The Omniscient

Chapter 208

Korgas stared at the screen, tapping his fingers on the desktop.

Next, he did not participate in a few small bets.

He is analyzing, looking for the right time to bet.

You must know that with the money he owes, betting on small rounds is meaningless. Some as it should be by rights are the result of most people betting. If he wins the call, it won’t help. Too little.

On the contrary, there is a risk. In case of an explosion, Huang Ji has to be smart and answer the wrong answer for several planets in the solar system.

The atmosphere on the scene was fierce, and countless people opened the market with blushing faces, but Kogas forced to resist his own impulse.

He had never been like this before. It was nothing more than playing. As Evil Dragon said, it’s good to be happy.

But now, his purpose has changed. He is no longer enjoying gambling, but thinking about making money back.

In the audience, he lost the most, so he could no longer maintain his normal mind.

Cogas concentrates on the death game, pondering the situation, and wants to use his skills and experience in the casino all the year round to recover the loss. At least, half of the loss will be recovered, otherwise the future will be sad. .

Although his card can be overdrawn indefinitely, it does not mean that it does not need to be repaid. Once the repayment capacity is exceeded, the industries that are rising under his own will be taken away.

The limit of Cogas’s endurance is 14 billion. Losing 14 billion is equivalent to the absence of any industry. Now, he has lost one third and more.

If the gambling game ends in this way and loses more than five billion in vain, when the time comes, his status in Illuminati will plummet.

After all, he is a member of the Department of Finance. His wealth, connections and social influence are closely related to his rank in Illuminati.

This is different from the sentinels and Ascendants of the armed forces. Even if the armed forces become paupers, they should be senior members or senior members.

“Huh…Don’t be spoiled by this Blazing Sentinel. He and I are not the same people. I can’t follow him in arbitrarily betting, I must find the right opportunity.” Kogas concentrated Attention completely stared at the screen.

Seeing that the game continues to go on, Huang Ji tried several more evolutions, but in the end he stayed on the insect race.

In this case, the situation becomes very bad.

Huang Ji is an insect race, and the other three are gods. How to match each other can only live together in harmony. The four of them have been to live together in harmony once, no matter how they collide, all four of them starve to death.

This means that now there will be heavenly punishment. You know, the four people in the state of wandering souls are Huang Ji, magic spell master, Alan, and Old Wang.

Of these four people, three are vital figures.

If this group of people is really as united as they say, someone has to face the heavenly punishment that may really die, and’rescue’ them.

In past games, there were often people of the same race who were unwilling to risk the death of heavenly punishment. Seeing that teammates were dying, they did not want to face heavenly punishment.

This is a test of sacrifice.

Heavenly punishment is random, and it is unpredictable what kind of blows will be encountered. This kind of unknown horror, in the past games, “no one accepts” dominates.

Only rare occasions, the Holy Mother appeared to rescue others.

There is no doubt that who will suffer from heavenly punishment. This is a big bet, and everyone starts to bet heavily.

Seeing more and more money in the gambling pool, Kogas decided to make a move.

Some tycoons said: “Before I changed my job, I must bet that no one would suffer heavenly punishment. This is the norm.”

“But today is different…These eight people are different from each other. It has been united once, and no one cheats each other again, so someone must have saved people. If nothing else, this Hani will definitely save Hua Ji!”

“Yes, there is also Luther Too kind, he will choose to save people.”

“Now Hani and Hua Ji are insect races. Hua Ji must be saved, and this woman obviously likes him. The answer is to give Hua Ji the bottom line.”

“Luther one, Hani one, and the technical girl also likes the magic spell teacher very much, she will definitely save the magic spell teacher, but this group of people I intend everyone to survive. That Hua Ji will definitely require everyone to clear the customs. Even if the autistic youth is unwilling to save Alan, Hua Ji will persuade him! Nothing said, all four of them will be heavenly punishment. .”

“haha, what are you thinking? That technical girl is an orc, she is now a single race, and no one can save it. I have Luther Hani and the autistic youth, three of them Individuals will be heavenly punished!” The rich are everyone talking at once.

Seeing everyone betting, Kogas smiled in his heart: “Many people haven’t understood the situation. They are all concerned about the relationship between these people, but they have ignored the victory strategy of the game.”

“Although the four people will inevitably starve to death, three of them are gods. The gods are a race through the customs and do not need to be saved at all, because the wandering souls can also pass the customs.”

” Hua Ji can definitely tell that holding the other three will save people. It’s an idiot.”

“From the perspective of the situation, Hua Ji will only let this Hani save herself, and the rest will hang up. ! Wait for Hua Ji to take him to fly the two remaining women!”

Korgas found this opportunity, he was cruel and overdrawn again by 2 billion, and Hani was alone to accept heavenly punishment. .

Almost no one bet a Hani at the scene, most of them are betting on heavenly punishment for three people or heavenly punishment for four people.

At the moment, Evil Dragon is the only one who hasn’t bet. Kogas sees this and deliberately asks: “Brother, don’t you bet?”

He wants to seduce Evil Dragon End, so he wins more.

Evil Dragon seems to have not understood the game, and said: “What do you mean…what the hell is this betting?”

“It’s about betting who will receive heavenly punishment.” Koga Said.

Evil Dragon looked at how others bet, and suddenly said with a smile: “What three or four, I bet five!”

“hahahaha!” Everyone was there Laugh.

