The Omniscient

Chapter 202

The rich people behind the scenes look stupid.

They first saw the magic spell master kill the drunk, so more and more people pay attention to the magic spell master, and then they know that he has united six votes to kill the seventh of the blue side.

So many rich people, bet Luther will die.

As a result, Huang Ji united everyone, explained the situation on the magic spell division, and made a tie. Luther did not die.

In this wave, many rich people have lost money.

This caused Huang Ji’s attention to increase. Everyone paid attention back and forth. Two screens simultaneously watched the air showdown between the magic speller and Huang Ji.

I saw the magic spell master rigorous schemes and deep foresight, and specified a plan to kill the voting representatives of the red and blue sides. This has long been secretly revealed to the wheat-colored beauty.

Therefore, among the rich, many people already know the magic spell master’s plan and think it is perfect and without blemish.

However, the previous act of killing Luther was prevented by Huang Ji, so they did not rush to place a bet, but to see if Huang Ji was aware of the magic spell master’s plan.

I saw Huang Ji talk back and forth with the little black hair girl and said a lot of warnings.

It even mentioned: “Don’t kill him too hard.”

“If you kill him, you will also die.”

” The invincible place lies in not voting!”

Huang Ji’s remarks, in the eyes of the rich, they have seen through the magic spell master’s plan.

The magic spell master just wanted to plot against the black hair girl, and ordered him to kill Hooligan first and then commit suicide.

The rich found that Huang Ji had seen through the plan, and the host urged to place your bets and hands off the table, so they bet that the wheat-colored beauty and the magic spell master would die.

When they think about it: “The plan of the magic speller is to deploy one step faster. From the very beginning, he has figured out the rules, and believes that no one on the blue side has figured it out, a beat slower than him. .”

“However, he didn’t know, this Hua Ji looked so thoroughly, if beating somebody at their own game, it would be enough to kill the magic spell master and the wheat-colored beauty!”

“This person’s abilities are not trivial, he has a keen insight into people’s hearts!”

“The magic spell master has done so much, he has seen all of them, it is time for him to operate!”

We believe that Huang Ji will defeat the magic spell master. After placing your bets and hands off the table, Huang Ji did nothing!

Huang Ji gave up on the little black hair girl and allowed her to fall into the trap of the magic spell master step by step.

From beginning to end, I have been talking about breaking the magic spell division’s plan, but there has been no real action.

“So… he sees through all this brute, why doesn’t he do it!”

“hahaha, you idiots, I have seen it a long time ago, this doctor Just talk! He is really good at perceiving people’s hearts and can speak well. But what’s the use?”

Although most people lose money, some people win.

It’s unhappy to lose money. Many people have lost several sets in a row.

Someone scolded: “Is he sick? Don’t take the opportunity to beating somebody at their own game, what does it mean to just say broken and not stop?”

“Fuck! Fuck me Reverse bet, I thought he was going to do it!”

Evil Dragon looked at the billions of dollars in his account and smoked a cigar secretly thought: “Do you think he just has to deal with the magic speller? In fact, it’s you guys that he wants to cheat.”

It doesn’t matter if a few people win money, Evil Dragon looked towards Kogas, thinking that he will lose money.

Korgas complexion ashen, his unhappy expression is already on his face.

He didn’t care about losing money in the past, but today was a big loss. He had opened a few more betting markets, but he lost all! Why is it not going well?

Evil Dragon secretly wants to make persistent efforts, he will surely take the lead.

Time slowly passed, and everyone continued to pay attention to the situation.

But after they listened to Huang Ji’s “new gameplay”, the rich were all confused.

“Ah? Can it still happen?”

“Isn’t there? Is there such a rule? Can a prisoner fulfill the charge on the note, can he become a criminal?”

” p>

“Never before!”

“Ms. Kim, is this really okay?”

The rich asked, but Ms. Kim was also confused , With a weird expression: “Not at all this rule…”

“The charges and so on are just pure details. I used them to’psychological hints’ for various crimes, unnoticeable It is a kind of little guide for them to change from good people to criminals.”

“My rules are very clear, once you choose, you can’t change it!”

The rich retorted: “What you are saying is that the’identity information’ cannot be changed once you have chosen it. Not’identity’.”

Speechless saying: “Isn’t this the same thing? The first identity information contacted,” It represents his identity! His crime is just conceptually not a wrongdoer, but the note will not change, it is not a display screen! As long as the note does not change, the identity will always be the identity on the note!”

“And the note I said, it cannot be changed! Anyway, this guy is sophistry!”

