The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 447: What surrounds you now is very light gold

  Chapter 447 What surrounds you now is a very light golden color

  He Xinyan felt that this ability was a bit unbelievable.

   Shi Rin: "..."

   Isn't the point the pure white mist that surrounds Xiaofan again after disappearing briefly for an hour?

  He could see the fog surrounding people, but this was the first time he saw it on a non-human body.

  This kind of pure white, he has only seen on one person.

  He Xinyan: "I know what you mean. You suspect that the consciousness attached to the small anti-core area is a human from a different time and space. It is even very possible that that person is the future He Yuye, right?"

   After all, Xiao objected that He Yuye's description was too perfect, just like what Shi Lin said, he had only seen that kind of pure white in He Yuye.

  He Xinyan never believed that such a perfect character exists.

   Humans will make mistakes, they will have more or less selfishness and emotions, how can they be perfect forever?

   What's more, He Yuye is still not perfect. Ever since she framed her with her allergy to peanut powder, He Xinyan didn't think she was kind.

  He Yuye's gentle, kind and persevering character seems to be deliberately created.

  It would make sense if someone had arranged the script.

   Isn't the villain transformation system also a villain set imposed on her by others?

  Shi Lin: "Your technology should be able to block the spying of this villa from different time and space. Therefore, only by closing the firewall can those data be passed on for the other party to check."

  Facts proved this point. During the hour of data transmission, the small anti-virus was completely shut down, and the battery power dropped visibly to the naked eye, and finally had to be charged.

   It’s just that every time in the past, although the small reaction will go down, the white mist will not disappear.

  This time it disappeared for an hour.

  Shi Rin thought with great interest, this is because he was so mad by the gift he gave in return that he had to leave temporarily, right?

  The silly robot repeatedly emphasized that He Yuye was the most moral person in their time, but he only knew that people tend to want to show off more when they have nothing.

  The cynical comments from netizens must have impressed the other party deeply, and they will never forget it.

   If it doesn’t work, he can let that silly robot read those comments one by one, deepening the memory repeatedly.

   Regardless of whether it was done by one person or a group of people, he will pay back across time and space, reminding you repeatedly that you have completely failed.

  He Xinyan: "Since she can leave, why does she have to come back? If I keep opening the firewall, she will be completely trapped here and will never go back."

  She doesn't quite understand why some people are so obsessed with it.

   Shi Rin looked calm, "Sometimes jealousy can completely blind people's eyes."

  He Xinyan: "But thank you, you let me confirm some conjectures."

  Then this time she retaliates against the other party, so she doesn't need to worry about it at all.

  Shi Lin looked at her in high spirits, and couldn't help chuckling, his baby is good everywhere, as fresh as it is at this moment, it makes people's heart skip a beat.

  She doesn't need to be gentle and kind in a dogmatic sense, she has a bottom line and principles and can take revenge unceremoniously, which is good.

  If those people provoke her, they must be prepared to be punished.

   "If possible, let me help too." Shi Lin took the initiative to speak, he guessed what He Xinyan was going to do, which happened to coincide with his thoughts.

  He looked sideways at He Xinyan, and said with a smile, "Your technology is much more advanced than mine and this era. If there is anything I don't understand, please teach me."

  Because I am also a top computer expert, I can see more clearly how advanced and amazing He Xinyan's computer technology is.

  Shi Lin would not ask about the source of He Xinyan's technology, after all, the other party's willingness to expose it in front of her proved her trust in herself.

  He likes this unique trust very much.

  He Xinyan didn't expect him to say that, and was even more surprised at his calmness. He was taken aback and said, "Okay."

  He Xinyan turned on the computer to prepare for work, thought for a while and then asked, "By the way, when you first saw me, what color was I?"

  She was very curious, after all, Shi Rin's performance at that time could be said to be physical disgust.

   Shi Rin: "..."

  He didn't want to answer this question.

  He looked at He Xinyan tenderly, "The color surrounding your body is very light gold."

   There is a touch of gold in the gray, although it is so light that it is almost hidden, but he can see it.

  As early as a long time ago, after Donglin University was attacked by external network hackers, in the black mist surrounding He Xinyan, there was a faint light golden color, which was covered by the black mist, making it difficult to find.

  The light golden color, he only saw in some heroes.

  He likes that color very much.


  Over the weekend, He Xinyan's plan to visit Luo Mingwei in Feidi Capital was once again put on hold.

  She started the intense work of writing code again, but this time because of Shi Rin's help, she was much more relaxed.

  The other party is really a good student, modest, smart and good-natured, able to let go of airs, understand every single point, and make rapid progress.

  Even the old and steady Shen Jinzhou was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, he was not used to such a change.

  The fourth young master has always been the one who is superior, gives orders, and is omnipotent, yet he still needs to ask He Xinyan for advice on computer technology?

  He knew that Shi Lin had implanted a Trojan horse program on the robot Xiaofan, and he guessed that Xiaofan was so smart because of Shi Lin's handwriting. He never thought that Shi Lin's technology would be inferior to He Xinyan.

   Shen Jinzhou went downstairs with the document signed by Shi Lin in a trance, just in time to meet Xu Jingyang who came to look for He Xinyan.

  Xu Jingyang specially brought the test paper today, and he has sufficient and legitimate reasons to come here to ask He Xinyan for advice.

  Actually, the real purpose is that he has developed a serious sense of crisis... Shi Lin has been so attached to He Xinyan recently that he even went to the house, coming to Jinshuiwan Villa every day, and leaving very late.

  In addition to the recent live broadcast incident, Shi Lin arrived with a domineering person, and the hero with full aura saved the beauty, so it is hard to guarantee that He Xinyan will not be tempted.

  I have no chance of winning, the only advantage is being obedient and obedient, centering on He Xinyan in everything.

  He has carefully analyzed it. A smart, thoughtful and assertive person like He Xinyan must be very strong in his bones. He hopes that his partner will be sensible and obedient.

  Both of them are strong, and they both want to have the right to speak, so it will definitely not last long. Obviously, I am more suitable for He Xinyan than Shi Lin.

  Seeing that Shi Lin was actually asking He Xinyan about his computer, he almost fainted!

  Too despicable to plagiarize his tricks!

Xu Jingyang snorted lightly, "Mr. Shi, you are the boss of a company, so you don't need to learn these things, right? No matter what, you can't become a top hacker. And don't you have to be busy with work, are you not afraid of the company going bankrupt? Even if you don't work, you don't have your own live?"

   "How about this, I will arrange a club for you, and let my dad and business friends accompany you to play cards and drink?"

  This is what old men should do, hum!

  (end of this chapter)

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