The Omniscient

Chapter 253

“The adaptation result of Chicheng No.1 medicine…excellent!”

“The adaptation result of Shengteng No.1 medicine…extremely excellent!”

Looking at Huang Ji’s test report, Eminem was shocked: “You really motherfucker is a genius!”

“Is it rare?” Huang Ji asked.

Emm pulled him excitedly and said: “Of course it’s rare, double extreme! The adaptability is Level 5 in total, extremely poor, poor, medium, excellent, excellent. You are the most advanced, and It’s a double top aptitude.”

“Both medicines are suitable, and they are quite rare in themselves. People who are both Sentry and Ascendant are called Super Sentry and Hunter, that is, Afu. .”

“Afu is Shuangjiyou, your aptitude is the same as him! And he is now 30 years old and is already S4!”

The so-called adaptability, basically depends on fate . His arsenic, my honey.

Some people are suitable for music, and some people are not perfect.

It has nothing to do with whether you are strong or not, and it has nothing to do with skills. This involves the genetic level, which is a question of fitness.

Mu Yuan pushed his glasses and looked at Huang Ji a few more times. This is the case this year.

He said: “It’s really rare, but there are often one or two cases a year.”

Eminem also said: “Didn’t expect you to be so suitable for genetic medicine. Okay.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “How does it compare to you?”

Eminem shrugged and said: “Although you are bi-extremely good, you can’t use Nirvana Medicine, you are not panda blood. Although I am panda blood, I can’t use the other two medicines. This is not a good comparison. You can improve quickly in the early stage. In the end, whether you are S3 or S4 depends on your efforts.”

“And I am still stuck at the limit of human beings, no effort will be used, but as long as the other two potions are improved, I am a Nirvana. My skills are already perfect, and once the potion is in place, it is S4 “

As the two said, Mu Yuan updated Hua Ji’s file.

Zhicheng ascends double-extreme talents! Potential S3, may be cultivated as S4.

“Professor Mu, many thanks, let’s say goodbye first.”

Eminem took Huang Ji to bid farewell to Mu Yuan. The two left the institute and came to Eminem’s residence.

He patted Huang Ji on the shoulder and said, “I wanted to keep you by my side. I can make you my adjutant within 3 years.”

“But didn’t ‘t expect your aptitude is so good and smart. It’s too bad to stay as a soldier. You have to go to Chenguang Academy for training, and then you can become the captain of the sentry on your own.”

Huang Ji smiled. I was an instructor at Chenguang Academy a month ago.

“Do I still go to school?” Huang Ji asked.

Eminem said: “You used to be just a doctor, and your physical fitness is an ordinary person. Skills and so on are definitely not good. You have to go to the cultivation “Holy Sepulchre Guardian” and train hard.”


“Oh, by the way, the best Chenguang Academy is the one in New York. It seems to have been closed recently.”

“Unfortunately, you can only go to other worse academies.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “Is there no other choice?”

Am nodded and said: “There is also, that is to temper yourself in actual combat and find someone who is proficient in combat Teammates or officers, follow him to learn. Find combat missions all over the world, and find a base for training if you don’t have a mission.”

“This kind of cultivation method has pros and cons. It is definitely not safe in school, and educational resources are definitely It’s not as good as a school.”

“But some people are suitable for this method, and they have made rapid progress in actual combat. I just practiced this way back then.”

Huang Ji touched the chin said: “I’m in my twenties, not at all, I have been trained in the Academy organized since I was a child. It can be described as a renunciation halfway through. Perhaps training in actual combat is more suitable for me.”

Eminem thinks so, too. Sentinel students and Ascendant students all studied there since childhood.

“Well, you don’t have a real job anyway, I will help you arrange as a free maneuver support staff.”

This is actually the same as the Osiris team. How can there be support? , Relatively free, just do whatever you want.

This kind of job is impossible for ordinary personnel, or there is definite evidence that this person is trained in this way and the effect is very good.

Either the strength is already S4, or the level is already very high, you can go wherever you want.

If none of the above conditions exist, a certain background is required.

Fortunately, Eminem secretly took the path of the Sword Hand family. This can still be done, and the reason is very good. Huang Ji is a bi-extreme talent after all.

After working hard for this, Eminem quickly helped Huang Ji get the position of a’mysterious investigator’.

Illuminati has many investigators, all over the world, all over the world.

In addition to temporarily taking a task to do or support, the usual main task is to collect space alien intelligence…

From this duty, it can be seen that this is an idle job.

In the second half of the last century, there were many alien Civilization tourists on the earth, so the establishment of investigators was established. Wherever traces of space aliens are found, nearby investigators must rush over and collect sightings. Reports, on-site traces, etc. are collected into files.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, remember that it is correct, Illuminati is not bad at this cost.

However, there were fewer space aliens, and this position became more and more idle.

