don’t know!” Emily shook her head.

“That’s the one that your brother joined. He is currently the captain of the second team of the Super Dimension Pirates!”

“It sounds amazing.” Emily looked at her brother with admiration.

The tornado on the side was eating, listening to them saying this was straightforward. He hadn’t heard of Su Yu about the fact that the Super Dimension Pirates had a team.

“Super Dimension Pirate Group?” Tornado suddenly said.

“What, do you know?” Ebuck said lightly.

Tornado swallowed the food on his mouth, and then said lightly: “You have a certain understanding, after all, I am also in the Super Dimension Pirate Group.”

As soon as this words came out, Emily yelled with joy in an instant.

“Really? It’s too fate (king’s), you are all members of the Super Dimension Pirate Group.

However, in the next second, Ebuck retorted.

“Don’t blow it up. The Super Dimension Pirate Group has always recruited strong people. How can our boss want you with such a weak look.”

After all, everyone burst into laughter.


Just as Tornado wanted to say something, Emily spoke first: “Brother, you are too much.”

Seeing Emily’s anger, Ebak took back the smile on his face and said lightly: “Okay, I don’t make fun of it, so let’s go, our second team just lacks a handyman, I will report to Su Yu boss , Let you officially become a member of the Super Dimension Pirate Group.”

Tornado: “····”



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