The Omniscient

Chapter 115

Elaine, a shivered, retreated behind Hawking.

Hawking seemed very calm. After a short period of sluggishness, he instantly accepted Huang Ji’s statement that he was not a human being.

Even if Huang Ji looks exactly like a human being.

In this regard, Hawking has no fear at all, and some are more excited and curious.

“Who are you then? Hua.” Hawking’s electronic voice said.

“I am just a primordial Civilization hobby.” Huang Ji seems to be stating a fact.

“…” Hawking was silent.

He has a lot to say, but his body limits his language output speed.

Just when he was anxious, what he just wanted to say was directly presented on the computer and played through the synthesizer.

The synthesizer said: “I have considered the existence of space alien, and even deduced it many times. After all, my main focus is on Universe learning…”

“Huh? Oh oh oh ……Hahahaha ……ABCD……what did you do? Hua?”

As long as Hawking wanted to say something, he immediately appeared on the wheelchair’s personal computer, with a delay of less than one second.

Huang Ji said: “A bit of insignificant technology.”

He just used Buddha’s bones to transfer what Hawking wanted to say to the computer. Of course, from Hawking’s point of view, he thought it was a human-machine docking technology.

Such technologies are also available on the earth, but they are very immature and require a large number of neural sensors to be connected. And Huang Ji didn’t seem to do anything, making the man-machine docking technology silent.

Hawking immediately said: “Of the space aliens I envision, you are the most unbelievable. Primordial Civilization hobby…to be honest, I never thought about it.”

Huang Ji indifferent expression said: “Then what do you envision interstellar Civilization look like?”

Hawking said: “In my opinion, the contact between humans and extraterrestrial Civilization is bound to To bear the tragic price.”

“This is the inevitability brought about by the disparity of power. If the extraterrestrial Civilization discovers humans, then humans will face great despair, even if the space alien does not choose to destroy humans, humans It’s just like a plaything.”

“Even a space alien’s interesting behavior will bring unbearable consequences to mankind.”

“Be destroyed or be Enslavement is extremely possible, and being assimilated is already the best result. The so-called co-development in the movie is completely unrealistic… It is opera.”

“Interstellar Civilization found earthling, just Like the Spanish discovering the Americas, they brought a devastating blow to the locals. Wars, plagues, plunders and famines flooded the continent for hundreds of years, until the Civilization of the three major Americans disappeared…”

Huang Ji said: “You are right in general, but too radical.”

“Yes, I overlooked an important issue. Humans may also encounter individuals from interstellar Civilization. , The behavior of individuals cannot be evaluated in the interests of Civilization.” Hawking said.

When Hawking envisioned the scene of the encounter between Universe Civilization, he always deduced it from the perspective of a whole Civilization.

But when Huang Ji said’I am a primordial Civilization hobby person’, Hawking realized it!

He thought a lot in a short time, and realized that there are many kinds of situations in contact with the Civilization outside the land, which are far more complicated than he imagined!

For example, if you encounter a maverick individual, then he can indeed be very friendly.

Huang Ji said: “It is very inappropriate to use European colonists to conquer the Americas to compare the relationship between interstellar Civilization and the earth.”

This metaphor is very famous, so many people It is believed that the earth discovered by space aliens will be as miserable as the Americas discovered by the Spaniards.

But in fact, this analogy is playing a hooligan.

Hawking asked: “Is there anything wrong with this metaphor?”

Huang Ji said: “Spain conquered it for gold and for its extremely rich resources. Do you think What does the earth have?”

His words immediately pointed out the most rascal part of this metaphor.

For resources, what is space alien for? Also for gold? It’s impossible. There is a lot of gold in the universe, which can cross the Civilization of the interstellar, and some are barren planets that can dig gold.

Any mineral resources on the earth are not scarce in the universe. Take the solar system as an example, it is actually more suitable for collecting minerals than the earth, not fire star, not Venus, but asteroid Bring…

Hawking said: “Life on earth is the most precious thing, and the value of other materials is not much higher than that of stone.”

“Human…human beings themselves Is the most valuable existence on earth.”

“I admit that this metaphor is not appropriate, but it does not prevent interstellar Civilization from bringing destruction and disaster to mankind. Indulging mankind’s progress will give They pose a threat.”

Huang Ji said: “The closest analogy to the truth should be the indigenous tribes in the Amazon jungle that are still in the primordial stage.”

“You study them , Observe them, and occasionally contact them, hoping that one day they can get out of the jungle, get an ID card, and integrate into modern society…”

“But never want to destroy them, don’t they? Maybe some people want to enslave them , But mainstream morality does not allow it, and the law does not allow it.”

