The Omniscient

Chapter 283

Luo Yan is shocked, why is he so surprised? Because Zoe is just an Ascendant, the fertility rate with Chiren is extremely low.

Ascendant is between Chiren and Homo sapiens, and Chiren and Homo sapiens have reproductive isolation.

In theory, Zoe may indeed be pregnant with his child, but the probability is very small. The two have been in love for 7-8 years and there is no sign of movement. Now Zoe is pregnant during Brando’s interrogation and detention?

“What do you mean?” Luo Yan said solemnly.

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “Don’t be excited, I have no other meaning. Between Ascendant and Chiren, the chance of getting pregnant is about 2% to 5%. You have been in love for so many years. I’m pregnant.”

“It’s been more than two months, count the days, I was pregnant between December 20th and 30th last year.”

Luo Yan thought Once soft, he remembered that on December 24th, he and Zoe were in romantic couple’s world.

It was Christmas Eve that day, and he took Zoe to watch a show in Las Vegas. That night, the whole city had a carnival. He and Zoe had a great time.

Not only that day, but on the 25th, he and Zoe went directly to the wild camping. They were the only two of them for five consecutive days and did not return until the 30th.

It is precisely because of this period that the fall of Santa Fe occurred, and therefore he and Zoe have no alibi, but can only prove to each other.

Luo Yan and Zoe’s romantic couple’s world were over, and as a result, he received a seizure order from Brando, and he was very suspected.

“In fact, in those few days, you weren’t looking for Mark as you said, but you and Zoe were in romantic couple’s world.” Huang Ji said.

“How do you know!” Luo Yan suddenly got up and punched towards Huang Ji.

Huang Ji had already prepared. He raised his hand and firmly grasped Luo Yan’s fist. At the same time, his knee was pushed up, just to hold up Luo Yan’s knee bump.

“bang!” One of the two looked gentle, the other confident and calm, and the fists and feet shook the air with the ripples visible by naked eye.

They seemed to have equal strength, and they fisted in the center of the room.

Luo Yan was very surprised. He didn’t expect Huang Ji, such a little brother, to have the power of S4Peak!

I wanted to put Huang Ji on the wall and question him, but Huang Ji’s power is about the same as him! I don’t know who wins and loses in the fight, but at least his physical fitness is already comparable to himself.

“What a hidden expert! Carmen said before that he was S3, he was lying to me.” Luo Yan thought secretly in his heart, but he didn’t doubt anything, even thought it was normal.

How can the layered pupil faction not cultivate points to hide the expert? Even the Great Families have secretly trained dead men, and the layered pupil faction reinserts some secretly trained experts back into the organization, which is normal.

Luo Yan suddenly violently attacked Huang Ji this time, not because of anything else, but because he had an agreement with Zoe.

When he received Brando’s seizure order saying that he was suspected of having captured Santa Fe, Luo Yan knew that Brando had deliberately buckled his head.

The opportunity was very delicate. From Christmas until the 30th, he spent time with Zoe in the wild, so that there was no alibi.

Knowing that Brando is wronging him, how can he not have any countermeasures?

He expected that Brando would split the two of them, so on the way when he was taken away, he and Zoe secretly whispered to each other and made a confession.

Don’t say that you have been in the romantic couple’s world, just say that you are looking for Mark to investigate the matter secretly.

But whether it is romantic couple’s world or tracing Mark, there are no other witnesses. What is the meaning of this false statement?

Of course it makes sense, that is, to prevent being babbled and secretly report safety.

Regardless of Brando’s nonsense and his routines, as long as he doesn’t know that Luo Yan Zoe has been in the romantic couple’s world during those five days, it means that both of them are fine and unharmed. .

Whether the two of them should drink tea or drink tea, they are not afraid of the shadow leaning, and just consume Brando.

On the other hand, once Brando or someone said, “So you have been in the romantic couple’s world”, it means that one of the parties has been tortured, or it was used extremely cruel means to force this out Real answers, such as confession and so on.

The two agreed that no matter who heard this answer, they would no longer hold any hands, no longer have any scruples, and even if they were wronged as rebellious, they would save the other person.

