The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 479: Brother, stop uncle and aunt!

  Chapter 479 Brother, stop uncle and aunt!

  Wen Xiangjun: "Sister, please forgive me. If you listen to me, you want Brother Sheng to divorce me and abandon me, and I deserve it."

  Luo Mingwei was a little confused, so, "What is it? Wait, Mr. Xiang, what nonsense are you talking about? How could I let you divorce Ah Cheng?"

Wen Xiangjun shook his head, tears were on the verge of falling down: "Back then, I was self-righteous in sacrificing for Brother Sheng, but I delayed Brother Sheng's treatment... If I hadn't been smart, perhaps Brother Sheng and I would have had our own children long ago. .”

  Luo Mingwei was stunned for a moment, she had never considered it from this angle.

   After all, things are over when they are over, and regretting the past will not do any good for the present.

   "Also, I used to..."

   "Sister!" Luo Mingcheng seemed to understand something, and suddenly raised his voice to interrupt Wen Xiangjun.

  He turned his head to look at Luo Mingwei, with a firm tone, "Sister, can I please get out of the car? I have something to talk to Mr. Xiang."

  Luo Mingwei sighed and had no choice but to get out of the car.

   There is no need for her to meddle in the affairs between the husband and wife.

  Just as she got out of the car, Kong Silie's car behind her pulled over and stopped, "Ma'am."

  Luo Mingwei got into the car, thought for a while and said, "Don't follow so closely, let's put some distance away."

  Wen Xiangjun obviously saw Kong Silie's car following, and following too closely would cause psychological pressure on the other party.

  She didn't understand what kind of event made Wen Xiangjun so sad.

  This sibling has always been virtuous, gentle and strong, always providing stable emotional value to others.

  But it is precisely because the other party is too strong that she bursts into tears suddenly, which makes people feel extremely distressed, worrying about what wronged her.

   I hope Ah Cheng can comfort the other party well this time. Luo Mingwei thought to herself.


  In another car, Gu Zhen drove in front.

  The baffle of the rear seat was raised, forming a closed space, and the situation inside could not be seen.

  He had some guesses in his heart, but he wasn't sure.

   But this kind of thing is the pain in my aunt's heart. He and his uncle had no intention of knowing it back then, and it is really not suitable for more people to know.

   After a long time, the baffle of the back seat came down, and Mr. Wen Xiang leaned on Luo Mingcheng's shoulder, covering his face and weeping uncontrollably.

  Luo Mingcheng comforted him gently, but his face was serious and heavy, "A Zhen, do you have an imperial green necklace on your hand?"

  Gu Zhen: "Yes."

  That necklace was bought by him at a famous auction abroad. It was originally used to exchange the Tahitian black pearl with the old lady of the Su family.

  Later, the necklace failed to be sent out, so he kept holding it, intending to give it to Luo Mingwei.

   It’s just that I haven’t found a suitable opportunity to send it out, so I always keep it with me to see when I have a chance.

   "Can you sell me that necklace? Uncle offers 200 million yuan to buy it from you, can you?"

   Gu Zhen was stunned for a moment: "What do you want that necklace for?"

  Luo Mingcheng's tone was very firm: "I want to propose to Mr. Xiang, and I owe her a formal proposal ceremony and wedding back then."

  Wen Xiangjun was taken aback, and didn't care to cry, "Brother Cheng! What are you doing?"

   "You don't know that Ah Zhen plans to give that necklace..."

  Gu Zhen: "Okay."

  Wen Xiangjun was even more surprised, "Azhen!"

  The car had already arrived at the underground parking lot of the airport. Gu Zhen found a parking space and parked the car steadily. Then he picked up his briefcase from the passenger seat and took out a box from it.

   "Uncle, here you are." After he finished speaking, he got out of the car, leaving room for the couple.

  Wen Xiangjun: "No! This is too absurd! Brother Sheng, don't do this!"

Luo Mingcheng has already picked up the necklace and put it on Wen Xiangjun, "Although I don't have any great talent, I still try my best to give you a good life... Xiangjun, I have been an **** for so many years, I have wronged you, and I will never gone."

  Wen Xiangjun covered his mouth and cried into tears in the car.


  In the car, Luo Xinyan looked at the screen fed back by Xiao Fan on the phone, and felt a little clear in her heart.

   "Auntie has been asking Xiao Fan to clean up today, which has drained Xiao Fan's battery." It was hard for her not to suspect that the other party didn't do it on purpose.

  There are a lot of people in the family these days. Although Xiaofan tries not to speak out in front of others and diligently acts as a housekeeping robot, Luo Xinyan does not deliberately hide from his family. It is difficult for Wen Xiangjun to find out that Xiaofan is also in charge of monitoring the entire villa.

  When the other party left, the battery was exhausted and was charging. In addition, Wen Xiangjun has not behaved abnormally all this time, so the silly robot thinks nothing is wrong.

  Shi Rin: "She is prepared and very smart."

  This woman is as meticulous as a hair, and she even has a good grasp of how to get stuck and swipe the battery.

  Luo Xinyan asked A Liang, the co-pilot, "Have you contacted Kong Sirie yet?"

   "Miss, we got in touch." A Liang handed the connected phone to Luo Xinyan. "But there seems to be something wrong with him..."

  Luo Xinyan put the phone to her ear, "Kong Silie."

   "Miss." Kong Sirie's clean and cold voice came from the phone, "Sorry, we were thrown away."

  Ever since he received A Liang's call, he quickly realized that Wen Xiangjun's act of getting Luo Mingwei out of the car just now was to get rid of them.

   This matter was due to his negligence, but who would have thought that Mr. Wen Xiang would have a problem?

   "I can only send people to intercept as much as possible, but my mission is still to protect my wife. I hope you can understand."

  Luo Xinyan: "I understand."

   "But the young master is with them."

  Luo Xinyan took out her mobile phone and handed it to Shi Lin, "Call my brother for me."

  She didn't want to disturb her family, but now she had to ask Gu Zhen for help.

   "Xinyan, what happened?" On the other end of the phone, Luo Mingwei, who had long been unable to hold back, couldn't help asking in surprise.

   "Mom, don't worry, I'll tell you about this later." Luo Xinyan said, "Stay by Kong Sirie's side and don't go anywhere."


  Airport ticket gate.

  Wen Xiangjun and Luo Mingcheng are queuing up to pass the security check.

  Gu Zhen checked the luggage, checked the time, and waited for Luo Mingwei to come to say goodbye.

   "A Zhen, you go back, time is running out, we have to go in quickly." Luo Mingcheng turned his head and waved his hand.

  He was also very helpless. It was obviously his wife who booked the ticket, probably because of restlessness, he actually remembered the wrong time and delayed the boarding time by more than half an hour.

   Fortunately, they are used to arriving at the airport early, so they didn't miss the plane.

  Gu Zhen stepped back when the phone rang suddenly.

   "Brother, stop uncle and aunt!" Luo Xinyan's voice was urgent.

   Gu Zhen was stunned for a moment, and while walking quickly towards the two, he asked doubtfully, "But why?"

   While speaking, he had already come in front of the two of them and grabbed Luo Mingcheng's wrist, "Uncle, wait! Xin Yan has something to say."

  Wen Xiangjun glanced at the people in front of him, and it was their turn before there were less than ten people left.

   "Why are you so anxious, you can actually say it when we go in."

  Luo Mingcheng came to his senses: "That's right, it was on the phone anyway, I'll call her later."

  (end of this chapter)

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