The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 442: Is He Linjun really not the He family's own?

  Xu Jingyang clenched his fist, put it on his lips and coughed lightly, "This surname is still quite decent."

  Lin Xuxu turned to look at him, a little shocked, "What's Shi's surname? Is that what you always call Fourth Young Master?"

  Xu Jingyang: "Otherwise, what should I call it?"

  They are rivals in love, can rivals be polite to each other?

   "You were not beaten to death, it was really your fate." Lin Xuxu said indescribably.

  She thought for a while, and then silently added in her heart, no, it was because Shi Lin didn't have the same knowledge as Xu Jingyang.

   As long as they are kind to He Xinyan, they will be treated kindly by Shi Lin.

   Not long ago, she and her parents had a bad relationship, and the relationship was too tense, but there were no relatives in the family who jumped out to gossip. Instead, when Lin's father and Lin mother complained that their daughter was a white-eyed wolf, they helped her in every possible way.

  Lin Xuxu found out later that those relatives of the Lin family were more or less under the care of Shi Lin in their business.

   Still in her name.

  The relatives of the Lin family got the benefits, so of course they actively spoke up for her, thinking that she was independent and smart, and the Lin family's parents were too patriarchal.

   Not to mention Qiao Yuqiao's family, the business has been doing well recently, which is related to Shi Lin's special care.

  Because they were going to go there, He Xinyan and Shi Lin simply waited nearby, and then everyone found a restaurant with a good reputation to eat.

   "Is it finally clarified this time?" Lin Xuxu watched the live broadcast, "The He family can't do any more nonsense."

  Xu Jingyang: "In short, the matter is over, and you can prepare for the college entrance examination with peace of mind."

  Although He Xinyan's performance is never something to worry about, a person's energy is always limited, he has been harassed and affected by various things, and his state must have declined.

   This is very unfavorable for college entrance examination candidates.

   What's more, He Xinyan was injured...twice.

   "It's over?" He Xinyan paused, "It's about the same."

  Lin Xuxu held his breath in his heart: "But I'm still not reconciled. The He family treats you like that, but you can only passively clarify, and you have to be questioned for not being kind enough."

  He Xinyan: "I'm really not kind and generous, because I didn't plan to let the He family go."

   Just to clarify what is the point, He Linjun has done so many bad things, but he cannot be punished accordingly.

  Besides, He Linjun is a mad dog. She didn't do anything to the He family, and the other party would not let him go, let alone she gave him a head-on blow now.

  He Linjun will definitely fail and make a comeback, which is very annoying.

  I don't have so much energy and time to deal with his design and frame, it's better to pull out his minions so that he can't bite again.

  Lin Xuxu frowned: "What are you going to do? Mr. He is getting old, it's not easy for you to take action against him. If he insists on pestering you..."

  When she said that, others thought it was true!

  Mr. He is risking his face for He Linjun to block He Xinyan, and it is enough for He Linjun to hide behind Mr. He to make trouble.

  Qiao Yuqiao turned to Shi Lin for help, "Fourth Young Master, what do you think should be done?"

  Shi Lin gently put down the teacup, and glanced at He Xinyan with a smile, "Xinyan knows well, Mr. He will not always be He Linjun's backer."

  The other people were taken aback, Lin Xuxu was very puzzled, she was too aware of the obsessions of some elders.

  Inheritance of incense is more important than anything else, sons and grandchildren are their lifeblood.

  Master He is a typical feudal patriarch, it is impossible to ignore He Linjun.

  He Xinyan's eyes were calm: "Fourth Young Master is right, the old man will be disappointed in He Linjun."


the other side.

  Shen Jinzhou: "Okay, I have finished all the things I need to explain. I would like to remind all netizens, don't believe in rumors and spread rumors, keep your eyes open, don't be easily led by others, and break the law with your own body."

   Just when everyone thought he had finished speaking, he changed his voice and said with a smile, "It's like Mr. He, who has been deceived all his life, thinking that he has a precious grandson to inherit the family business and incense... It's pitiful to say."

  He Linjun clenched his fists angrily: "What do you mean? Do you have a conscience for treating an old man like this?"

  Shen Jinzhou: "Of course I have, so I plan to tell the old man, would you like to read this blood relationship identification report?"

  Master He didn't want to pay attention to it, but Shen Jinzhou didn't care, and handed the document to Mr. He for him to have a look.

  Old Master He glanced casually, and after his eyes slipped over, he turned back abruptly.

  His hands trembled visibly, "You..."

  Shen Jinzhou: "We found an interesting phenomenon. Mrs. He Lin Yunshu always used various reasons to ask He Linjun to worship an elder surnamed Wang, but that elder was her ex-boyfriend."

  He Linjun's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, "You guys are spreading rumors!"

  Shen Jinzhou, "But it turns out that you really have no blood relationship with Mr. He—why would you go for an appraisal?"

  Master He finally couldn't bear it anymore, rolled his eyes and fell down.


   "Oh my god! He Linjun isn't born to the He family?" Xu Jingyang slapped the table and shouted.

  Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao were stunned for a moment, and they put down their chopsticks and immediately picked up their mobile phones to eat melons.

  He Xinyan: "..."

  It seems that the essence of human beings is gossip, and eating melons is more interesting than eating.

  But she still decided to eat honestly, the table is full of delicious food, and she can't live up to it.

  Shi Lin smiled and put the food into her bowl with serving chopsticks, "You eat first, they must have a lot of questions."

  The three people finished eating the melons, and looked up at He Xinyan one after another. Such a big disturbance was caused, and the parties involved ate like normal people.

   "If you have any questions, you can ask me." Shi Rin wiped his hands and opened the mouth.

  Lin Xuxu: "He Linjun is really not the He family's own?"

  Shi Lin: "It's absolutely true."

  He is not like He Linjun, who likes to fabricate rumors and pour dirty water on others.

   Several people gasped, who would have thought that such an arrogant He Linjun, the young CEO of the He Group, and the eldest grandson that Mr. He loves the most, is not a child of the He family?

  Xu Jingyang: "The He family didn't find out for so many years? He Linjun is also really capable, and he is really tight."

   "He Linjun may not know." Qiao Yuqiao retorted softly, "Looking at his reaction, he should also be shocked and surprised."

  Shi Lin: "Of course he doesn't know. Mrs. He kept this matter a secret in order to confirm his identity. In addition, his blood type is the same as He Zhangzhi, so no one has suspected anything."

   Probably this is why Lin Yunshu dared to hide it.

He Xinyan put down his chopsticks: "I heard that He Linjun complained about the worship, and I even worshiped for him a few times. I find it strange that why the elders must make He Linjun go to worship, but Zixiao doesn't? So I let the Fourth Young Master Check it out for help."

  At first, He Xinyan was only skeptical, not very sure, so when Mr. He pleaded for He Linjun, he told him not to regret it.


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