Nowadays, no one really collects space alien intelligence. Modern investigators have become free men who move like firefighters wherever they are needed. It can be said that they have basically become “junior”.

“In short, this is the case. You don’t have to worry about collecting information. We actually love to do.” Eminem said.

Huang Ji tilted his head and said: “We?”

Amu grinned said with a smile: “haha, yes! I am your Captain officer!”


“I will personally train you. I am the strongest group of people below the S level. In terms of combat experience and skills, you can follow me to learn it!”

Huang Ji said “Of course I know that you are very difficult to deal with, but if you become an investigator, even if you give up your military power, you were originally a military officer in charge of three thousand people.”

Shrugged and said: “Do you think Santa Fe was captured, I am not involved? It is thunderbolt furious, except for Brando and his non-stick pan…”

“The rest of us have punishments, the higher the level The higher the punishment, the heavier the punishment. Super sentries like Afu were demoted, and the two super sentries who survived were directly made Brando’s assistants.”

“Brando has taken off, he is responsible Investigating the layered pupil faction, the upper hand gave him a lot of power. He has two more S4s as assistants, and Osiris’s life equipment is also assigned to him.”

“Fez Sword Hand also gave him Brando is a’bright sword’, in charge of the power of life and death, you can cut first and then play. His current power is already amazing!”

Huang Ji said with a puzzled expression: “It was not about Ossi last time. Was Rees wronged? He killed Osiris wrongly and rewarded him?”

Eminem glanced around and said, “This is the Sword Hand who wants to protect him, claiming to have Brando received the news before he rushed to Santa Fe…Fez gave him this sword.”

“Brando had this sword’first’, and then killed Osiris, who refused to cooperate and did it first. , Then it’s reasonable and legal.”

“Although Osiris was wronged, he did escape, leading to the fall of Santa Fe, and then hindering the investigation and attacking the highest Chief-In-Charge. All of these series are The crime, the highest can indeed be the death penalty. So Brando can judge his life on behalf of Sword Hand!”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “But if Brando kills Osiris, there is no such light sword , Then he is guilty of handling the life of a Nirvana person beyond his authority, right.”

Eminem shrugged and said: “Yes, Brando himself does not have this right, but Fez does. He has three. Sword, one represents wealth, one One representative power, and one representative power. “

“The sword given to Brando is a killing sword that represents power. Equivalent to gave him the privilege of depriving life like Level 33 Sword Hand. “

“This sword cannot be arbitrarily given, because before it is granted, Fez does not have the highest right to kill before it is recovered. “

Huang Ji said: “With this sword, doesn’t Brando kill anyone he wants to kill?” “

Eminem shook his head and said, “Nor can you say that. For the middle and lower-level personnel, he can kill anyone, but he still has a certain reason for the high-ranking person. “

“After all, there are nine Sword Hand, and they also have murder swords. This is not the power of dictatorship. Brando is caught by someone, and they can handle him. “

“In short, Brando had this sword first, so there is no problem with killing Osiris. On the contrary, Brando will be guilty and will be made a fuss by the National People’s Congress. Not to mention that there are so many rewards as it is now, and I am afraid that it will reduce the authority. “

“Without such a powerful Brando, you still want to investigate the layered pupil faction? The efficiency will be greatly reduced, so either replace or protect him. Fez chose the latter. “

They all know that Brando must have not had this sword before, otherwise he must have made it public when he killed Osiris. Why should he regret it then?

This is obviously because of various reasons later. He was supplied with a sword.

So he was not only okay, but he was more powerful.

Eminem said: “By the way, all the information you know from this incident, You can’t discuss it with others, and you can’t talk to anyone who is not involved in this matter. Understand? “

“Understood. “Huang Ji nodded.

Eminem continued: “After such a major event, I must be dismissed as well. I have a relationship. I could have stabilized the ownership of soldiers and adjusted it. “

“But I thought about it for a while, and I was punished simply by being a free man with you for a while. Incidentally, it saves personal feelings. “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Thanks! “

Eminempatted Huang Ji said with a smile: “Don’t say thank you, you must have boundless prospects.” What about me… I’m an alternate Nirvana if I put it well, but it’s nothing. If people value me, then I have value. If they don’t value me, then I’m worthless. “

“People are investing in me, I can be considered investing in you. You have to work hard to increase your strength as soon as possible. For combatants like us, the stronger the strength, the faster the increase. “

“As long as you have the strength, then the first ten levels will be easily crossed. I will take you to level up, including you to Level 20 for three years! If you can reach S4 after working hard, you will fly into the sky. “

“Unlike me, there is no life, you may be stuck at Level 27 for a lifetime. “

Huang Ji grabbed his shoulder said with a smile: “Don’t say this, your life must be very good.” “

“I borrow your good words! “Eminem laughed heartily.


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