“More importantly, does anyone think that Amazon’s primordial natives will pose a threat to South American countries?”

Hawking froze like a freeze, he was silent for a long time, thinking about Huang Ji’s words.

After a while, he said: “The primordial tribes of the Amazon are also humans, so we don’t want to hurt them. Compared with interstellar Civilization, the thinking gap between the two races is huge, and we develop , How can it be integrated into their society?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Each Civilization has its own unique society, and in the geographical constraints such as the Milky Way, a number of internal Civilizations are combined, It is a larger society. They are relatively independent and united with each other. They occasionally war but have the collective empathy of intelligent Civilization.”

“This is far more complex than human society, but from human In society, you should be able to see its shadow.”

“If the Earth Civilization, step into interstellar, but cannot integrate into this society, then the first thing that cannot withstand social pressure is earthling, not other Mature Civilization.”

Hawking’s brain is thinking like a storm. In the earth’s society, there are strong countries and weak countries, with different beliefs, systems, and cultures. They constrained each other and developed together, suppressed and supported each other, attacked each other and cared for each other, but they constituted a very complicated society.

In Huang Ji’s words, it seems that the same is true among interstellar Civilization.

Hawking said: “On earth, if a primordial tribe goes out of the jungle, it will eventually be accommodated by modern society, because they will work hard to integrate into society, work, study, and create value! Maybe some old days Aboriginal people have optimized their previous culture and become a best-selling author. Maybe a former aboriginal will draw inspiration from the music of the past and become a sought-after singer… Maybe a certain past The aboriginals, or descendants of the aboriginals, his thinking is unique and strange, and he will make some inventions in the future, which will help the progress of the society.”

“If the aboriginals threaten society and feel that they cannot be integrated, they buy a If you want to rob a gun, you will naturally not be recognized by the society and will eventually be killed by the police.”

“People who cannot adapt to society will destroy themselves, not society…”

Huang Ji smiled. This is what he finally realized after watching the stars at night and studying repeatedly.

Also, Hawking made it through, and he quickly followed his rhythm.

A very key element in the Universe Civilization landscape is clearly understood, interest.

There must be a contradiction between Civilization and Civilization, but there are even more contradictions within Civilization, contradictions everywhere.

There may be races with absolutely unified thinking in the Universe, but they are definitely a minority.

So far, human beings have never really united to accomplish one thing, because the interests are not unified enough.

The only thing passively made is the formation of a complex and diverse society.

Even if the disaster of extinction is imminent, there are a lot of different voices inside Civilization…

There will even be people who are driven by selfish interests to downplay the crisis:’Ah, no It’s related, everything is fine, but a small problem will pass soon’. ‘what! Maybe we have a better way to solve this problem. ‘

As long as there are multiple interstellar civilizations in the galaxy at the same time, and communication can be realized through technology, a larger society must be formed in the end, because war is far less valuable than communication.

Even the Spanish colonists had their initial idea to seek a new trade route. They met with the emperor of the Inca Empire. Both parties did not speak any language, but they still completed the transaction. As a result, smallpox was accidentally passed over, killing tens of millions of people, and then determined to conquer, because the cost of war has dropped greatly.

In the first two Civilizations contact, the other party started first, then one spaceship will be lost at most. Impossible and the entire Civilization will move the planet to meet with others, right?

After losing part of the profit, our side also understands that the other side is a very militant Civilization. Then there is nothing to say, just fight.

On the contrary, when spaceship came back safely and brought back information about the unfamiliar Civilization, the two sides established a basic understanding:’Oh, at least he is not a warlike Civilization. He may be lying to me? Oh, cheating, I only saw his actions. ‘

War is the last resort. The United States took the lead in inventing nuclear weapons and did not dare to attack Soviet Russia. On the one hand, it was for the economy. On the other hand, the United States did not know whether Soviet Russia would also develop such a terrorist. Weapons. So choose a softer way to isolate it, affect it, and finally fission it.

Among the unfamiliar Civilizations, the one who dared to shoot first must be the weakest…

Huang Ji said: “It seems you understand, Professor Hawking.”


“A person who integrates into society is just a gear, and society will never fear a gear.”

“If you cannot integrate, you will be the first crazy person, not us. It is the one who restrains a society. New members, legal, economic, technological suppression, cultural exchanges, public order… There are too many things that can restrain a weak Civilization. The value of smart creatures lies in living. Only living smart creatures can create wealth, and any group can only Can adapt to society.”

“Destruction and war, such a barbarous and crude practice, is a means that an incompetent society will choose.”


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