The Omniscient

Chapter 209

“Don’t do it! What a wonderful way! Fuck! Don’t mess around!”

Korgas panicked when he heard Huang Ji’s outburst.

“Is there an impossible way to get all the gods to go back to the room and hang up. If they don’t come out, there will be no duel.”

“He took the remaining two women and supported each other. God, this is the best way.”

Korgas’s cold sweat has come down, but he bet a big bet of 5,000,000,000. He has never played this big in his life, and he is so nervous at the moment. Up.

Once Huang Ji played foolishly and counted the losses he had previously lost, he would have lost a total of 10,000,000,000. He instantly shrank from a chaebol to an ordinary tycoon. From then on, he will never recover, and he will return more and more.

Everyone was staring at the screen and saw Huang Ji said with a slight smile to Hani: “It’s nothing, don’t press it in a hurry. You have a strategy to deal with heavenly punishment.”

“Heavenly punishment appears in the room. Most people play this game, thinking about making a person suffer an unknown disaster. It depends on luck.”

” In fact, we can all walk in and face the heavenly punishment together with you.”

“Many people are powerful, I am a doctor, and Alan is the strongest physique present, and the magic spell teacher is also good. , Although Old Wang is older, he can share some of the damage.”

“Let us deal with the unknown punishment together, so that the survival rate is the highest.”

Everyone Confused: “Ah? We are wandering souls.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Who said that wandering souls can’t bear heavenly punishment?”

” There has never been such a rule. The host said that it’s normal to die from heavenly punishment. It actually implies that a person is the most dangerous to receive heavenly punishment.”

“Hani, your body is too bad. Weak, let you suffer heavenly punishment alone, I am afraid that bode ill rather than well. Even if you survive, you will be seriously injured or even disabled.”

“If many people share the damage and support each other, everyone can Survive.”

As soon as this remark came out, the rich people behind the scenes were in an uproar.

Can this happen? The gameplay of this game is that someone dies and becomes a wandering soul, and survivors of the same race undergo heavenly punishment in the room to revive the wandering soul.

I’ve never heard of that, wandering souls enter the room themselves and suffer heavenly punishment with others!

“Wow! I understand! You are right! Kogas!” Evil Dragon clapped his hands.

Korgas’s brain is already humming, when he hears this, he turns his head and looks towards Evil Dragon: “Huh? What’s right?”

I saw Evil Dragon say: “You really know Hua Ji well. You said that he will try his best to bring everyone to life. You are right!”

“He even bears the heavenly punishment together, and keeps the heavenly punishment as low as possible. Mortality rate.”

Cogas roared: “How can it be! Don’t you go in together and die together?”

“Is Hua Ji right? Host Jin… Can this be the case?” The rich asked one after another.

Host Jin was also dumbfounded, and said: “It is indeed possible. The behavior restricted by the rule not at all can be done. In fact…what he said is quite reasonable, and some heavenly punishment One person bears bode ill rather than well, but a group of people protects each other, but it will reduce the risk.”

Korgas said in horror: “Can the wandering soul go in to help spread the damage and increase the survival rate? “

Host Jin said: “Not necessarily. In some disasters, too many people can hinder one’s feet. For example, a poisoned needle attack is the safest place for a person to lie on their stomachs. A group of people will die.”

“So this still depends on luck. It may happen to die together, but it may be all right.”

Cogas said angrily: “Why don’t I know! There is such a thing!”

Jin hosted speechless saying: “You don’t know it’s normal, to be honest…I didn’t expect…because “innocent” people followed in and faced heavenly punishment. This is something that has never happened. Since this game was designed and played that many times, there has never been an example of accompaniment with others in the history!”

“Heavenly punishment situation Unknown, may live, may die. If someone dies in heavenly punishment, it can only be said that he sacrificed himself and saved others. Otherwise, it is God bless. It can be said that all generations of game players have played on this scale.”

“Never before…this’other’ also followed in to accompany the’victim’ to meet the disaster. You think, people originally accepted heavenly punishment to save you, and you follow Come in together, what if you die? Don’t choose to save people?”

“It can only be said that this Hua Ji brain circuit is different from normal people. Who the fuck would think of a group of people to accompany you? If one person suffers,’share heavenly punishment’?”

Only one person in a room suffers from heavenly punishment. This is everyone’s fixed mindset, because there has never been a case of multiple people sharing heavenly punishment, so these Regal, it’s not thinking in this direction at all.

This has touched their blind areas of thinking.

Now Huang Ji is doing this, which is beyond everyone’s expectations.

“No…others won’t agree! No one wants to bet on own life and take the risk for nothing, Hua Ji is too naive!” Kogas gritted his teeth.

Everyone was watching completely concentrated attention, and as expected, some people opposed it.

The opponent is Hani. Seeing Huang Ji walk in, she immediately objected: “What are you talking about!”

“This is all your guess, heavenly punishment It’s completely random. If it’s going to be fatal, what is the difference between one person and five people? What if all of them die? Only one person will bear it, and resignation is the best.”

Si clapped and applauded, secretly thought: Yes! That’s right! This is the logic of normal people!

However, Huang Ji shook his head and said: “Heavenly punishment itself is random, symbolizing the impermanence of nature. Life adapts to disasters by unity, and collective strength is used to reduce the risk of extinction. Continue the race in the catastrophe.”