For example, if Luo Yan heard Brando say this during the interrogation, he would also violently use the forbidden move. Even if he was desperate, he would kill Brando on the spot, and then all the way out. Rescue Zoe.

Directly fight against the layered pupil faction. If you can’t win the fight, then you will fly away and stay incognito, and end up in the forest. cannot afford to offend?

Similarly, Zoe will do the same. Although she is impossible to break through, she is a prostitute of the Morgan family. She is so powerful that she will threaten her life directly and do everything she can to force her family to save them.

Of course, Zoe’s probability of hearing this answer is extremely low, because Luo Yan would never say that he would die, and ordinary confessions are useless to him.

In short, the true answer is equivalent to a trigger for emergency avoidance. Once triggered, it means that the enemy has violated the rules and used unacceptable means. It is better to have no taboos than to wait and die.

Heard this from Huang Ji’s mouth, Luo Yan thought that Zoe was tortured passively, or was injected with a confession agent with great side effects.

It is Luo Yan directly, to subdue Huang Ji and ask about the situation.

Unexpectedly, Huang Ji is not weaker than him. Luo Yan suddenly hesitated. If he wanted to be here, would he use the forbidden move early?

It is thousands of miles away from the place where Zoe is imprisoned. If you use a forbidden move to kill, I am afraid that you will not be able to rescue Zoe, and you may not even be able to kill. After all, there is a Carmen.

“Carmen, Hua Ji, and Emine are three S4s. Said is also Carmen’s right-hand man. The surface is S3, maybe S4…”

Luo Yan Fighting with Huang Ji in his hand, he kept weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

At the same time, the more he fought, the more frightened he became. Huang Ji was able to suppress him with ease, taking advantage of the enemy’s moves, and his moves were like antelope horns, which made him unable to fight.

“Sacrifice!” Luo Yan’s eyes behind the glasses were slightly lost, and the speed and power suddenly increased by more than a bit.

This is not his so-called ban, but an explosive trick of the Holy Tomb, super-over-compensation.

“Will he not initiate sacrifice? Or he will not?” Luo Yan thought to himself. He found that Huang Ji was still normal, without any outbreak.

“Then die!”

“bang!” Luo Yan kicked on the sand, and in an instant, countless dust rose up in the house and splashed towards Huang Ji.

At the same time, Luo Yan pulled out a scalpel with the help of sand and dust, rotated his body to the side, and stabbed Huang Ji diagonally.

“Ding!” Huang Ji burst into a cloud of air, shaking away the dust, and at the same time raised his left arm to block the scalpel.

“Arm guard…” Luo Yan discovered that Huang Ji had an arm guard on his left hand, and it was made of tenacious, and it broke directly after being pierced with a scalpel.

It’s not over yet, Huang Ji suddenly lowered his body, just to escape the laser light from both sides of Luo Yan’s glasses!

Luo Yan’s continuous 3rd-layer killer move, gravel and scalpel are actually cover, he knows that Huang Ji may be able to parry, so the Third Layer is to use the laser hidden in the glasses to be caught off guard Device, hurt Huang Ji’s eyes!

This is laser! There is no possibility of dodge by reaction!

Unless you knew he had this trick, always beware.

“How is it possible!” Seeing that this trick was hidden, Luo Yan immediately activated his body’s full power state.

Suddenly one after another electric current rushed from the glasses to the brain. His brain and the glasses were connected by millions of tiny electrodes.

He has already set up a program in his glasses, and he can stimulate his brain at any time to stimulate his body’s potential.

In fact, to put it plainly, it is equivalent to Huang Ji that Adams used acupuncture to stimulate his potential and enter the full power state of all organs.

This trick Huang Ji can also be used at any time, directly using bioelectricity to instantly increase his strength by 40%.

But he doesn’t need to use it now, because he won’t let Luo Yan activate successfully.

“xiu!” Huang Ji squatted before avoiding the laser, just in a low-body and forward-throwing posture.

I saw his right hand pierced the air with the sword finger, and actually slashed a white arc trail in midair!

“Prick it!”

Huang Ji poked his finger, Luo Yan blocked it instantly, but the current was poured into the body, causing Luo Yan’s arm to numb.

