The Omniscient

Chapter 252

Three days later, Huang Ji has completed all the ceremony and officially joined Illuminati.

Preliminarily decided to be Level 1, but because of his merits, he was mentioned to Level 9.

This level is very high. Eminem told Huang Ji: “The level equivalent to military rank mainly represents a kind of honor and ceremony. In the specific task, it is still counted by the position.”

“The level also mainly calculates your benefits and permissions. Needless to say, the benefits of your network, you can get a Morgan Bank card, which only Illuminati members can have. All your bonuses, The share will be applied to this card.”

“It can also borrow. Below 1Level 0, you can borrow up to 1,000,000, and below Level 20 up to 10,000,000 鈥︹€?Below 30 up to 100 million. You should not talk to business people Than, you鈥檙e the organization of the combat department, and it鈥檚 useless to give more money.”

“Your main benefits are some stocks of Burlington North Santa Fe Railway Company. Note that you can鈥檛 sell it. You Every year dividends are enough. This is your basic salary. You can get more than one million U.S. dollars a year when you are in a good mood.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “But it seems that the economy is now down. “

Eminem shrugged. The impact of last year’s credit crisis was really too great, and it hasn’t slowed down. Illuminati’s assets have almost shrunk by half.

“Don’t pay attention to these details. Financial crises are inevitable and will occur every once in a while. Therefore, the income of combat members is closely linked to the economic benefits of Illuminati in the global market.”

“In fact, the lower-level people care about these incomes. Like I never look at, my food, lodging and transportation in this world overwhelming majority cities have organization packages. I don鈥檛 have a manor in the UK, but I can just call it Living in the manor, this is Illuminati鈥檚 strongest place. The organization has countless industries, partners, and interest binding groups all over the world…”

“This is still where you don鈥檛 have a real job. Power, this is far more powerful than money.”

“For equipment, vehicles, real estate, medical care, education, and even various services, you can directly contact the number bound to your credit card. It鈥檚 a whole team serving you.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Then what do you think I do better?”

Eminem said: “You do it first Pharmacy test to see if you have rejection of genetic medicine. This is very important. I just can鈥檛 do with Chi Cheng and Sheng Teng medicine. I am stuck at Level 27. Otherwise, I might have all entered the Phoenix group now.”

“If you become a Blazing Sentinel or Ascendant, you will be a member of the upper ranks of the combat department after a few years.”

Huang Ji said curiously: “If I become a sentry, I will be promoted rapidly?”

Eminem shrugged and said: “It’s such a reality, brother, I’ve only 28 years, and I have reached the limit of the human body. The fighting skills are not weaker than the powerhouse of S2 or even S3, but what’s the use? People? One punch hammered me to death.”

“The sentinel has been out of the scope of Homo sapiens. It is not afraid of bullets, and it is a monster with a weapon.”

Huang Ji immediately said: “Then I want to try, I have always been lucky.”

Eminem smiled and shook his head: “The test is fine, but even if you pass it, you have to get the medicine. Wait in line.”

Huang Ji lost his voice and said: “This way… Then I will never be in the queue, I am a monk halfway…”

Eminem said with a smile:” That鈥檚 not necessarily. On the surface, there are about one hundred copies per year. In fact, it鈥檚 more than that? Many Great Family and Sword Hand families in the organization have stocks on hand to cultivate family killers. If I don鈥檛 reject it, I can immediately Get a medicine.”

“I will get you a medicine, it is absolutely fine. But to the forefront, even if you don’t reject it, you will have to face life and death at the end of strengthening, and there is a period of genetic collapse. “

“The current medicine is too easy to kill. You should train first, wait for the more stable No. 2 medicine to be developed, and then use it. “

Huang Ji said: “I see, where to test, you can take me there. “

Eminem pointed to his feet and said: “Santa Fe will do. 鈥?/p>

After three days of repair and sorting, Santa Fe has initially recovered its functions, and a set of various instruments has been reconfigured.

Unfortunately, there are no Drakonian samples and various compounds in stock. , Medicine reserves are gone, even the nano bee colony is gone, I鈥檓 afraid it will take another ten years to restore to the pre-capture level.

