The Omniscient

Chapter 282

“The layered pupil faction was bestowed by the Lord with longevity medicine, and the ancient sacred relic also reappeared, which symbolizes the coming of a new era.”

“May Eliminate the rebels for the Lord, and be immortal!”

Seeing that people’s hearts are floating, Carmen directly took out the killing move: longevity medicine.

The beliefs and light mentioned above are all imaginary.

Carmen knows well that the layered pupil faction can pose a huge threat to the existing rule, not because it is justice, but because of longevity medicine!

Those who rebel and rebel are tangible benefits, fighting purely for faith…Yes! So many people on the scene were already excited.

But as a leader, you can’t just take out imaginary things, but also have real things.

Anyway, because of the generosity of others, does the layered pupil faction have longevity medicine? How long can it be developed? What is the output after successful development? Carmen didn’t know these questions at all, but they didn’t prevent them from being used to gather people’s hearts.

As for how much can be achieved in the future, that is the future. Carmen naturally understands this principle.

I saw Said very cleverly took the lead and shouted: “For wealth, power, power and even eternal life!”


He said With a voice, the scene exploded in an instant.

Vulgar? It’s too vulgar, it’s vulgar, so Carmen can’t say it, but Carmen’s henchman Said can.

Many of Carmen’s subordinates at the scene had a good relationship with Carmen. They immediately followed him and became loyalists to the rebellion.

Carmen’s appeal is still great, especially since everyone knows that he is the most popular candidate for Sword Hand, which is equivalent to the’prince’.

Even the prince is going to rebel, which means that Carmen has a very high degree of certainty, and the success rate must be very high, otherwise it is unnecessary.

They don’t know that Carmen thought he was going to be sacrificed, and then took the risk.

The atmosphere on the scene was extremely warm, and everyone received the layered pupil badge from Said.

Looking at the crowd shouting slogans around, some people who don’t want to rebel can only yell along, and Maxi is one of them.

Maxi knew the location of the Wing God, not the Lord’s guidance, but the guidance of another space alien.

Others don’t know. He followed the whole process. Of course, he knew clearly. Before Fez and Carmen had secretly traded with the disturber, he had secretly thought badly.

At this moment, Carmen actually said that he was from the layered pupil faction, and it instantly numbed Maxi’s scalp. Is it really just the opposite of creating Sword Hand?

From Maxi’s perspective, he believes that it is most likely that Fez and Carmen want to abandon the Lord and lead Illuminati to switch to the new father: the disturber.

He must not follow this. He is a celebrity around Otis. Not so much he is loyal to Illuminati, it is better to say that Maxi Court Academecian is loyal to Otis.

So at the beginning, he rejected Huang Ji who mastered alien languages, and tried to persuade him to tell Otis about the perturbator.

Maxi is not considering the problem from the perspective of Illuminati, but from the perspective of the little gray man.

Also on the scene, there are also crazy people, and Luo Yan!

Luo Yan felt like he was going to be a dog. In order to avoid Brando’s persecution, he received Carmen’s mission invitation and immediately signed a confidentiality agreement and ran over.

I want to follow Carmen on missions, and Brando must not dare to mess around.

After I came here, I heard that I was looking for sacred relic, and I felt more comfortable, because if I found it, it would be a great achievement.

As a result, didn’t expect, he entered the den of thieves!

Luo Yan pushed his glasses, his face turned green: “Carmen turned out to be the leader of the layered pupil faction! I said Brando let me go! But Carmen recruited me again…”

“He got the sacred relic and secretly developed longevity medicine. Now the impatient wants to rebel.”

“He said those things to me a few days ago…this It’s forcing me to stand!”

“If I join the layered pupil faction, everything is easy to say, if I don’t join… I’m afraid I will definitely die.”

Does Luo Yan want to rebel? Of course not, he is both a soldier and a scientist.

He was engaged in scientific research first, and then the organization found that he had a high adaptability to the three drugs, which brought him into S4.

Luo Yan has no ambition, or his ambition is only in scientific achievements. He likes scientific research and makes some weird inventions.

He invented the brain-computer connection technology, and he also researched the recognizing Master program of life reproduction. He wants to have a stable environment where he can learn and invent freely.

Now that he has reached the position of Level 32 swordsman, he is very satisfied. He has a lover, status, wealth, and a long life. These are all given by Illuminati, so he does not want to rebel. And there is no covetous heart for Sword Hand.

The Morgan family chose him as the sword bearer. In fact, they saw that he had no ambitions and would follow his advice when he became a Sword Hand, so he was promoted as a sword bearer.

“Why my strength and status have reached a certain level, is it an ultimatum to me for forcing me to stand?”

Luo Yan’s first reaction, of course, is to think Way to escape here.

His strength is not weak, Illuminati’s top ten experts have his place.

If Carmen is in the first echelon, then Luo Yan, Brando, and the dead Eastern Sea coast first powerhouse Mursa are the second echelon.

Desperate his old life, there is a slight chance of escape, at least he has the opportunity to report to the top and publicize what Carmen has done.

“But then, I will die, and…Zoe is still in Brando’s hands!”

Luo Yan frowned, dispelling the idea of ​​rigidity.

Carmen glanced directly at him at this moment, facing him in the crowd.

This look is very meaningful and full of expectations.

“He is expecting me to surrender… Damn! I… let’s go ahead and deal with it slowly.”