“This is a race survival game. The way to survive is to face natural disasters collectively.”

“The designer of the game has always This is hinting at us.”

Alan said with emotion: “You can pull so many truths from a death game, maybe the organizer didn’t expect that many.”

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Everyone, we have relied on collective strength to complete the second test. This time, I also hope that everyone can stand together! Survive collectively, join hands in Transcending Tribulation, and soar through the customs.”

Alan smiled and walked in first.

Old Wang followed closely behind him. When the magic spell master saw that both of them had entered, he stopped talking, and finally followed in.

So far, the five people stand side by side with Hani to welcome the heavenly punishment together.

Hani looked at Huang Ji deeply. She deliberately left herself in the insect race ranks, just to give Huang Ji a pocket. In case Huang Ji was eaten or starved to death, she could be treated.

At the moment Huang Ji is’dead’, Hani does not hesitate to accept heavenly punishment to save him. But didn’t expect, Huang Ji actually wanted to resist heavenly punishment with her.

“No…no! I firmly disagree!” Hani said.

Huang Ji stopped explaining, suddenly grabbing Hani’s hand and keeping it floating on the button.

“Don’t make trouble, Hani! It’s about to start!”

“…” Hani was stunned, feeling the warmth in Huang Ji’s hands, and staring at Huang blankly Ji was speechless.

Change to be someone else, just catch it. Hani never sticks to such trivial things, but it is Huang Ji who holds her hand, and the feeling at this moment is completely different, which makes her think about it.

Korgas’s hope is all in Hani. Seeing her insisting on disagreeing, Korgas was very pleased.

Don’t know Huang Ji’s wave of hands, Hani instantly became dumb.

As if losing resistance, Huang Ji was at the mercy of Huang Ji.

“Ward Fuck?” Kogas was dumbfounded, and then angrily said: “Stop him! What are you doing in a daze! Hani! Keep talking!”

” Grab a hand and you will do what he wants? How about your stubbornness just now? Wow! Women are so unprincipled!”

Korgas hit the table with anger!

Huang Ji’s attention is all on the switch. He grabbed Hani’s hand and hovered for a while before suddenly pressing it.

“Start heavenly punishment!”

Only the sound of room 1 was heard, and the iron door was automatically locked.

Then the iron plate of the ceiling unfolded one by one small holes, and countless hail rumbling down!

“Dongdong dong!”

The hail was obviously ejected by a huge force, and it was blasted down like a rock hitting the forehead.

Alan’s eyes widened, one hand to protect herself, and the other to fly and hammer the hail.


Alan has dynamic vision and has a quick response, smashing four large hailstones that may be fatal.

Huang Ji, magic spell teacher, and Old Wang checked the missing parts, holding their heads high with their hands, and swaying their bodies to block small hailstones.

Hani hugged her head and squatted defense, shrinking behind Huang Ji.

The punishment was over in only half a minute, and the room calmed down. Alan was bruised on his hands and not at all injured.

Huang Ji and Hani are safer. They were only smashed twice by some small pieces of ice that’s all.

Perfect through heavenly punishment, no one was hurt.

“The so-called heavenly punishment is only this.” Alan said with a smile.

Huang Ji leaned down, picked up a piece of hail, sniffed it, and handed it to Hani: “This ice is clean. After Calamity Tribulation, we will usher in a more prosperous era. We Good luck, now there is water to drink.”

Everyone was taken aback, eh? Yes, all of them are thirsty crazy. The hail disaster has not hurt them, but instead gave them water.

The ice cubes in this place are enough for so many of them to rehydrate!

Leaving everyone behind, Huang Ji took Hani out of the room. Both of them grabbed a lot of ice cubes and sent him one after another to the other room.

For a while, everyone licked the hail to quench their thirst.

“Ah! Cool!”

“I’m almost dying of thirst, and finally there is water to drink.”

They drank ice here to quench their thirst, and shouted and cheered .

The rich people behind the scenes are dead silent, because of this result, they all didn’t expect.

Four wandering souls, one survivor experienced heavenly punishment, who can guess this? No one bet on this combination.

“This round is not counted! According to the rules, no winner is considered a lost round!” Kogas said with sweat.

If in the final result, no one bet, then it is not that the organizer takes it all, but returns everyone’s money, and the organizer draws 30%.

In this case, everyone can get back 70% of the money.

However, the host Jin sighed and said: “I’m sorry…someone bet right.”

“This is impossible! Four wandering souls and one survivor, who would bet this result ?”

Korgas questioned: “Who! Who is betting right!”

Everyone looked towards Evil Dragon, because only he was betting five people, so I know if it is these five people.

They watched Evil Dragon, and it turned out that Evil Dragon was also glanced around: “Who is betting right? Great! Take all?”

Evil Dragon looked around and asked who won .

A rich man next to him said quietly: “Just you bet there will be five players who will suffer from heavenly punishment…It wasn’t you who won, maybe I won?”

Evil Dragon happily said: “Did I win? I chose five people at random!”

“Ah…” Kogas felt a sweet throat, staggered under his feet and fell to the ground.

His face pale! Crazy about Evil Dragon, but helpless!

The organizer’s service staff hurriedly went up to help, and the host Jin said: “Cogas, are you okay? How about taking you back first?”

One of Cogas shivered sat back in his seat, said solemnly: “No… the game is not over! How can I go before the last minute!”


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