The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 492: luckily we left early

  Chapter 492 Fortunately, we left long ago

  As soon as the banquet was over, with the departure of Gu Zhengran's family, the Gu family's old house was completely deserted.

  Before leaving, Luo Xinyan gave Mrs. Gu a pulse, "Old lady, you can rest at ease, and you will be fine if you live for another ten years or so."

   Fight for it, maybe you can live to see Gu Mengran released from prison and reunite with mother and son.

  Old lady Gu remained silent, and Luo Xinyan didn't care.

  She mainly wanted to remind the old lady, don't threaten her father with bad health, they won't do this.

  The family of four left together, and the guests also left one after another.

  Gu Licheng was indignant: "These people are too much. They worship the high and step down, and then they start ignoring us."

  He still had the dream of relying on the old lady to control Gu Zhengran and send him back into the group, and he woke up after only a few days of this dream.

  Gu Licheng's cell phone rang suddenly, he picked it up and looked, and his face was filled with joy.

   "Grandma! Parents! Shen Yuzhu called me!" He was very happy, this was the first time Shen Yuzhu called him.

  Relying on her good family background, this daughter of the Shen family often gave him a bad face, letting him put his hot face on his cold butt, and suffered a lot of anger.

  The initiative to call him this time must be because of her deliberate neglect during this period, which made her realize that she is good.

  The old lady Gu and Gu Weiran also looked at him eagerly. If Gu Licheng can handle the eldest lady of the Shen family...Shen Yuzhu has only one child in the Shen family, wouldn't the Shen family belong to Gu Licheng?

  Gu Licheng answered the phone with a smile: "Hello, Yuzhu..."

   "Gu Licheng, I heard that Luo Xinyan made a big fuss at the banquet today, and even smashed Grandma Gu's jade ornament Songhe Yannian?" Shen Yuzhu's voice seemed to be somewhat concerned.

  Gu Licheng: "Oh, it's hard to say."

  Shen Yuzhu: "I also heard that Uncle Gu intends to let Luo Xinyan inherit the Gu Group?"

   Gu Licheng is most dissatisfied with this point, "My uncle is a fool..."

   "Hahahahaha!" Before she finished speaking, Shen Yuzhu on the other end of the phone burst into laughter.

  Gu Licheng was dumbfounded by the laughter, "What are you laughing at?"

  Shen Yuzhu: "Oh, it's nothing, I laughed at Uncle Gu for doing a good job! The new face is really good! But then again, I have to thank you."

  Gu Licheng: "Thank me for what?"

"Of course, thank you for being so bad and stupid! My dad didn't want me to marry you when he saw that your marriage partner was so unreliable; now that Uncle Gu made such a move, it completely changed the situation that girls can't inherit the family business. He has agreed to try and let me run his own company."

  Shen Yuzhu couldn't stop the smile all over her face. Her father is an old antique. Although he loves her, he subconsciously wants to find her a reliable husband to take care of her and manage the company.

  But Shen Yuzhu is not willing, why should his family's property be handed over to others? Wouldn't it be nice to be the chairman yourself?

  The father and daughter have a big difference of opinion, and they have had a lot of quarrels recently.

   As a result, Father Shen heard what happened in the Gu family's old house today, so he called Shen Yuzhu to the study and asked her if she would like to inherit the family business.

   Shen Yuzhu was so happy, okay! Of course she would!

  Shen Yuzhu: "In the future, when you see me, you can change your mind and call Mr. Shen. Are you surprised or not? But then again, even if you're not stupid, you can't compare to Xinyan with a single finger."

  Of course she knew that today a group of people attacked Luo Xinyan, Gu Licheng was behind the scenes.

  What the **** dares to provoke my idol? All the ashes were taken away for you.

  Shen Yuzhu came here specifically to see the joke, and told Gu Licheng by the way, I will be the boss you want to be the boss first.

  Gu Licheng was so angry that he smashed his phone.

  Gu Weiran saw the situation, his heart turned cold, "What's going on, what did the daughter of the Shen family say?"

  Old Mrs. Gu: "Didn't you say you got her done? Please beg her, now only the Shen family can help your uncle."

   "Grandma, you only take care of uncle all day long, have you ever taken care of my dad?" Gu Licheng turned up the volume impatiently, "I am the grandson of Gu's parents!"

   All the resources in Mrs. Gu's hands should be tilted towards him! How could it be wasted on Gu Mengran?

  Old lady Gu was so angry that her hands shook: "What do you mean, you don't want to save your uncle, do you? Gu Weiran, how did you teach your son? You bastard! How dare you disobey me?"

  Seeing that her second son was silent, her heart sank suddenly.

  This is more chilling than finding out that Gu Zhengran will not be obedient to her. After all, she has devoted a lot of effort to the two sons in front of her, asking herself to do her best.

  Under the eyes of his wife, Gu Weiran said hesitantly, "Mom, brother deserves it. Why don't you transfer all the shares to Li Cheng? If he wants to start a family, he can't have nothing."

  Old lady Gu: "..."


  Luo Xinyan followed her parents into the house when she called from the old house, saying that Mrs. Gu had fainted from anger.

  The family doctor personally came to prove that the old lady is not pretending this time.

   Gu Nianzhen choked up and said, "Little uncle, do you really ignore grandma?"

  She didn't know what happened, she just sent grandma back to her room and walked away for a while, and grandma passed out not long after.

  The doctor said that it was out of breath, and it was of course Luo Xinyan's fault that an old lady in her seventies became so angry.

  Luo Xinyan directly took the phone from Gu Zhengran's hand, "Wait a minute, what do you mean? Do you think grandma is the one who made us dizzy?"

  Gu Nianzhen: "...Isn't it?"

  Luo Xinyan: "Of course not! When I left, I checked the pulse of the old lady. The old lady was very well. Fortunately, we left long ago, otherwise, would the blame have to be pinned on me and my dad?"

  Gu Licheng couldn't help being angry: "Luo Xinyan, it's obvious that you went too far today!"

Luo Xinyan: "The only ones who can really hurt the old lady are you unworthy descendants. It has nothing to do with my father and me! You coveted the old lady's shares, so you made her dizzy? Tsk tsk, I think you should show some face at any rate. Okay? If I were an old lady, I will make a will now, so that your family will not get a penny!"

  Gu Licheng was dizzy with anger: "You are talking nonsense!"

  Gu Weiran: "Zhengran, why don't you come back, mother..."

   "I won't go back!" Luo Xinyan flatly refused, "We've been gone for so long and you still want to pour dirty water on us. If my dad goes back, won't he jump into the Yellow River and wash himself off?"

  Paused, she was a little dazed again, "When I was leaving, I vaguely heard someone say that the money for the banquet purchases today has not been paid, so you don't want my dad to go back and pay the bill?"

  The purpose was punctured, and Gu Weiran suddenly became angry.

  Gu Zhengran took the phone and cut off the call directly.

  Daughter is right, there is no need to continue entanglement and consumption there.

  Gu Weiran asked him to go back, of course because he didn't sign the bill and pay the bill, and also because he wanted to take the opportunity to sell the money.

   That family colluded with Gu Mengran and did many bad things. It must be difficult for the bank to cut off the credit card.

  As for Mrs. Gu fainting from anger, isn't it her own fault?

  (end of this chapter)

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