The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 448: people are different

  He Xinyan: "..."

  She imagined Shi Rin playing cards and drinking with a group of middle-aged men... Well, I can't imagine it.

  Shi Rin's face is too fairy-like, with an air of otherworldliness, cold and noble, which really doesn't match those scenes.

   "It's okay, the fourth young master is not a few years older than you." Shen Jinzhou was shocked by this classmate's bold speech. How did he survive to this day?

Shi Lin paused slightly with his fingertips, and said lightly, "I don't like drinking, and I don't like playing cards. No matter how old a man is, he should keep himself clean. It seems that you know this well. Why don't you go by yourself, don't bother me Do business with Xinyan."

  What do you mean don't disturb your business? ! Xu Jingyang's eyes widened and he was dizzy with anger, "Don't bother me, He Xinyan, to do business! We are going to take the college entrance examination, and studying is the most important business! Do you know high school mathematics, physics and chemistry? Can you..."

  Shi Lin raised his eyes, and glanced at the test paper Xu Jingyang was holding.

  He simply turned around and took the top test paper.

  Xu Jingyang was stunned for a moment, and forgot what he wanted to say. When he saw him writing on the test paper, he became a little nervous, "You can't just scribble on my test paper just because you are angry..."

   A few minutes later, Shi Rin handed over the test paper, "Okay, let's do your own research."

  Xu Jingyang glanced at it, and found that the handwriting was pretty good, but after a few more glances, it seemed that it was done right?

   In just a few minutes, the other party wrote two ways to solve the problem.

  He was in a trance with a lot of prosperity. If I remember correctly, the other party has graduated from college for two or three years, shouldn't he have forgotten all his high school knowledge? !

  He unconsciously asked the question in his heart.

Shi Rin: "You will forget everything, but I won't. People are different, just like if you ask Xinyan for advice, you can get new ideas for solving problems, but for Xinyan, it is a complete waste of time. Any help."

  Xu Jingyang was going to be furious, "It's not the same for you, you let Xinyan teach you how to code, isn't it a waste of Xinyan's time!"

  Shi Lin: "As I said, people are different. I defeated the world's largest hacker organization when I was sixteen years old. Xinyan's technology is better than mine, but I can help Xinyan."

  He Xinyan coughed lightly, "The Fourth Young Master really helped me a lot, and his perspective on problems can also help me improve my skills."

   This is the truth, and she didn't expect Shi Lin to be so powerful.

  Cooperating with the top computer experts, of course they can improve each other.

   "So you understand, right? We're very busy, so you go downstairs and read the test papers first, and when we're done, I'll help you find out what else you don't understand." Shi Lin dismissed the guest unceremoniously.

  Xu Jingyang: "..."

   Who asked you to teach! I don't need it!

  Xu Jingyang went downstairs indignantly, found a seat, sat down and began to study the test papers.

   It is impossible to leave, so won't the opponent's scheme succeed? He wouldn't be that stupid.


  At noon, He Xinyan and Shi Lin took the time to go down for dinner.

  Xu Jingyang hasn't left yet, he is at his desk thinking hard about the test paper.

  He Xinyan wanted to help Xu Jingyang read the test papers while eating, but before she could speak, Shi Lin sat down on the sofa and spoke up.

   "Bring the paper here."

  Xu Jingyang raised his head and was taken aback for a moment. The other party's tone was too bossy.

   "This question is different from the previous one. It's super difficult. I don't think you can do it."

  This problem puzzled him for a long time. He took photos and sent them to Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao. As a result, a group of people worked for half an hour, but they couldn't solve it.

  Xu Jingyang originally wanted to ask He Xinyan, but then he thought about it, let the other party pretend to be there today, and this question hits the face.

   "Okay, please help me to see, thank you." Xu Jingyang got up and walked over to put the test paper in front of Shi Rin.

   A few minutes later, Xu Jingyang's eyes widened with suspicion on his face.

  Why did he do it again? Who is going to take the college entrance examination? !

  Shen Jinzhou clenched his fists and coughed lightly, and couldn't help but mention a few words to this stupid kid who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

  Xu Jingyang: "..."

  So where did Cousin Yu Han collect the information that Shi Lin is an idle trash?

   Even after graduating and not looking for a job, maybe the university I went to is too bad and I can’t find a job? ? ?

   Those people in the wealthy circle of the imperial capital, I'm afraid they are all fools!

  Shi Lin slightly raised his eyes, "Do you have any questions?"

  He Xinyan came back to his senses, "Fourth Young Master, you are amazing, then Xu Jingyang, you should ask Fourth Young Master for advice."

  Xu Jingyang wanted to refuse a million times, but he couldn't find a reason, so he had to move his **** over unwillingly.

  Shi Lin is not only a good student, but also a good teacher. He explained the problems penetratingly and hit the nail on the head. Xu Jingyang's thinking is not slow, and he can keep up.

  Probably because of his hard work and unwillingness to admit defeat in front of his rival, Xu Jingyang studied very hard that day.

  After Shi Lin explained his ideas, Xu Jingyang asked Xu Jingyang to try to solve the problem himself. He took a sip of tea, lowered his eyelids slightly, and his slender eyelashes covered the coldness in his eyes.

  Although he wouldn't be able to compete with a spirited guy, he was particularly upset that he was clinging to He Xinyan.

   Some love, the more restrained, the more turbulent.

  The turbulent emotions made him feel like he had drunk a vat of vinegar, and he had to drive the other party away and clean up.


  Xu Jingyang received a call in the afternoon and had to leave early.

  He was not very relieved, so he went upstairs to ask a few words, "Xinyan, you can't let outsiders in a girl's room, you understand?"

  He Xinyan: " can go."

  When did outsiders randomly enter her room? Not to mention Xu Jingyang, even Shi Lin has never set foot.

   This is not because girls are not girls, it is her own problem, because when she was a child, she lived in He's house too insecure, so she didn't like others entering her room.

  But Xu Jingyang didn't say that she really didn't notice it, and she realized when she said that, Shi Lin had stepped into many corners of this villa, but consciously never entered her room.

   Not only Shi Rin, but even Xiao Wu and Ali, who took care of her daily life and kept her safe, never went in.

   Once when Ali came to her, the door was open and the other party insisted on standing at the door and talking.

  He Xinyan seriously doubts... whether someone has explained it.

  Xu Jingyang thought for a moment, then looked at Shi Rin, "Shi...Rin, don't stay too late at a girl's house, it's the most basic upbringing for a man."

  He wanted to say Mr. Shi, but then he felt it was too blunt, and he called Shi Lin without turning his tongue.

  Shi Lin said lightly: "I thought that even if you don't call me teacher, you shouldn't call me by my name directly. This is the basic upbringing of a human being."

   After a pause, he said again, "Walk slowly, play less cards and drink less when you go back, and use your brain more to think hard."

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