A rich man looked weird and said: “I think Mr. Jin, you are sophistry… Look at him That said, turning everyone into criminals is the second rule of life. Voting to kill is the third rule of life…Wow, how reasonable!”

Another rich man Said: “Ah? Host Jin! Isn’t this a hidden rule? You laid out so many details, and the core of the game is completely matched. You don’t mean to co-author?”

“I…” Jin The host was dumbfounded.

“This guy forcibly compiled a set of rules through some inadvertent details and speech loopholes!”

“And deceived everyone!”

A rich man was surprised: “You mean, he is purely bossing?”

“Huh? His rules are better than yours?”

“Look at him That’s right. Anything that doesn’t violate the stated rules and conforms to our point of view and the core of the game is the hidden rules! Nothing wrong!”

“Eh! It’s really good! Yes! Let’s do it for irregularities!”

“I think it’s good too, just play like this!”

Everyone talking at once, the host can’t hold his face.

“The rules have already been set! How can they make up a set of rules for horse racing, and temporarily add them so that they can pass!” Jin hostess excitedly said.

Korgas said: “It’s okay, just add it! They may not be able to pass all of them, they will have to die! Continue to open! I bet that magic spell master is going to die! Hurry up! I bet five A hundred million!”

Everyone startedled and quickly continued to watch.

“That’s right! I almost forgot! This Hua Ji is not a jailer!”

“Yes, yes, I told him he was confused, he was clearly a criminal , First round voted for the pardon normally, but told everyone that he was a reverse vote.”

“Because he then analyzed the reverse vote of the magic spell teacher, everyone believed it to be true.”


“As soon as the light came on, he was a criminal, but he suddenly voted for redress, so that it showed that there were only two criminals, and once again misled everyone! Even the magic spell master thought he was an injustice. Instinctively thought that Hua Ji deliberately voted for the pardon in the same way as himself during the first round.”

“In fact, the magic spell master not at all fully believes it, but by the way, this Hua Ji forcibly edited it next. A new set of rules!”

“And this rule is perfect and harmonious, with false and true! We all feel very good from the perspective of God, let alone the people in the game.”

“This set The rules directly lead to everyone talking about their true identities! Take out a real note and reveal their true’criminal’!”

“He tricked everyone into telling the truth, but he himself But they are full of lies!”

The rich people complement each other, everyone talking at once, quickly analyzed part of Huang Ji’s operations.

They know Huang Ji’s true identity, he is a criminal!

In the beginning, there were only five wrongdoers, the blonde and the sick woman, the wheat-colored beauty, Luther, the magic spell teacher, and Alan!

First round vote for the pardon, Huang Ji is absolutely correct, not at all deliberately reversed. As a result, now that everyone’s identities have been confessed, he still concealed it!

Evil Dragon said with a smile: “What mess, do you add this rule? If you add it, I will bet no one will die!”

“No one Death? You bet! You have a seed to bet 1 billion!” Kogas said with a smile strangely.

Evil Dragon bet 1 billion directly, said with a smile: “Blazing Sentinel, how can there be no seed?”

“I am not very excited! 1 billion is 1 billion !”

Cogas said with a smile: “There are some weak characters, are you afraid that you don’t pay attention at all? Hehe…I’ll talk about it later.”

“In short, this Hua Ji , Really good plot against! This person was watching the magic spell master playing before, watching the death of three criminal teammates and indifferent!”

“Because he was from the very beginning, just thought it out How to win! Clearly understood the overall situation, but deliberately did not intervene, just to find the smartest person in the audience, he found this person, and that is the magic speller.”

“And now, Telling this set of numbering rules shocked everyone, thinking that they were all playing wrong!”

“In fact, it doesn’t matter if the real rules are like this…”

“Because of this Hua Ji, as long as you can deceive everyone in the game! Deceptively…think that you can become criminals!”

“Understand? Jin Host, whether you agree to add this rule or not, it’s the same. The point is that the five wrongdoers on the scene will vote for pardon after executing the crimes on the note!”

” Achieve the’full pardon’ condition! Then, he and the Chinese old man, and the autistic young man who was initially conquered, will survive. The remaining injustices will either be wiped out by all of us or be released…Host Jin, It depends on whether you listen to our opinions, plus the rules made by him!”

“By the way, Mr. Jin, he bet 1 billion, this rule will be added to the horse races! “

Host Jin said OK. Kogas’s status is still very high. Since everyone is asking for it, adding a rule is not a big deal. This rule is justified.

Evil Dragon asked: “What does Hua Ji mean to find the smartest person? What’s the point?”

Korgas said with a smile: “I didn’t see him pretending Are you an injustice? Didn’t you see that what he took out was a charge of’intentionally hurting others and causing disability’?”

