The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 441: The He family eats a lot of fish and is insatiable

  Chapter 441 The He family eats a lot of fish

  They came to the live broadcast room to condemn He Xinyan. Seeing that Mr. He actually bowed to He Xinyan, their anger was ignited immediately.

"You are so vicious at such a young age", "White-eyed wolf, I knew that the He family should throw her out to fend for itself", "How dark is my heart to treat an old man who loves you like this", "Heart like a snake and scorpion congratulates Xinyan" …

   A group of people used their keyboards to swear passionately. Who would have thought that halfway through the swearing, the style of the live broadcast room would change, and it would become a legal program?

  The lawyer wearing gold-rimmed glasses was young and handsome, exuding an elite aura all over his body, and he spoke with a smile without making a bad face.

  But as we talked, many people didn't dare to use the keyboard to swear... Instead, they listened with gusto.

  Shen Jinzhou is very well prepared. He has been arguing with people in court all the year round... no, he is doing legal defense for people, and his eloquence is of course cultivated.

  He briefly described He Xinyan's growth path in the He family, and pointed out that the He family deliberately took He Xinyan back and Lin Yunshu's legal responsibility for abusing He Xinyan all the year round.

   It also explained that only the He family owed He Xinyan, and the 0.8% shares that He Zhangzhi insisted on leaving to his adopted daughter was for compensation.

   He wasn't talking nonsense, let alone talking nonsense.

  Shen Jinzhou presented evidence as if he was going to court.

  There is a video of Lin Yunshu personally admitting when she went to Yan Xuqiao to make trouble last time, and maliciously hugging He Xinyan back to He's house;

  There are old photos of He Xinyan being abused when she was young;

  There is He Xinyan's shooting of Xinai chocolate, which opened up the market popularity of the Xinai series, and the data on how much He's Group has benefited from it;

  The He family encountered a business crisis, Mr. He took He Xinyan to do charity, and relied on He Xinyan to improve the corporate image of the He Group and obtain data on how much government support it received;

  Once Mrs. Lin listed, Lin Yunshu sold some of the jewelry worn by He Xinyan. Among them, the most expensive round bead was worth over 100 million yuan.

  In order to treat He Linjun’s leukemia, He Xinyan collected peripheral hematopoietic stem cells every month from the age of five, and extracted bone marrow at the age of eight.


   Netizens were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

  It turns out that the He family admitted their daughter wrong at the beginning, not really admitting their mistakes, but doing it on purpose?

   Having said that, He Xinyan really had a lot of treasures on her body at that time, she deserved to be the eldest lady of the Gu family.

  Probably because it was profitable, Lin Yunshu took the child back, but because she missed her own daughter, she abused He Xinyan.

  Getting all kinds of benefits from He Xinyan made her own pocket richer, but she didn't treat He Xinyan kindly.

  What about the rest of the He family? All the old man He's concerns in the past were just for the blood and bone marrow on He Xinyan's body to save the life of his precious grandson.

  Afterwards, it was also because He Xinyan was still useful and could enhance the corporate image of the He Group, so he applied for various subsidies and assistance from the government.

  The He family is really eating more than one fish, eating and eating, greedy.

"Miss Xinyan was brought back to the He family. The paternity test was tampered with. Since she was five years old, she began to draw blood every month for He Linjun to collect peripheral hematopoietic stem cells. We have every reason to suspect that the He family deliberately Acknowledge the child's motives."

  Shen Jinzhou paused, and continued, "If the He family hadn't hidden the child back then, with the financial resources of the Gu family, it would be impossible to find the young lady."

   "The He family is not only suspected of child abduction and trafficking, but also of forced blood selling and intentional injury."

   "Entrusted by Mr. Gu, we will hold the He family accountable to the end! No mercy!"

  The last sentence was spoken loudly and with great righteousness.

  Master He's complexion suddenly changed. What he was worried about finally happened.

   Not only Gu Zhengran and Shi Lin had so much evidence in their hands, but even Mrs. Lin turned against each other.

  Master He's face was flushed, his breathing was short of breath, and he was about to faint.

  Little Five Eyes was quick, and he caught Mr. He before the police, and stuffed a few pills into his mouth—these were given by the young master. Mr. He must not be dizzy now, he has to listen to the most exciting part.

  Shen Jinzhou has no sympathy or intolerance, the old man is very bad, not only patriarchal, but also very selfish.

  He continued: "Miss Xinyan took the 0.8% shares of the He Group because of He Zhangzhi's guilt. The compensation given to her has been notarized by the will. It is completely reasonable and legal for Miss Xinyan to take it away."

   "But Miss Xinyan also said that she didn't want to use the He family's money, so she changed hands and donated that money to a charity foundation."

  For such a large donation, the charity foundation specially awarded her a certificate.

  Mr. He’s lips trembled, and he was a little distracted. The donation time was half a month after He Xinyan sold his shares. Did she make so much money so early...

  He Linjun clenched his fists, almost going mad with jealousy.

  Why He Xinyan is always so lucky, easily possessing everything he desires.

  When I was young, it was a healthy body, later it was a smart mind, then it was the ability to make money, and now it is a prominent life experience...

  But it doesn't matter, no matter how good He Xinyan is, he cannot be cultivated by the Gu Group as an heir.

  I am the heir of the He family, no matter how strong the opinion of the board of directors is, with the support of Mr. He, his position will not be shaken.


  Lin Xuxu stayed at school to do homework, and received a call from a classmate saying that He Xinyan was blocked not far from the school by Mr. He He Linjun, and rushed out after pulling onto the Qiaoyu Bridge.

  She is so angry, is the He family over?

  Xu Jingyang also chased after him. He had already found the live broadcast room, where the remarks were extreme and all kinds of insults.

"The He family obviously wants to kidnap Xinyan and the Gu family morally." Xu Jingyang analyzed as he walked, "In a child abduction case, the buyer can use the kindness of raising the child to kidnap the biological parents in various ways, and the biological parents think about the reputation of the child. , are often not held accountable.”

  He Xinyan's accusation against Lin Yunshu was too bold, and it was inevitable that he would be questioned and criticized.

  Mr. He blocked her to beg for mercy, and the picture was broadcast live. Netizens must sympathize with the weak.

  Even if He Xinyan is hard-hearted and remains unmoved, as a father, Gu Zhengran still has to consider his daughter's reputation.

   "It's not just that." Lin Xuxu shook his head, "I think Mr. He did this to provoke the relationship between Xin Yan and the Gu family."

  Qiao Yuqiao was also worried: "Xinyan has never had contact with the Gu family, and her relationship needs to be cultivated slowly. This will make the Gu family think of her in the future."

  People are often like this, they may not be kind, but they require others to be kind.

   Several people hurried over, and found that things had reversed as soon as they arrived.

  He Xinyan was escorted away by Shi Lin, leaving more than 20 big men in black to block the media, and Shen Jinzhou stayed to continue the live broadcast.

   Seeing that things had stabilized, several people were relieved.

  Lin Xuxu simply called He Xinyan and asked where she was, and they rushed there together.

  (end of this chapter)

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