The Omniscient

Chapter 201

Ten minutes later, everyone stepped on bicycles to get the battery to 1%.

At least the basic lighting of the prison is available. The magic speller and the wheat-colored beauty plus Alan, the three of them stand downstairs, shouting the blue person to come down.

Huang Ji shouted upstairs: “So many people have died, let’s vote for another round of pardon and redress.”

So, everyone voted for another round.

The broadcast said: “The collective redress failed!”

“Two pardon votes! Six rehabilitated votes!”

After voting, I heard this ratio , Everyone was shocked.

“There are only two criminals left? The drunk, Hooligan, and the black hair girl all died as criminals?”

“There are two more unjust criminals “

The blonde and sick female mad happily said: “Hua Ji guessed right, the magic spell teacher is an unjust prisoner. He deliberately voted for the pardon for the first round, resulting in an inflated pardon vote! This time it was a normal vote. , So the vindicated votes did not decrease but increased!”

She absolutely didn’t expect, the wrongdoer gained an advantage!

Six wronged prisoners vs. two offenders, the situation is reversed!

On the contrary, the magic spell master was surprised: Huh? Two more?

Old Wang and the others went downstairs and met the people from the red building at the first floor of the blue prison building.

I saw the two sides looking at each other seven or eight meters apart. The blond and sick woman did not dare to walk out of the blue building at all, because there is no vote to kill to restrict Alan. If that guy violently kills, he can The major event is bad.

“Let’s just talk like this.” said the blond sick woman.

However, Huang Ji walked out generously and waved to everyone: “Come out, he dare not kill.”

Alan said differently: “Yes… Come out and try it out.”

The young man shook his head and said: “Don’t, I’m afraid you will stuff me the number plate to eat…”

Alan was taken aback, then said with a big smile: “A good way!”

In short, apart from Huang Ji, the other four people from the blue side dare not step out of the range, and Old Wang also looks worried.

The magic spell master frowned and said, “I don’t know if you understand the current situation. Let me introduce it… In the darkness before, I pestered Hooligan and asked you to My black hair girl took our No. 4 brand…”

“OK! OK!, go directly to the topic.” Huang Ji said.

The magic spell master glanced at Huang Ji, said solemnly: “The number on the black hair girl’s body, who took it?”

Luther lowered his head, a little absent-minded, It took a long time to say: “I took it…”

The magic spell teacher was a little surprised, and he asked: “Who brought you together?”

And Luther looked towards Huang Ji.

The magic spell master stared at Huang Ji and said: “It turned out to be you…Unfortunately, you still didn’t expect my success.”

Blond and sick woman and the others, He looked weird, Huang Ji had guessed everything that happened during the previous period.

He just didn’t bother to save the little black hair girl, and then let her kill and commit suicide.

Otherwise, for this kind of thing, Huang Ji only needs to remind black hair girl seriously, and point out the hidden rule of’killing explosive equipment’, black hair girl will not be stupid enough to kill herself .

The magic spell teacher continued: “Then you must understand the situation. There are four numbers left without moving. I can’t tell you what they are…”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Because this wheat-skinned beauty took one before and voted for 12.”

The wheat-colored beauty has a number in her hand. If the person in the blue building knows that number , Luthor can vote for the wheat-colored beauty with seven votes.

The magic spell master said: “In short, these four numbers are the sword of Damocles. None of us can guarantee whether these four numbers are connected with us in the dark.”


“I suggest redistributing numbers, and these four numbers do not participate in the allocation. Then disperse and talk in the square!”

The wheat-colored beauty patted own denim hot pants pocket said: “I There is one number, so I won’t participate in the allocation.”

“Luthor has seven numbers, and seven of you happen to be one for each.”

“The situation is equal to returning to each of us One number.”

Luther and the blond sick woman were still thinking, Huang Ji took the lead and shook their heads: “Do you want to implement majority violence? The minority obey the majority and let the injustice take the rest The perpetrators were killed. Every time one was killed, the vote was re-voted. This was used as an inspection. Anyway, there are a lot of people in prison, and it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake or two.”

“In fact, You can understand the identities of most people. As long as you play this way, the wrongdoer will win.”

The magic spell master did not hide it, said with a smile: “That’s it, now The situation is very good, but I worked hard for you! You all have to be grateful to me, especially the injustices.”

The young middleman couldn’t help saying, “We’ve known your plan a long time ago. It’s that black hair girl who refuses to persuade, Hua Ji deliberately let you do it. And… why do you think there are two more injustices? One is you, and who is the other…”

The magic spell teacher startedled and looked towards Huang Ji with squinting eyes.

