The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 493: you are responsible for me

  Chapter 493 You are responsible for me

  Gu Zhengran looked at his wife and children with a natural expression, "Okay, let's go home."

  Alao stood at the gate with his servant, looked at the four people who entered the house, and shouted loudly: "Madam, young master, young miss, welcome home!"

  The sense of ceremony is full, and everyone's face is filled with joy.

  Seventeen years have passed, and this empty home has finally waited for its owner.

  Gu Zhengran took his wife and children to see their respective rooms, "The room opposite the master bedroom belongs to you, Xinyan. It was a baby room back then, but I had someone redecorate it. See if you like it."

  The room is large and fully functional, and it also divides the work area and leisure area. You can also see a beautiful night view of the city from the wide terrace.

  Luo Xinyan glanced at the furniture, well, they are all very expensive brands, and a random carpet can cost several million.

  The decoration style can also be seen to be very careful, the small details are well done, and there is a family portrait on the bedside table.

  My young self was giggling and hugged by my father, while my elder brother stood beside his mother in a small suit with a serious face.

  There are smiles in the eyes of both parents, and no one expected to experience the ups and downs of the next ten years.

  Luo Xinyan put down the photo frame, thinking about it is still a bit unbelievable, "I was so fat when I was a child?"

  Luo Mingwei smiled and said, "You were not fat when you were born. You gave birth 5.6 catties naturally, and the labor took less than an hour. The doctor said that you are a good baby who is considerate and considerate to your mother. Later, your father fed you fat."

   Speaking of this, she paused.

  Actually, she had been busy doing research when she was pregnant with Luo Xinyan, and was still in the lab the day before her due date.

  At that time, the research project she was in charge of reached a critical stage. She only rested for 20 days after giving birth and returned to the laboratory.

  Luo Xinyan only breastfed her for more than ten days, but she lost weight at the full moon.

  She has always felt guilty about her child. At that time, she was busy with work and did not fulfill her responsibilities as a mother.

  That's why I blamed myself especially when the child was lost, and regretted it too late.

  In contrast, Gu Zhengran is a very competent father, and he took over the task of taking care of the baby logically, and simply chose to work from home.

  Whether it is feeding milk powder, changing diapers, bathing and massaging the baby, he does not rely on others. As soon as the baby cries, he immediately puts down the work at hand to coax him.

  Even the confinement wife feels that she has lived such a big life, and has never seen such a careful man.

   After the baby was three months old, he simply took the confinement wife to work with the baby. The chairman’s office had a baby room specially separated. After the meeting, he hurried back to the office to check if the baby was crying or hungry.

  The reason why the elders of the Gu family accepted Luo Xinyan so quickly was because Luo Xinyan was too good, but also because each of them went to Gu Zhengran's office to take care of the baby, and their affection for Luo Xinyan was extraordinary.

   When Luo Mingwei finished the project and came back to pay attention to the child, she realized that the small, skinny baby had been raised for nothing and became fat and heavy in her hands.

  Knowing that the child was lost and drowned, I was in too much pain, so what about Gu Zhengran?

  He spent countless days and nights, spent countless efforts to raise a white and tender daughter, and just lost it. How could the pain in his heart be less than his own?

  Why did you feel that he was hard-hearted and indifferent?

  Luo Mingwei's eyes fell on the void, and his heart was touched and dazed.

  Gu Zhengran: "It's better to be fatter. You need to make up for your mother and yourself. What's wrong with you?"

  He keenly sensed that Luo Mingwei's mood was not right, he lowered his head and stared at her for a moment, and suddenly said, "Do you feel sorry for Xinyan's hard work in the He family?"

  Thinking of this, he became angry. Damn it, I managed to feed my fat daughter, but was abused by the He family until she was skinny and severely malnourished.

  Although Luo Xinyan is not short because of her genes, who knows if there are any other sequelae.

   Whenever he thinks about it, he can't forgive those people.

  The old lady Gu still wanted to be a domineering figure in front of him, it was just a dream. He would never let Gu Mengran go, and it was impossible for him to soften his heart to the old lady in this life.

   Gu Zhen also had a distressed face. Although his sister didn't suffer on his behalf, it was because he didn't take good care of her that day that the bad guys had an opportunity.

  Luo Xinyan: "You don't need to look at me with this expression, I'm fine now, my body has been recuperated a long time ago."

   Fortunately, she is still young, and she can make up for those shortfalls bit by bit.

  But it is impossible for her to gain weight if she is fat. It is impossible in this life.

  She worked hard to develop the XY fermentation enzyme, just to eat more and not get fat.

  Gu Zhen's bedroom has also been redecorated. He was still a child when he left, and he has become a young man in a blink of an eye. Of course, the previous children's room is not suitable.

  The only constant is the master bedroom.

  Luo Xinyan thought that she was too young to have any memories, but when she saw the imperial concubine bed in the master bedroom, some images inexplicably came to mind.

  When she was young, she would always be hugged to this imperial concubine bed to sit and drink milk after washing Xiangxiang.

  The person accompanying her was patient and gentle, patted her with one big hand, and quickly browsed with the official document in the other.

  Luo Xinyan: "I remember this chaise longue, my father always put me here to drink milk while working."

   Gu Zhengran was a little surprised, but soon couldn't help laughing, "Yes, you are very good, you never spill milk."

  Gu Zhen: "I also remember that my father always asked me to sit on the other side and wait for my mother."

  When he was a child, he was very clingy to his mother, always waiting for his mother to come back before he would sleep peacefully.

  Luo Mingwei looked at the imperial concubine's couch, and memories rushed back.

  She didn't speak, but thought a lot.

   After the family visited the master bedroom, Luo Xinyan and Gu Zhen went back to their respective rooms to rest.

  Luo Mingwei looked at Gu Zhengran, and asked softly, "Where do I sleep at night?"

  There is no guest room in this home, and other spaces are used as a gym, multi-purpose room and study.

  Nanny has a separate nanny room.

  Gu Zhengran stared at her tenderly: "You sleep in the master bedroom, I'll sleep in the study, there is a bed and a separate bathroom."

   As he spoke, he walked to the cloakroom, took a change of clothes and prepared to leave.

  Luo Mingwei said softly, "Why don't you stay here."

  Gu Zhengran's figure froze suddenly, still in disbelief, "What are you talking about? Ming Wei, say it again?"

  Luo Mingwei: "You stay and sleep, the master bedroom is so big, if it's really impossible, I'll sleep on the imperial concubine couch..."

  Gu Zhengran had already turned around, hugged her in his arms, and the rest of the words completely disappeared from his lips.

   A few minutes later, Luo Mingwei looked at her ex-husband with a blushing face, "You, why are you like this?"

  Didn't you keep your distance before, and never cross the threshold?

  Gu Zhengran's eyes were burning, as if they were going to melt her, "Mingwei, you kept me here, and you have to be responsible for me."

  He brought Luo Mingwei home, and never thought about sleeping in a separate room with her.

  He, Gu Zhengran, was not a gentleman before, and of course he is not now.

  (end of this chapter)

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