The Omniscient

Chapter 116

Hawking is hard to believe that there is such an order between different Civilizations in the interstellar.

Indeed, war is the last resort, not the end. Only the benefits far outweigh the costs and the risks can be tolerated.

He said: “Since all intelligent races can create wealth in society, why doesn’t Earth Civilization join this society?”

What Hawking wants to ask, is actually Fermi Paradox.

Huang Ji said: “The gap between the primordial tribe and modern human society is already very large. But the gap between the interstellar Civilization race and human beings is even greater than this. I can tell you very responsibly that the earthling is In the interstellar standard, even Civilization is not counted.”

“You are just intelligent species, nothing more.”

“…” Both Hawking and Elaine froze, what? Does the earth count as Civilization?

They have scientific education, an industrial system, aerospace technology, a rich and diverse society, and a vibrant culture.

Have compassion for the same kind, and have the same rational treatment of war as alien Civilization.

Is this not Civilization?

Huang Ji said: “At least in the galaxy, there is one thing that you don’t meet the definition of Civilization. That is, society can still function without the environment that gave birth to you.”

Hawking understands as soon as he listens, what he said is that earthling has no interstellar colonization ability.

Don’t mention the colonization of interstellar, now earthling aerospace technology can’t even take people to the nearest planet.

Hawking said: “I see, you mean we can’t leave our own motherstar so far, so we are not qualified to join the interstellar society. Those who are not qualified to join are not considered Civilization.”

“Why set the standard so high…”

Huang Ji said: “Civilization standards are defined according to social needs. You think they are very civilization, but in the view of interstellar Civilization, you cannot Races that are free from the environment that gave birth to their own environment are like bubbles and may die at any time.”

“Either die by natural disasters or die by themselves. The greatness of life lies in adapting to the environment, and you have adapted to the environment that gave birth to you. , But this is just the beginning. No one will help you.”

“You are like unborn babies, even if you are brought out of the mother, you will not survive. You cannot come out by yourself, Adapting to this Universe is not considered Civilization. In terms of adaptability, you are no better than other creatures on the earth, how brilliant, maybe one day humans will be extinct and mice will live well.”

“I Acknowledge that this standard is very high. This kind of arrogance is just like the fetus in the belly of a pregnant woman in your society is not a human…I personally oppose this definition, so I call you primordial Civilization.”

“However, legally, it is indeed reasonable not to issue ID cards to fetuses in the belly. Because fetuses may not be born…finally born, or they may die right after birth…only when the baby eyes opened He was considered a social man when he started to understand this World.”

Hawking felt a little sad, but he felt reasonable.

He can understand this idea. Civilization on the earth can’t handle even owning things. Any change on the earth is a disaster.

When eggs are placed in a basket, human beings are actually very fragile. So fragile in the eyes of alien Civilization, it is a meteor that may disappear at any time.

Humans must rely on themselves, no one will help them, because interstellar society does not need a Civilization that is forcibly supported by overflowing kindness.

That is not called Civilization, it is called pet.

“So, we couldn’t find any Smart Civilization communications in the Universe. Is it because it was shielded by the Interstellar Civilization? You built a wall outside the solar system?” Hawking speculated.

Huang Ji said: “You can understand that interstellar society needs diversified new members to inject vitality. So it will not interfere with your development, and even protect you from interstellar Civilization.”

“survival of the fittest, you want to step into interstellar, it is already difficult enough, what the interstellar society can do is not to add’artificial obstacles’ to you as much as possible.”

“You are impossible to receive intelligent communications from outside the solar system, because the outside society is too complicated…it will make your society extremely chaotic.”

“The biggest misunderstanding of human beings is that they like to Complex Civilization is regarded as a rigid individual.”

“Any Civilization is complex and contradictory. Most groups are indifferent and only care about themselves, some want to help you, some want to harm you , Some groups want to help you for a while, and want to hurt you for a while…”

“You should be fortunate that the existence of the law sets the bottom line.”