Huang Ji said: “In fact, I am also a wrongdoer. At the beginning, I deliberately voted for the pardon, and you did the same thing. The original 7:4 ratio is false.”

“The true initial ratio should be 5:6.”

“The drunk, Hooligan, and the black hair girl are all criminals. You killed him, So now it’s 2:6, the wrongdoer has a big advantage.”

The magic spell teacher suddenly said: “You really have a seed, do you dare to bet?”

“Now , You, I, and she are all wronged prisoners… Luther should also be wronged prisoners…”

He pointed to himself, Huang Ji, the wheat-colored beauty, and Luther respectively, which basically determined the four wronged prisons. The author.

The magic spell teacher said with a smile: “There are two more I don’t know… But this hunk has always cooperated with my plan, and I deliberately hinted to him that I was a prisoner. He gave me a response, and he is most likely to be the wrongdoer.”

He was referring to Alan. When he fudged Hooligan, the magic speller deliberately said, “Maybe kill three or two opposites, the game will Is it over? ‘

But Hooligan replied with disdain, “Even if the blue party is killed, it will not necessarily end.”

This sentence made the magic speller determine that Hooligan was the perpetrator, because the wheat-colored beauty of the red side was an obvious wrongdoer. Even if she killed all the people of the blue side, Hooligan would not win.

On the contrary, Alan replied, “I understand, just listen to the magic spell.”

This sentence made the magic spell master realize that Alan should be a teammate, and this is in response to the own temptation.

Of course, the magic spell teacher is not sure.

“In short, there are now six wrongdoers, and only two perpetrators. You can vote according to your own identity and the clues I provided… Whoever suspects the most, just show your hands and vote according to your feelings. Okay, the minority obeys the majority. After deciding who to eliminate, we will kill it directly…”

“If you can kill, you will die, if you can’t win, you will vote for it. If you die, you will be tested. One-time ticket.”

The magic spell teacher said with a smile. The advantage of such a jailer is huge, and everyone will agree.

I don’t agree to play like this… Basically, he is a criminal!

“I agree!” The blond sick woman and Luther both raised their hands decisively.

However, Huang Ji shook his head and said: “Don’t play.”

The magic spell master frowned. He didn’t expect this first round to be the same as Huang Ji who deliberately voted backwards. Don’t play.

“Why?” the magic spell teacher asked.

Huang Ji said: “We can end this game without killing anyone. This is my identity note…”

I saw him take it out Everyone looked at a piece of paper and didn’t understand what he meant.

How to end the game without killing? The only known thing is to charge on a bicycle…

The magic spell master looked at Huang Ji and said: “You should know that the note does not represent anything. I originally believed that you were the wrongdoer, but if you I disagree with my proposal, I can only think that you are a criminal.”

Huang Ji said: “Look carefully, both the wronged prisoner and the criminal have a’criminal’, but the wronged prisoner did not do it. After this incident, I was wronged and imprisoned.”

“So what?” The magic spell master frowned, and everyone looked strange.

Huang Ji continued: “I remembered the notes that you all took out before, and deliberately searched for most of the notes in the blue building… I carefully compared it and found The entire prison, one hundred and sixty notes, there will be no repeated crimes between the same camp, but the crimes of different camps will be repeated…”

He took out one from him this time. Lots of paper strips arranged on the ground.

“Look, my wrongdoer is charged with’intentionally hurting others and causing disability’, and the crime of this offender is also’intentionally hurting others and causing disability’. The only difference between the two lies in whether I really did.”

“There is also this perpetrator’s certificate,’the crime of forcibly annihilating women’. I remember that this beauty has a note of injustice, which is also the crime?”


Huang Ji talks freely, full of strong self-confidence.

Everyone was fascinated by his words. The blond and sick woman immediately walked out of the blue building area and knelt on the ground to read the notes collected by Huang Ji.

“Same! Almost exactly the same, the only difference is that I am the wrongdoer, and this note belongs to the criminal! One did it! The other didn’t do it!” said the blond sick woman.

Huang Ji said: “Actually, if you don’t have to kill someone, the wronged person can become a criminal by’fulfilling the charge on the note’!”

“How is it possible? !” Although everyone had guessed under his guidance, they still couldn’t believe it.

The wronged person, through a temporary crime, becomes a criminal?

This news is amazing, it directly overturned all their previous gameplay!

“Huh? We played it wrong?” Everyone was confused.

The magic spell master was shocked and said: “Impossible! These crimes are listed in such detail, but the organizer of the game pays more attention to such details.”