“Unsurprisingly, he would choose to attack the magic spell master. On the surface Everyone thought that he was just crippling the magic spell master. In fact, he would make heavy moves and beat the magic spell master to death!”

“Because this smartest magic spell master is the audience The only one who can see through his plan!”

“That technical girl is nothing but a bitch. That mercenary seems shrewd, but in fact they are all pretending, clever, shit!”


“Not to mention the other four people. They were spoiled by Hua Ji’s analysis a long time ago, and they flicked around!”

“Hua Ji used the name of’execution crime’ , You can’fail’ to kill the magic spell master in front of everyone!”

“The magic spell master is dead when he dies. Other people may be a little excited except that bitch, who else will Help him speak? You know that he has killed three people alive!”

“Now everyone hopes to survive. For Hua Ji’s failure to kill the magic speller, there is no such thing as a group attack. ‘The statement.”

Cogas analyzes it all, and it’s true!

Many rich people immediately followed the magic spell master to death!

Evil Dragon speechless saying: “Hey, your analysis will be delayed. Everyone is betting with you. If you are co-authoring, I will bet no one to die?”

Si said with a smile: “For small money and small money, it doesn’t matter how much you win, the important thing is to win.”

The rich people place your bets and hands off the table, continue to watch, and only see Huang Ji from the cell He dismantled an iron pipe and was walking towards the crowd with a smile.

“I am an injustice, and the crime is’intentionally hurting others and causing disability’. Who will make sandbags?” Huang Ji said with a smile gently.

Injury and disability, this is too cruel, and everyone is reluctant to continue.

The blonde and sick woman directly grabbed the wheat-colored beauty’s hair, slapped her on her face, dragged her and walked to the corner of the square: “It’s none of my business, I’m going to wipe her out. , You figure it out!”

“ahhhh! I haven’t agreed yet!” The wheat-colored beauty exclaimed.

The blond and sick woman is a ruthless character. She pierced her nails on the wheat-colored beauty’s face and said fiercely: “I have no choice! You have no choice! Not convinced? My old lady shaved your face Flower!”

The two women went aside, Huang Ji looked at everyone, and the master moved towards magic spell walked away.

The magic spell master looked frustrated, and he was able to pass the level like this… He felt that he was playing for nothing.

He was depressed, and he realized that three people died in vain. With a dazed expression, Huang Ji was fooled by Huang Ji, not at all, as the rich would have expected, he could see through Huang Ji’s tricks.

Seeing Huang Ji walking over with an iron rod, the magic spell master turned pale with fright: “Wait a minute! Didn’t you beat me? Don’t you know how much I contributed to this game? “

“Stop talking nonsense! You smashed three people, high paraplegia is not too much, right?” Huang Ji said with a smile.

“What? High paraplegia? Stop and stop! Disabling is enough! A broken leg is also a disability, don’t mess around!” The magic spell master exclaimed.

“Bang!” Huang Ji slapped up!


Huang Ji beat the magic spell, the master was broken, and the magic spell master was willing to resist, but Huang Ji hit him crying after a few sticks Shouting mother, curled up in a ball, just wailing.

Behind the scenes a group of wealthy people pushed a cup and laughed: “Dignified is killing him, he still doesn’t resist…hahaha!”

“Hurry up and kill him! Kill him!”

A group of tycoons bet the magic spell teacher to die, of course they screamed frantically!

However, Huang Ji came down with a chaotic stick. Although the magic spell master was torn skin and gaping flesh, he was not at all dead.

Huang Ji stuck his last stick on the acupuncture point, causing him to temporarily lose consciousness in his lower body, that’s all.

“Fuck! Why didn’t he kill!”

“Huh? Don’t you kill him?”

“What the hell is this analysis? For a long time, didn’t you say that you missed the opportunity to kill you?”

“Walter Fuck?”

Looking at Huang Ji’s stop, a group of rich men who bet on the magic spell master to die are all confused Up.

Kogas’ analysis is the most thorough, and at the moment he is also the most daunting. I don’t know what Huang Ji what the hell is happening.

The magic spell teacher has ups and downs in his life. He has some EQ and IQ. He has not made any mistakes, but lack of opportunities means nothing. The point is… he is actually not suitable for a magic spell… he went the wrong way.

This time, forced by the game of death, I did my best that’s all.

It can only be said that in this cruel game, people’s hearts are curious.

Huang Ji controls the entire game. Those who survive have their own reasons for survival, and those who die have their own reasons for death.

Inside and outside the game, before and after the game…

He is the only one to see through, and everyone is in the game!


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