Chapter 105

“I like the way you Marines talk nonsense with their eyes open best.” Golden Lion was not used to what Marine negotiators said, taunting.

“That’s right, but also help us, are you here to make us laugh? It doesn’t sound good, the pirates go with the pirates, and the pirates and Marine are enemies.” Charlotte Linlin sneered.

“Regardless of the side of Roger or Su Yu, the biggest beneficiary is Marine. It is really too much of you to help us.” Whitebeard said solemnly.

The negotiators sent by the three Marines were stunned in an instant, and they did not develop as they expected.

“This is just a literal meaning, I did not underestimate you.” One of the men quickly explained.

“Yes, yes, we mean that Marine will cooperate with you, anyway, you also want to eradicate one of Roger or Su Yu, and so does Marine.”

“We Marine wish you a helping hand. Isn’t it a great thing?” Another man said.

“It’s a good thing for you on the 12th day of the day, right? When you fight, Marine is happy no matter who dies!” Locks looked at them coldly.


“The guy Lockes… doesn’t even know what the point is? He has been holding on to the loopholes in his words to talk about things.” The man in the middle cursed secretly.

However, he could only curse in his heart. In reality, he didn’t dare.

“Win-win cooperation! It is good for everyone!”

With that, one of the men also took out the phone worm and quickly dialed.

After a while, the phone worm spoke.

“I am a steel bone!”

The man handed the phone worm to Locks.

Lockes took a glance, but reached out to catch it.

“I am Lockes!”

“Presumably my people have told you, how about it, Lockes, are you interested? This is a win-win opportunity.” Ganggukong asked.

“Do you think that Rocks Pirate can’t compete with Roger and the Super Dimension Pirates?” Locks asked.

“Of course it doesn’t mean it. Let’s work together, you can relax a little bit, and we Marine can also relax a little bit. Isn’t that good?”

“Once one of the parties is resolved, our contract will be automatically terminated, as you have never been a member of the World government!”

“You know, it is very easy for the World government to block historical information.”

“Hahahaha…” Locks sneered, and then said in a deep voice: “Steel, I tell you very clearly, I don’t need it…”(Read more @

After all, before Steel Bone could speak back, Lockes squeezed the phone worm in his hand.

Yes, it is still too whimsical. How could Lockes join forces with Marine.

When the three men saw this situation, their complexions instantly became dignified. They knew that the conversation had fallen apart, and only death was waiting for them.

Locks glanced at the three men coldly, and then said in a deep voice: “Even if I fight Rocks Pirate to the last person, I don’t need your Marine’s help.”

“Remember it for me, this era is called Lockes.”

The three men frowned and looked at Locks in horror, not daring to speak.

“Kaido, throw the three of them into the sea.”

“Understood, Captain Locks.”

However, these three men were also considered lucky, Lockes did not kill them on the spot, but threw them into the sea.


“Talking collapsed?”

Garp on the side looked at the steel bones and asked.

Gang Gu Kong nodded, and then sighed heavily, “Hmm!”

“I’ll just say, how could that guy Lockes cooperate with us.” Garp smiled and ate the snacks in his hands.

“It seems that I really think too much. By the way, has Sengoku returned from the mission?” Ganggukong asked.

“I’m back, the task was completed successfully.”

“That’s good!” Hearing this, Steel Hollow finally had some comfort in his heart. After all, Marine was basically defeated during this period of time.


A few days have passed.

The third day of logging on to the island.

Host: Su Yu

Summon: Aizen (45%) Rem (45%) Hashirama (50%) Wu Liuqi (25%) Jiraiya (25%) Tornado (20%)

Summoning Character Legacy: Kidō (Aizen) Ghost Blood Race (Rem) Wood Style, Sage Mode (Hashirama)

Summoning value: 1050/80000

Bring your own ability: evolution

Special ability: Underfire (1790/2000) Thunder Fruit (1000/1060000) Armament Haki·Intermediate (1900/2000) Observation Haki (190/2000) Conqueror’s Haki (560/2000)

Warehouse: None

Task: Summon eight crew members (6/8)

He glanced at his attribute panel, and then Su Yu turned his gaze to the pile of materials in front of him.

After reading it carefully, he muttered: “Okay, some simple materials are ready, now only the last thing is left, but where can I find a Devil Fruit?”

These materials mentioned by Su Yu are undoubtedly Thunder Fruit whose running-in degree is already full.

However, what Su Yu is looking forward to is what Thunder Fruit will become after it evolves.

“Hey, I don’t want too much, let’s see where I can get a Devil Fruit!”

Su Yu muttered, got up, packed all the materials needed for the evolution in front of him in a bag, and then brought it back to the ship.



The third thing is coming, begging for subscription, begging for subscription, begging for subscription, and the fat brother give an automatic subscription. .

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