“The host specifically said After that, our identity cannot be changed once we have chosen it!”

Huang Ji smiled and corrected: “Your memory is not good. The host’s original words were, “There is your identity information in the cell. Once selected, it cannot be changed’.”

“Pay attention to the details, it is’identity information’…not’identity’!”

Everyone was in an uproar, and the magic spell masters were all confused He opened his eyes wide and said: “No…how could this happen? If the wrongdoer realizes the charges on the note, he can become a criminal… Then why have to vote to kill?”

Huang Ji Tanshou said: “Why would you ask such naive questions? When the host introduced the second way of life, he only said that if all the staff vote for pardon, then all the offenders will live and the wronged will die. On the contrary, the wronged will live and the offender will live. Death. He also deliberately gave an example, saying that if they are all the same identity, all members will be released.”

“In other words, what we want to achieve is to make everyone the same The identity of…”

“Voting to kill is the third rule of life. It is specifically for’reporting the escaped’, that is, if you suspect who is the escaped with the key, everyone will vote for it. Death…”

“You have never been asked to use it for the second path of life, but you all have to use it to exclude dissidents…”

Magic Spell Master Dumbfounded, staggered two steps, doubting life.

“So…I don’t have to, racking my brains to kill everyone…In this game, unless you get the crime of’murder’, you don’t actually have to kill…”

“That’s right! Murder! That drunk’s note is murder! I was right to kill him!”

Master magic spell whispered, but Huang Ji quietly added: “Ah? Isn’t the drunk a criminal? He doesn’t have to fulfill the crime…”

“This…” The magic spell master opened his mouth wide.

Alan said with a smile on the side: “hahaha, this is how you play! Lao Tzu is the wrongdoer of kidnapping, who will try it?”

“I am torture I just need to torture others to confess wronged prisoners…I have become a criminal?” said the beautiful wheat-colored woman.

The blonde and sick woman took out her own note and pulled the wheat-colored beauty loudly and said: “What I took out at first is true! I am the wrongdoer of the crime of forcing women!”

“Oh my God…Fortunately, you are still alive, otherwise I will have no one to wipe out…”

The magic spell master gave a wry smile and took out a note He said: “Retaliation for the crime of framing…hehe, I am the wrongdoer who retaliates for the crime of framing…”

“No, have I finished my crime now? I am already retaliating for the crime of framing… …The offender?”

Old Wang also took out a real note to say with a laugh: “This is a fart vote! I am a criminal of the crime of trafficking in women…I am The offender, don’t you need to do anything, right?”

Zhongfen youth excitedly said: “I am also a criminal! I am a criminal. Hua Ji has already seen it. If you don’t believe me, ask him!”

“In this game, the offender doesn’t have to do anything, let the wronged offender be charged with it, and everyone becomes the offender together!”

For a while, everyone said Out of the real identity!

Luther did not say, but the exclusion method also knows that he is an injustice.

So far, the identity of everyone is public! And absolutely believable!

Because the gameplay has changed! Now it is to tell the real crime and then do it. There is no point in this fraud.

The magic spell teacher said solemnly: “I played it wrong…”

Luthor suddenly said: “No! No! I saw the note of destruction of cultural relics before. How can this crime be committed here? There are many similar unfulfilled crimes, which absolutely cannot be changed, and everything is a nonsense!”

Everyone was taken aback, Luther suddenly His speech also makes sense.

Huang Ji calmly said: “Both gameplays are actually right. There is no right or wrong…because the two gameplays are in line with the ideas of the perverted rich!”

“You think, whether we are voting and gambling with each other to kill, or rudely fulfilling the charges on the note, they have something to watch!”

“If we can fulfill the charges, you can use This method turns into a criminal, and if he can’t fulfill his charge, he will be thrown to death…”

“Playing wrong is a kind of fun, and playing too much is also fun. Play the wrong first and then play the right. It’s more interesting…understand?”

“The important thing is not that the rules say nothing…but what the rich people want to see. Just be able to see it.”

” Under this premise, as long as it does not violate the stated rules, it is… correct!”

Huang Ji is calm and calm, with firm tone, resolute and decisive, full of unspeakable confidence, and convincing.

Everyone sighed, indeed, isn’t that the truth?

Why the host speaks that many details, and there are hidden rules for them to dig out, this is actually reserved for several gameplay, so that every bet is different.

The magic spell teacher sighed: “Yes, this is a crime after all. The crime of forcibly annihilating women… the crime of extorting a confession by torture… the crime of deliberately hurting others and crippling… the crime of revenge and framing… hehe… “

“Then…who will come first…”

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