Luo Yan only hesitated for a moment, then smiled and rushed to Carmen Heavily nodded!

Carmen was nodded immediately, and smiled.

Luo Yan knows that he must hold Carmen steady and try his best to deal with it, otherwise he will be killed the chicken to warn the monkey.

“Brando and Carmen must be in the same group, and Brando’s sword of light was given by Fez, and Carmen’s mission was also given by Fez.”

“What is Fez? Was deceived, or… he is the secret mastermind of the layered pupil faction?”

Luo Yan pondered, and felt that he had to report, and he couldn’t report to Fez.

The entire Illuminati, he can believe now, I am afraid that only the president is the only one. He wondered if the president is impossible to reinvent himself, right?

But how to make false claims and inform the chairman of the board, we have to take a long-term view.

“Carmen sacred relic with one hand, longevity with one hand, fictional and real, both righteousness and benefit, the layered pupil faction only needs to execute the decapitation tactics! Kill all the dissatisfied Sword Hand and give it to the following Xu has made great profits to stabilize the hearts of the people, and the overall situation can be determined.”

“It’s difficult, I must find a way to hold the layered pupil faction, so that they don’t do anything.”

Luo Yan is so smart that he instantly understood the advantages of the layered pupil faction.

There is no need for separatism, no need to split the Illuminati, directly attack Shengqing Island, just cook the raw rice and cook it.

If the two factions are divided, the two factions will face each other, but they will have branches, giving the Sword Hand time to concentrate their strength, and the outcome is unpredictable.


At night, Carmen blocked the news and turned all the people in Egypt and Libya into rebels.

He directly notified the Medici family behind him, asking him to secretly mobilize personnel, give supplies, and inquire about the news of each Sword Hand.

It can be said that he has already used all his power, and he is waiting to join forces with the layered pupil faction to conspire with the major event.

However, he didn’t know that Huang Ji secretly met Luo Yan when he made Egypt a piece of iron.

“I know your intentions, I joined the layered pupil faction, but I think you are a little hasty!” Luo Yan said to Huang Ji.

He knew Huang Ji was Carmen’s person, and he should be his confidant. Seeing Huang Ji approaching the door at this moment, Luo Yan immediately stated his opinion.

Why Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Luo Yan, I know that our blockade methods cannot restrict you. Your glasses can forcefully break through any electromagnetic interference and send messages to your secret base. And there is your confidant there.”

“What!” Luo Yan was shocked. Only he and his confidant knew about this kind of thing. How can Huang Ji be so precious?

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I’m afraid you’re surprised, I’m really sorry, Luo Yan, in fact Yanuo is also ours.”

Luo Yan widened his eyes and then forced pressure Calm yourself down.

Jano is his confidant. Luo Yan invented the quantum communication device, which only he, Yanuo and Zoe knew about it, not even the Morgan family who supported him.

This kind of communication device can ignore any obstacles and interference. Modern electromagnetic communications are easily disturbed, and special materials can also shield signals.

But the quantum communication device will not, it cannot be shielded.

This technology was not deliberately concealed by the organization, but was successfully developed in the second half of last year. At that time, he had already passed Brando and realized that there was an ambitious faction in the organization, so he had an extra heart and hid the technology. .

I thought it was similar to what was available at this time, but didn’t expect it. Before he could use it, Carmen’s confidant came to the door and directly revealed his trump card!

“Please be sincere! It said that even Jarno…this is impossible! He is impossible to betray me!” Luo Yan solemnly said.

Huang Ji calmly said: “Three years ago, Yanuo was just an ordinary researcher assistant. His father was terminally ill and needed Mu Yuan to treat him. You helped him ask Mu Yuan to do it. You gave him two bottles of potions and trained him to become a super sentinel. He is loyal to you, and you make him a confidant.”

“Unfortunately, what you don’t know is… three years Earlier, he asked for the first person for his father, not you, but Mu Yuan. At that time, Mu Yuan had cured his father’s disease, and then he joined the layered pupil faction, and he asked you for help again, just Because we want to put eyeliner beside you.”

Luo Yan’s mentality exploded!

He never expected, his confidant Jarno, in fact, is a member of the layered pupil faction long ago!

Yes, Mu Yuan’s help is needed to treat terminal illnesses. It is indeed very likely that Yanuo will be the first person to ask for Mu Yuan. This is reasonable.

As for his low level and no way to contact Mu Yuan, it may be a lie to the owner.

Luo Yan heave a long sigh, secretly thought, a terrifying faction!

There are people from the layered pupil faction around him long ago, but he didn’t notice anything! Instead, he handed the trump card of the quantum communicator to Jarno.

“Hiss…it’s troublesome. If that’s the case, I can’t use this method to pass the message. In my secret laboratory, only Jarno is guarding him. He will receive all the information I pass. , Damn…”

Luo Yan didn’t have the slightest doubt about Huang Ji’s words. Instead, he felt that the layered pupil faction was far-reaching and terrifying.

Who made Huang Ji calm, confident, and know everything about him and Yanuo?

“You…what are you going to do with me…” Luo Yan lowered his head slightly, his glasses reflected light, and his eyes could not be seen clearly.

Huang Ji knows that he is ready to break through.

However, Huang Ji’s only one sentence made Luo Yan discouraged.

“Do you know that your wife is pregnant?”


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