“How is it possible to have five? Don’t you know, there are only…” Seeing someone wanted to remind Evil Dragon that there are only four wandering souls, which means that only four people are needed to rescue them. As for the technical singles, they cannot save people, so in fact only three people will suffer heavenly punishment, and one of them will suffer twice.

Cogas immediately interrupted and said: “You bet! You can bet as many as you want! You bet!”

Everyone was shocked, they found that Cogas was trying Let Evil Dragon impulsive, this is really wanting to win money!

Someone noticed that Cogas’ eyes were green, staring at Evil Dragon.

Evil Dragon, after all, belong to the martial arts faction, and they are all chaebols. After thinking about it, there was no reminder. Illuminati restricts their chaebols from making deep friendships with sentinels and other reformers, so it’s useless to sell personal affection. It’s better to let Evil Dragon bet on an impossible option, and everyone will pay more.

There is no banker for this kind of temporary betting, just like a lottery, the winner divides the loser’s money according to the amount of bet. Evil Dragon really dared to bet five people, which is almost equivalent to sending money.

I saw Evil Dragon really boldly said: “I’m betting 5,000,000,000! I’m afraid you won’t make it!”

After that, he clicked five names and quickly finished the bet.

Seeing him place a bet, Kogas clenched his fist, silently overdrawn another 2 billion, and called Hani.

“This woman must be the only one who suffers from heavenly punishment! The other three Divine Races don’t have to be saved…Hua Ji! Think of it to me! If you really want to save everyone! You must do it !” In this round of betting, Kogas actually bet 4 billion together!

It can be said that it is already on top.

He intends to return to this wave! The premise is that Huang Ji wants to let the other three people hang up.

Sure enough, Huang Ji stopped everyone in the game.

Huang Ji said: “You don’t need to be resurrected. The three of you are in a wandering state. Just go back to the room and rest. You don’t have to continue the duel when you are not in the lobby.”

” The game, not at all, stipulates that the Divine Race in the wandering state cannot be cleared.”

“So the five gods now stay in their respective rooms and do not have to come out.”

Old Wang suddenly, it can still be like this.

Now Alan, Old Wang, magic speller, Luther, and autistic youth are all in Divine Race. Among them, Alan, Old Wang and magic speller are in the state of wandering souls and starved to death just now.

I originally wanted to let the other two Divine Races rescue them, but after listening to Huang Ji’s reminder, they also remembered: Indeed, as long as it is all Divine Race in the end, the game will be directly cleared.

And the game also not at all stipulates that everyone has to come out for a duel. In the room, there is only a minimum of one person to stay behind. There is no stipulation on the maximum number of people who can stay behind.

So Divine Race players, just hide in the room and wait for the game to end.

Huang Ji, Hani and Maizi are left. As long as these three become gods, the eight will pass the level perfectly.

When Huang Ji’s remarks came out, the rich people behind the scenes were shocked.

Korgas was overjoyed when he saw Huang Ji see through this.

Seeing that there are still two seconds before the betting deadline, and everyone hasn’t reacted yet.

Kogas was very decisive, and in the last two seconds, he made a splash and made an additional bet of 1 billion!

So, he bet a total of 5,000,000,000! Same bet with Evil Dragon.

This wave not only pays back, but also makes a fortune!

“Okay! Very good! Hua Ji, you deserve it, smart! Really smart!” Kogas elated poured a cup of coffee and smiled.

“Are you not concerned about the game itself? Hua Ji wants everyone to live. The best way is to experience heavenly punishment as little as possible. After all, heavenly punishment this thing, you can’t tell. It’s dead.”

“Although Hua Ji has a blind spot in the knowledge that Divine Race can’t give him a hint, he is very confident. The previous “Gone with the Wind” was even given to him by others. When prompted, he just gave up answering.”

“The reason is that he has a wide range of knowledge. It doesn’t matter if he misses a question, just continue to answer the question, and he will always encounter a question he understands. “

“From the very beginning, he intends to help everyone to become gods, and finally become gods by himself.”

“So he left everyone in the hall and treated him The words are meaningless. The ending he conceived is that he will be alone in the hall at the end, and he will evolve at the bottom!”

“The other fools who become gods, get out and hang up! No help.”

Korgas knew that he would win, and began to explain again.

Everyone place your bets and hands off the table, the betting is over, you can only beat your feet and chest.

Only Evil Dragon said with a sudden look: “Oh! It turns out that this is the case. I should bet that Hani suffers heavenly punishment alone!”

Korgas said with a smile:” I just figured it out now? It’s too late.”

“Hua Ji, you still don’t know him well enough, and I have seen him thoroughly!”

Korgas said, While looking at the screen.

I saw Huang Ji knocking on the door of Room 1 and said, “Hani, please choose to revive me.”

Now there are only two insect races, Huang Ji and Hani. Huang Ji is dead, and Hani can only resurrect him.

Hani said that she understood that she took a deep breath and was about to press heavenly punishment in room 1.

Korgas smiled, knowing that Hani pressed it down, he would win money!

Suddenly! Huang Ji opened the door of the room and said: “Wait a minute!”

Hani’s hand stiffened and said: “What’s the matter?”

Huang Ji slapped his head and directed towards the hall Everyone beckoned: “You all wait a minute, don’t go back and hang up!”

Alan, Old Wang, and Magic Spell have all opened their doors and stopped when they heard this. pace.

“en?” The three of them are puzzled, didn’t they just say to hang up?

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I suddenly thought of a wonderful way!”

Korgas smiled stiffly and suddenly had a bad feeling.


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