“But even so, The interstellar society is impossible to control the words and deeds of every member, so it can only block you.”

Hawking understands this. First of all, it is illegal to spread technology. The interstellar society needs humans to come out.

If everyone on the earth puts a Wireless Electronics receiver in their homes and listens to the majestic and complex information of the interstellar society every day, the earth’s society will definitely be chaotic.

There must be something malicious, there must be something with rhythm, and there must be a lot of bad information.

When the time comes, Earth Civilization cannot develop. Most earthlings cannot distinguish between good intentions and maliciousness.

When there is no space alien, one person can pull out a wave of cults, even more how to get the “revelation from interstellar”?

Just imagine, Hawking knows that it is best to isolate the earth through technology and only hear the natural voice of the Universe.

“Law…Law…” Hawking’s mind was in a storm.

His eyes are sometimes excited and sometimes confused.

“I always thought that there is a law between Universe Civilization, it is a space opera…” Hawking said.

Huang Ji said: “If there is no law, it means that people look up at the starry sky and see an extremely chaotic picture of destruction. Human beings will not live on earth to this day…”

“Interstellar Civilization needs the law to restrain itself and the law to restrain others. As long as most civilizations think so, the law will be born.”

“It is worth mentioning that as long as the law exists, there must be illegal The existence of the person must also have the existence of the Law Enforcer.”

Hawking suddenly said: “Are you the Law Enforcer?”

How unexpectedly Huang Ji shook his head and said: “I am illegal Those…”

“…” Hawking stopped, and then said: “You come to see me and tell me this is illegal, right. You also used a time weapon to reverse the time on earth ?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I seem, never said that I am a time traveler.”

“Although Civilization has been proved theoretically.’ Time emissions’, but I don’t know how to do it yet. Maybe there is Civilization somewhere far away in the Universe that can play with time, but at least in the category I know, there is no Civilization that can do it.”

Hawking was speechless. He thought about it carefully. Huang Ji really didn’t say it. He just took out the invitation letter he hadn’t sent out, and he seemed to know everything, and he was considered a time traveler.

“Are you kidding me?” Hawking said.

The reason why Hawking felt that Huang Ji was playing with him was precisely because Huang Ji did not deny and answered positively about the nature of time and the feasibility of time travel.

Huang Ji said: “Since you have asked sincerely, I will satisfy your question. This is what you asked me to do at first, isn’t it?”

” Yes, I am just teasing you.”

“This is my pleasure, the pleasure of being a primordial Civilization hobby, do you have any comments? Professor Hawking.”

“…” Hawking froze, a trace of clarity in his eyes.

What opinion can he have? Regarding Huang Ji’s sudden strength without the smoke, Elaine behind him couldn’t help but shake.

Huang Ji said: “I am already very friendly. Even if I am, I will break the law secretly and have some fun.”

“even more how those are right by themselves. What about human beings who ignore, despise, and even harbor malicious space aliens?”

“The Civilization races among interstellars are diverse, and among them there are curious hunters who especially like to eat intelligent creatures.”


“There is no benefit, but it is fun to eat the objects protected by the law. Among them, the process of processing the ingredients and how to adapt to this kind of ingredients are very particular. The general space alien can’t eat it at all.”

Hawking was dumbfounded, he didn’t expect Huang Ji to suddenly say such a cruel thing.

Then I felt extremely angry! eat human? Eating the object of legal protection is fun in itself?

Elaine behind her is already shaking like chaff.

Huang Ji said: “You will never imagine that there are a large number of dead humans on the earth everyday, how much money can be sold secretly to Orion Nebula.”

“That I’ll tell you the numbers. You may not have a concept. I’ll replace it with resources…”

“It fluctuates depending on the market. You have recently increased the price. A healthy 75kg human can probably exchange it. 20kg of antimatter.”

Hawking’s chest was ups and downs violently, and his mood couldn’t calm down.

He feels both angry and absurd…At the same time, he also feels the enormous suppression of productivity!

