The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 478: Uncle and aunt are going abroad?

  Chapter 478 Uncle and aunt are going abroad?

   Shi Rin's efficiency has always been very fast.

   Luo Xinyan received a call from the other party after school that day, "Xinyan, the result is out."

  Luo Xinyan walked out while making a phone call, holding her breath subconsciously, "How is it, what's going on?"

   All her attention was on the phone, and she almost bumped into the nearby street light.

   "You don't look at the road no matter how you walk."

   "Huh? It's okay and I don't know how to wrestle, so what's the result?"

  After Luo Xinyan finished speaking casually, he suddenly realized, how did he know that he was walking without looking at the road?

  She raised her head and looked left and right, and then her gaze stopped.

  Shi Lin was full of wind and dust, standing not far away, holding the phone in his hand, and when he smiled slightly at her, the moles at the corners of his eyes seemed to be magnificent and vivid.

  He seems to have a cool and immortal air all over him, with a dignified temperament, no one dares to approach him within a radius of one meter, and everyone passing by turns their heads back, shocked by such an outstanding appearance.

  Luo Xinyan exclaimed in surprise, "Fourth Young Master!"

   Shi Rin looked at the person running towards him, and subconsciously opened his hands.

  People passing by even showed their aunts smiling. The two young people with super good looks seem to have their own flashing effects of youth idol dramas, which makes people feel that it is so good to be young.

  However, in the next second, Luo Xinyan stopped the car firmly, "So what's the result?"

  Shi Lin couldn't help laughing, he pulled him into the car, "Let's go, I'll talk to you in the car."

   After the car left, Xu Jingyang rushed up to chase a few steps, seeing the car merged into the traffic flow, he had no choice but to turn back angrily.

   "Is the surname too much? It's still at the gate of the school, so blatantly seduce high school students?!" Xu Jingyang looked in disbelief.

   If you say that the other party didn't do it intentionally, he wouldn't believe it even if you beat him to death!

   With such a doting and gentle smile, plus that stunning face, which girl can resist it!

   Didn't look at the group of students around them who were going crazy, wishing they could hold their faces and scream.

   "It's a good thing that Xinyan can stand it and not be tempted." He couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

  Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao looked at each other, thinking that this is really a born optimist, and he still refuses to give up after reaching this point.

  Luo Xinyan's appearance just now doesn't seem like he wasn't tempted.


  When Luo Xinyan got close to Shi Lin, he could smell the faint scent of perfume on his body.

  The taste is very cold, like the snow in winter, or the lonely pine in the mountain stream.

  Many students in the school can wear perfume, like Xu Jingyang who wears perfume every day, like a peacock with its tail open every day.

  Luo Xinyan had only smelled agarwood or thuja wood on Shi Lin's body before, but this was the first time he smelled perfume on him.

  This fragrance unexpectedly fits his temperament, making him a little more smokey.

   "The perfume on your body smells good." Luo Xinyan said subconsciously.

  When she was getting the materials, Lin was taken aback when she heard this, with a faint smile in her eyes, "Thank you."

  He is very happy, after all, the purpose of wearing perfume is to please her.

  Luo Xinyan took the information and soon became serious.

   According to the data, Wen Xiangjun gave birth to a girl nineteen years ago, and the child was placed under the name of Wenmu from birth, and was taken by Wenmu.

  The Wen family has a simple population. One of Wen’s parents is disabled and the other is sick. They gave birth to two daughters. The eldest daughter is Wen Xiangjun.

  The family conditions of the Wen family are the worst in the village, but they were the first to move out of the village to buy a house in the provincial capital.

   That girl was also well-bred, and was admitted to a foreign university last year.

  Luo Xinyan turned to the last page, her eyes changed slightly, "Is that the child of the Gu family?"

  Blood relationship is indelible, and the profile of the girl's profile in the photo is very similar to that of the Gu family.

  Shi Lin: "Twenty years ago, Wen Xiangjun worked in a bar in Haicheng. He was spotted by a big boss and made him a lover. But who the big boss is still needs to be confirmed."

  People have gone abroad, and it will take some time to take samples.

  But there is no doubt that Mr. Wen Xiang is involved with the Gu family, and the involvement is deep.

  Then it seemed very suspicious that she approached Luo Mingcheng as a college student back then.

  Luo Xinyan took a deep breath, "Fourth Young Master, I want to go home."

  Shi Lin understood her, and comforted her: "There is a surveillance camera at home, so you should be at ease."


  Luo Xinyan went straight to the living room as soon as she got out of the car.

  The family is busy these days, but everyone tries to get off work early to be with their families.

  When Luo Xinyan walked into the house, she found that the house was empty.

   This is a rare thing, and Xiao Fan didn't send her an abnormal alarm.

   "Where did everyone go? Mom! Brother! Uncle!" Luo Xinyan couldn't help shouting.

   "Miss, what's the matter?" A Liang stepped into the door in a hurry and explained, "Madame and young master are going to the airport to see off Mr. Luo and Ms. Wen, and Kong Silie is following."

  Luo Xinyan: "Uncle and aunt are going abroad?"

   "Yeah, it seems that the foreign property needs to be disposed of as soon as possible, gathered back to the country, and the job there needs to be quit, and the family will return to the country to live in the future." A Liang said with a smile.

  Luo Mingcheng had a look of anticipation when he left, and had a better and more precise plan for the future.

  Although he still doesn't like the surname Gu, who knows that the other party is Luo Xinyan's father.

  He has planned everything. With the support of Luo Xinyan in the Luo family, he and his wife can rest assured to recuperate their bodies and wait for their new life.

   It happened to be this time to go abroad to quickly deal with assets and resignation matters, and to return to China to accompany Luo Xinyan in the college entrance examination.

  Luo Xinyan: "Notify Kong Silie, stop the people and don't let them go!"


  Wen Xiangjun looked at the constantly speeding scenery outside the window, and took a deep breath.

  The uneasiness in my heart is getting bigger and bigger. This kind of unreasonable panic has never appeared for many years.

   Probably Luo Xinyan's words had an impact on her. She had a nightmare last night, and this morning she couldn't resist calling back to her hometown.

  Since sending her parents and daughter abroad last year, she has lost contact with her hometown, and suddenly called back, which surprised her.

  Wen Xiangjun knew that the folks had no affection for her, after all, she hadn't been back for more than ten years.

  She made the excuse that she wanted to go back to donate money to build roads, but the attitude there was much more enthusiastic, and it was commonplace to gossip with her for a long time.

   also said that someone recently went to inquire about her situation, and it seemed that she was a superhero, and praised her for being great.

  Wen Xiangjun hung up the phone, and his heart began to pound.

   Who is asking about her situation? Why do you want to inquire about her situation?

  She has been away from her hometown for almost 20 years, why did someone find her hometown?

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Mr. Wen Xiang quickly made a decision and immediately urged Luo Mingcheng to leave the country as soon as possible. They had already stayed long enough.

  If you can’t get the shares of Luo’s Group, Gu’s Group and Yan Xuqiao, it’s fine. If people are too greedy, big things will happen.

   "Brother Sheng, I have kept something from you for many years, and I want to confess it to you." Wen Xiangjun said suddenly, and looked at his husband firmly.

  (end of this chapter)

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