In a short time, Huang Ji’s sword finger pushed Luo Yan’s arm hard, and fiercely prodded Luo Yan’s forehead.

“Weng!” Luo Yan as if was struck by lightning, he suddenly felt his brain roar, dizzy, and his eyes were dark.

When he woke up again, Huang Ji was sitting in front of him, playing with his glasses in his hands.

“I lost…that was…that was Otis’s trick!” Luo Yan experienced and knowledgeable, experienced Huang Ji’s low-entropy Divine Art firsthand, and immediately thought of the little grey man Otis .

This type of within the body bursts out energy, directly released from the attack, strikes the enemy’s operation, he has only seen Otis use it.

“The layered pupil faction is actually the cultivation technique of the comprehended space alien? Or is it Otis specially created for them a cultivation technique that humans can practice?”

Luo Yan confused, he Activate the full power state of the body and want to defeat Huang Ji in one fell swoop.

I didn’t know that Huang Ji suddenly stunned him with an electric lightsaber.

It is true that there is a factor of slow response when activated, so that he could not avoid the sword at that time.

But more importantly, this trick can interrupt own activation, and the current impact within the body, directly disrupting his second-stage strengthening.

Otherwise, even if he is beaten into the air, his body should be at full power and his physical fitness will increase by 3% 40.

“He can interrupt me to activate my potential, how can this be done…” Luo Yan invented the forbidden move, which must be promoted to the strongest state.

Sacrifice and full power activation, these two moves are actually pre-measures for the final ban.

If Huang Ji can’t be subdued at full power, Luo Yan will take advantage of the situation to use the forbidden move, and his body will be strengthened in the third stage and reach S6 directly.

Of course, this is his estimate, because he has never used it once, since it was created, it has only been calculated in the calculation model.

According to his estimation, after use up, it is very likely that the gene will collapse, so unless as a last resort, he will not try to use it.

But once used, incarnation S6 can sweep Illuminati.

But didn’t expect, Huang Ji can interrupt his strengthening, which means that unless he transforms in advance, he will never use this forbidden move in front of Huang Ji.

I can’t do my best! This time, Luo Yan completely gave up and escaped, knowing that he was planted in Egypt.

“Are you calm?” Huang Ji said with a slight smile.

“…” Luo Yan, let alone calm down, he was a little autistic.

He and Huang Ji fought for a short time. Although they didn’t fight in a big fight, the winner was divided between square inches, which made him very frustrated.

Huang Ji said: “I just guessed, did you and Zoe spend the romantic couple’s world in the past few days? You were so excited…”

“Could it be Code word? After all, you and Zoe are legal couples and have lived in the romantic couple’s world. There is nothing to hide. So the only explanation is that this is the secret code agreed between you.”

“You agreed No one will explain this matter unless there is a threat to life. So you listened to me, worried about Zoe’s safety, so you decided not to sit still, and plan to slaughter all sides……”

He 娓娓In the end, a small agreement between Luo Yan and Zoe’s husband and wife was thoroughly analyzed.

Luo Yan frowns saying: “You guessed it?”

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Ah…it’s actually pretty easy to guess. I’m counting the time of pregnancy. It should have been in those few days, and it happened that Santa Fe fell. You did not have a period of alibi.”

“I just tried it out, after all, you were tracking Mark during pregnancy. This Quite strange, I just said casually that you will no longer enjoy the romantic couple’s world.”

“As a result, you are so excited, then it is more certain…”

” Is it…” Luo Yan didn’t know what Huang Ji said or believed.

Although Huang Ji said it is a possibility, Luo Yan is still worried about Zoe’s safety.

Brando let him go, but left Zoe alone, which made Luo Yan as if having a fish bone stuck in one’s throat.

At first, he thought that Zoe was noble, and Brando didn’t dare to do anything. But now the layered pupil faction has boldly rebelled directly, although it is still in the confidential stage, and has not officially started. But what can such a group of people dare not do?

But Huang Ji has said so, and Luo Yan feels a little relieved. Of course he hopes that Zoe is fine now.

And Huang Ji is willing to say so, which proves that his joining is very important to the layered pupil faction, and he has great use value.

“Go ahead, as long as Zoe is released, I will promise you everything.” Luo Yan sighed.


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