This makes the Sword Hand angry, because some Sword Hand, It may not last ten years!

If longevity medicine cannot be developed within ten years, they will have to die, which directly leads to a sharp decline in Mu Yuan鈥檚 power.

Because of the Sword Hand. No longer have expectations of him, and instead hand over funds, resources, personnel and other support to another great sage who developed longevity medicine, Griffin!

Griffin himself Already 70 years old, he is the one who developed the three major medicines, allowing the organization to have all kinds of superhumans.

at first he was also in Santa Fe and worked with Mu Yuan on the longevity genes of Drakonian. But Later, he still felt that Nirvana medicine was more reliable, so he has not been in Santa Fe for the last year, and switched to other bases to make medicine.

He took a different path from Mu Yuan, starting from medicine alone, thinking To improve Nirvana 2, eliminate the requirement that panda blood is required.

Because Griffin鈥檚 research can last up to 120 years of life, so I didn鈥檛 pay much attention to it, but looked forward to Mu Yuan. Mu Yuan鈥檚 longevity gene, which in turn made Mu Yuan extremely powerful.

Now the situation has changed. Santa Fe has been destroyed and the longevity gene is far away. However, Nirvana 2 is steadily advancing, every month. New progress is reported.

Naturally, Griffin鈥檚 power becomes higher and higher under resource tilt.

Combined with the investigation progress reported by Brando, Mu Yuan It’s a bit of being beaten into the cold palace, only the most basic level 32 scientists are treated normally.

This is not to say that the above believes that Mu Yuan is a spy, and Brando wants to interrogate Mu Yuan. Sword Hand considers I refused again and again. After all, scientific research, sometimes divine light flashed, may have a major breakthrough.

Mu Yuan is just not as valuable as before. He lost the Sword Hand to him. Look forward to it.

“Professor Mu, rest…” Eminem smiled and told Mu Yu an hello.

Mu Yuan is a bit idle. He has lost his original research environment and can’t do many things.

Standing in the research room, it is no different from clocking in at work, just silently facing the computer and re-entering the own database.

He looks like he is recovering data from memory. Only Huang Ji knows that he has backed up all the experimental data with’Cocoa’ long ago, and is just pretending to be at the moment.

“You are…” Mu Yuan calmly said.

“…” The corners of Emu’s mouth twitched. He has lived for so many years, and Professor Mu didn’t even know him… I met him three days ago!

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter, what’s the matter?” Mu Yuan pushed his glasses.

“We would like to invite you…” Eminem said in the future.

Mu Yuan suddenly became a little angry, and he still needs him for testing rejection? Any researcher with testing equipment can do it.

What do you mean? His status is not so low, right?

Seeing his misunderstanding, Eminem quickly said with a smile and apologized: “I’m really sorry, Professor Mu, Santa Fe has no other researchers at the moment. If you are not free, just pretend that I didn’t say… “

Mu Yuan, of course, was disinclined to pay attention to this kind of thing, and was about to refuse.

Huang Ji suddenly said: “Big brother? Professor Mu’s system is really amazing. It can automatically compile text without using the keyboard on the keyboard.”

Hearing this, Mu Yuan I was shocked, and when I looked back, I saw an extra sentence on his screen in a data entry system document: big brother.

This was not what he played, but suddenly appeared by himself. Of course Mu Yuan knew that this was the younger sister calling him.

Coco will never find him in front of outsiders for no reason. It must be an urgent matter.

Mu Yuan was anxious, but calmly said: “Of course, this is a system I compiled myself. I don’t even have an assistant now, so I just made a small chat robot.”

Huang Ji suddenly said: “Oh, that really wronged you Professor Mu, but there will definitely be other researchers and assistants relocating in Santa Fe soon, you…”

” Go out!” Mu Yuan said.

Huang Ji said with a smile while looking on the computer: “Professor Mu, I can only rely on you for this test now, we really are…”

“I agreed to the test. You go to the infirmary and wait. I’ll go there after I have dealt with the matter at hand.” Mu Yuan sent.