Antimatter? With the earth’s technology, some anti-matter was finally created, but it could not be preserved, and it lasted only a few tenths of a second.

If there is 0.1 gram of antimatter that has been preserved for a long time on the earth, any country is willing to buy it with sky-high funds, even if it seriously drags down its own economy.

And now, the space alien actually tells him that a human being, in a different place, can exchange 20kg of antimatter!

You must know that on the earth, famine and disease plague some underdeveloped areas. War and poverty make many people struggle with life and death, but few people care.

Human lives are priceless, but in fact they are dying out constantly and cheaply.

Huang Ji said: “In fact, the price is good, after all, the productivity is different. Simple trading, ordinary space aliens can afford to consume, the more expensive is actually how to eat… and fines…”

“Fine?” Hawking was stunned.

“Is it just a fine to eat a protected intelligent creature? Why is there no stricter criminal law!” Hawking found it difficult to accept.

A fine is an ass! The fines will only be more absurd in the end, the exploitation of money.

From Huang Ji’s tone, he can hear that, in fact, it is not people who eat, it is fine to eat! In other words, eating is compelling…

This is completely treating earthling as a wild animal, and even wild animals are inferior. Some precious wild animals are poached and go to jail.

Huang Ji said: “The laws within Civilization will be stricter, but the laws established by the nature of the alliance between Civilization and Civilization will not be too strict.”

“In addition, the Homo sapiens on the earth are not the key protection targets. Because you have been interfered by other Civilizations, and both your thoughts and genes have an impact.”

“Frankly, you Not wild enough.”

Hawking is dull, not wild enough?

He felt a puff of air stuck in his throat, unspeakable.

Earthling also treats animals differently. Humans only protect wild animals, that is: they will have a certain population, do not need to rely on external conditions to survive, can survive independently in the wild, and can survive, develop, and breed offspring without intervention.

This is human’s standard for wild animals. Those that do not meet the standard will not be protected. People never felt that there was anything against this. Except that pets are private property and will be protected from other aspects, non-wild animals that do not meet the above conditions will not be punished for eating.

Like a liger, it is actually very scarce, but it is not a protected animal. Because it was created artificially…

And now, the space alien in front of me said something similar.

But this time, human beings have become categorized…

Why not step up protection? First of all, protecting humans is not as it should be by rights, and secondly, humans are not pure enough…

“Fuck…” For the first time, Hawking wanted to explode.

Huang Ji lowered his head slightly and said: “This is the evil result caused by the criminal. I hate it and I deeply regret it.”

He has seen through the extremely contradictory reality between Universe Civilization .

Even among the same Civilization and the same race, there are various divergent ideas. No matter how friendly the race is, there will be individuals with malicious intent.

Love human beings? Have. There are those who despise human beings. Some space aliens treat humans as goods and food, and some space aliens treat humans as potential partners in the future, or even children.

This is why space aliens protect humans while buying and selling humans.

He used to treat the three words’space alien’ as a whole like a mortal.

The Civilization of Heavenly Wolf and Orion Nebula is different. Even Zhang San and Li Si are different.

Huang Ji looked at the many stars and gradually understood a lot of space alien evaluations, but most Civilizations know nothing about humans! There is only the basic cognition that does not affect intelligent creatures legally.

Most people ignore it, or don’t even know it. It seems to be: what? There is an intelligent race in the XX galaxy. Is that what it looks like? Oh oh, I don’t usually care about this, thank you for telling me this cold knowledge…

A few, they know earthling and have the idea of ​​like or dislike.

This is the Zhuanxu Danger Land Tiantong. The space alien once evacuated in an orderly manner and disappeared from the sight of mankind without the prerequisites for annihilating mankind.

It’s just a prerequisite. What exactly did he do that led to the incorporation of human beings into the protection sequence, while space aliens were walking on the earth before.

Huang Ji still didn’t expect it, but if he knew the detailed legal terms, he might be able to understand.

He wants to see the space alien, even if it’s just a watchdog, as long as he sees it with his own eyes…

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