The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 429: Little anti, is the new body still adapting?

   Chapter 429 Xiaofan, is the new body still adaptable?

   Qian Chun's heart sank, of course he knew how many people He Linjun had instigated to frame He Xinyan.

   Because he was also involved in some things, he hid behind his back to help fuel the flames.

   In the end, those people were unlucky, the defendant lost money, and He Linjun was completely invisible, and it was impossible to reach out to help.

   At that time, I felt that that kind of thing would not happen to me. After all, he was a well-known agent in the circle, and He Linjun also expected him to make He Yuye popular.

   But when the matter really came to him, he realized that he didn't have enough chips for He Linjun to help.

   Brother Qian was full of remorse. He knew that He Xinyan was so difficult to deal with. He should not be obsessed with it, thinking about getting this adopted daughter off the horse.

When dealing with He Xinyan at the beginning, firstly because Ling Xuan was accused of quitting the circle, he was unwilling; secondly, he saw the huge potential in He Yuye. After all, there are very few people in the entertainment circle who return to the real wealthy family. In addition, He Linjun is willing to throw money at him.

   He once thought that he could win a purple MSI from the sky, so he was determined to help He Yuye clear all obstacles on the way.

   It's too late to say anything now, he was completely kicked to the iron plate this time, and he was also pitted by He Linjun.

   Since the Gu Group made a move, of course they have the evidence and want to sue to the end.

  Some people on the Internet have listed evidence to prove that he manipulated public opinion several times, took the initiative to provoke scolding wars, and even encouraged underage fans to tear people apart.

   The key is the evidence listed by the other party, all of which he has done before, and there is no argument at all.

   The trumpet Master Chun on his Weibo account was also picked up, and some instructive Weibo inside became evidence.

   Brother Qian was completely paralyzed on the chair. He thought those things were perfect, but he didn't expect to be cleaned up.

   He suspected that there were master hackers among the people who engaged him, otherwise, how could he even pick up the fact that he was careful to hide the traces.

  Many people scolded him for being a cancer in the entertainment industry. He should get out of the entertainment industry and have a clear environment in the circle.

   The phone rang, and Brother Qian answered the phone.

   The next second, he sat up straight, "What, the company wants to fire me? Why?"

  Because of Ling Xuan's plagiarism incident, the top management of the company was already a little dissatisfied with him, and Brother Qian also knew that, fortunately, after all these years, he was not a white man, and his status has not been shaken very much.

  Without Ling Xuan, he brought in two other newcomers, and with He Yuye, who brought capital, the company's executives were still confident that he could win a top female.

   No matter what, the company should not fire him! He is still very capable after all!

"Because your marketing methods are too aggressive, you have ruined the atmosphere of the fan circle!" The person on the other end of the phone informed him that he was directly under the leadership, and he was completely polite, "The above is going to rectify the atmosphere of the Internet, let me tell you, not only you, Our company will be investigated! These are all brought by you, who will you fire if you don't fire them?"

   Brother Qian's face was ashen, he never expected the company to kick him away at this time.

"I might as well tell you that you can't get along in the entertainment industry anymore, and no one will use you anymore." There was a pause and continued, "Miss Gu said that she wants to remove the cancer in the entertainment industry, you used to It's too much to do."

   He hung up the phone after saying that.

   Brother Qian called back again, but no one answered.


  He Xinyan sat in front of the computer and watched the trend of public opinion on the Internet.

   Shirin came over and put down a glass of hot milk, "Xinyan, take a rest."

   The phone next to him suddenly rang, Shi Rin glanced at the call reminder, picked up the phone and handed it to He Xinyan.

  He Xinyan frowned and answered the phone: "Hello."

   "Xinyan, how are you?" Ling Xuan's voice was very low on the other end of the phone.

   After the last plagiarism storm, the company announced that he would go abroad to study for a while, and he has gradually faded out of the entertainment industry.

  There is never a shortage of newcomers in the circle. Ling Xuan has not had any itinerary or materials for several months, and has been completely exhausted.

   Even if he makes a comeback, he will still not be able to tear off the plagiarism label. This black spot will accompany him for the rest of his life and will never be washed away, let alone want to return to the top.

  He Xinyan: "Our current relationship doesn't seem to be enough to care about and greet each other, right?"

   He was the culprit who caused him to fall from the altar. How could Ling Xuan be so generous and really care about her?

  Ling Xuan: "…"

   He took a deep breath and turned to talk about other things, "Did you let people release the revelations about Brother Qian on the Internet?"

   Even if he is abroad, he has been following the news of He Xinyan.

  He Xinyan was exposed several times on the Internet, and Qian Chun contributed to it. He was too familiar with Qian's routine, and he could see that Qian was becoming more and more radical.

   Out of concern, he privately sent a text message to remind He Xinyan to pay attention to Brother Qian.

  He Xinyan is not a kind little white flower at all. He has already learned about this, so it is not surprising that Brother Qian was ripped off.

   "It's me." He Xinyan confessed, "I've said long ago that if you want to pull out this cancer in the entertainment industry, you have to do it. What, do you have any comments?"

  Ling Xuan: "...I have no opinion. Brother Qian, he is to blame."

  Although he, a former vested interest, is not qualified to say so, but He Xinyan is right, Brother Qian is a cancer in the entertainment industry.

   If you continue to indulge this trend, it will only endanger more young fans.

  Idols should bring positive energy, instead of needing small fans to charge into battle, tearing and scolding online every day, raising a body of ill-will.

  He Xinyan: "Are you still doing anything? I'll hang up if I'm fine."

   She was willing to answer the call of the other party because of the reminder he sent a text message earlier.

   "Wait a minute!" Ling Xuan's voice was a little tight, he didn't know what to say, but he really wanted to hear more of her voice.

   "By the way, you..." The phone was hung up just after thinking of the entry point.

  Ling Xuan: "…"


   Shi Lin handed the cup of hot milk to He Xinyan again, "Drink it while it's hot."

   After a pause, he explained the act of hanging up the phone in a light voice, "Everyone said he was going to hang up, and he listened to the nonsense of the other party. You are not very busy."

  He Xinyan glanced at him, took the milk and drank it, she really didn't have time.

   Today, not only was she injured, but the system was also severely damaged. She called it several times in her mind, but that silly and sweet system didn't come out.

   There was silence in my mind.

   Previously, he used viruses and built firewalls to prevent the opponent from invading and manipulating the real network world. He had already suppressed the opponent once and disrupted the opponent's core system.

  Otherwise, the electric shock punishment this time may be far more powerful than she imagined, and maybe even... let her really die.

   The opponent used a big killer move, of course, hurting the enemy 800 and losing 1000. He Xinyan didn't mind taking the opportunity to strip the system from himself.

   The high-performance intelligent robot that Shirin bought finally came in handy.

   "Where am I?" The villain transformation system felt dizzy, and the whole system was stunned when it woke up.

  Isn't it carried in the host's mind by means of brain waves? What's going on now? Does it have a body?

  He Xinyan greeted with a smile: "Hi, Xiaotan, is your new body still adapting?"

   (end of this chapter)

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