He was really worried about Coco’s problem, and didn’t want Huang Ji and the others to discover his secret, so he agreed casually. Anyway, it’s not a major event, it’s just a question of unwillingness.

Mu Yuan now just wants to send these two away quickly.

Get his reply, Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Okay, you are busy, we will go to the infirmary to wait for you.”

After that, he and A Mu retired.

Mu Yuan sent the two away and asked Coco quickly: “What’s the matter?”

“Big brother, someone cleaned the negative 5-Layer sewer and almost found me. Said on the computer.

Mu Yuan was surprised at first, and then he sighed and wrote: “That is, I didn鈥檛 find it? Your survival pod is buried five meters deep below the base, and it is anti-electromagnetic detection. Unless the floor is destroyed and hidden lines are found. Follow the vine, otherwise it is impossible to find you.”

“The cleaner replaced the floor tiles, but did not find my line.” The computer displayed.

Mu Yuan wrote: 鈥淚t鈥檚 okay, because Santa Fe was destroyed, the engineering team was rebuilding everywhere, and it鈥檚 normal to replace the floor tiles. It鈥檚 okay to see it, they thought it was an ordinary cable. Will be suspicious.”

“Big brother, when can I freely move on the Internet?” said the computer.

“Alright, wait for me to become Sword Hand.” Mu Yuan wrote.

Then he saw that’Coco’ stopped talking. Mu Yuan sighed said: “Well, I’m sorry, Coco, the plan has changed. I may not be able to become a Sword Hand in the last ten years.”

“It’s okay, big brother, don’t be sorry, I can’t feel the passage of time, I just want to know a specific answer.” said on the computer.

Mu Yuan smiled bitterly. After becoming a biological computer, Cocoa has no physical sense, so there is no sense of time passing. For her, time is just’years, months, days, and seconds’ this thing.

As for the feeling of “fast”, “long”, and “short”, the feeling is gone. Ten seconds, ten days, ten years are the same feeling, so he will not feel irritable because of the long time.

“I will carry the receiver with me. If you are in a hurry, use it to vibrate me. Try not to use other methods of contact, because recently I may be suspected of colluding with the traitor. Tsk, it鈥檚 really nothing The organization of conscience.” Mu Yuan wrote.

The computer finally replied: “I remembered.”

To resolve the matter, Mu Yuan cleaned up the traces, turned off the computer, and walked out of the private research room.

As soon as I left the house, I saw Huang Ji and Eminem waiting outside.

In such a short period of time, Mu Yuan still remembered, and asked: “Didn鈥檛 you let you go to the infirmary? Why are you standing here and waiting?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, where are we waiting?”

Mu Yuan pushed the glasses, secretly thought: “These two guys are afraid of agreeing on the surface, but they are perfunctory. Will you let the pigeons last? Hey! He also guarded at my door…”

He gave a blank look and said, “I promised you, so I won’t break my promise. Let’s go. Go to the infirmary. “

Mu Yuan walked in front, Huang Ji and Amu followed silently.

He didn’t know, Huang Ji seemed to be guarding the door because he was afraid that he would release pigeons.

In fact, I used Buddha bones to fake “Coco” to talk to Mu Yuan. As the person most familiar with Coco, Mu Yuan still didn’t feel the weak spot.

Some of the details of the conversation, including the length of time that Coco can’t feel, can only be compared through data. In Mu Yuan’s view, others are impossible to know.

Mu Yuan had no idea that Cocoa had been disconnected by Huang Ji and turned off the electronic pulse generator and signal receiver on the device.

If Mu Yuan went to the negative 5-Layer sewer to check afterwards, he would find that the floor tiles there had indeed been replaced. What’s more, even Coco was poached by Huang Ji.

That is a suitcase that maintains the physiological needs of a brain. At this moment, Huang Ji is hiding it in a house in the vicinity of the town after joining Illuminati.

Mu Yuan, who was still chatting and laughing with his’younger sister’ just now, does not know that he has lost his own younger sister.

Huang Ji will take care of him for a while.


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