The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 428: sorry i can't help you

   Chapter 428 Sorry, I can't help you

  Qian Chun watched with satisfaction that the public opinion on the Internet was leading in the direction he expected.

  Although some new songwriting fans and He Xinyan's face fans tried to criticize, but because He Xinyan did not have Weibo and fans did not gather, it could not be a climate at all.

   Except for the shock of passers-by, the entries and news are basically comments from Heizi and Shui Jun.

  He Xinyan almost ruined his career, he deserved to be hacked.

   Having said that, he never imagined that as the eldest Miss of the Gu family, He Xinyan would have so many hidden enemies.

  What is the eldest Miss of the Gu family, who is dedicated to clinging to the wealthy family, but did not expect that the wealthy family are all murderous, right?

   If He Xinyan knew that the identity of the eldest Gu family was her original sin, she would not regret whether she should return to the Gu family.

  【I already said that this woman has a face with a story, as expected. 】

  【Really sympathetic, honest people were forced to resort to extreme measures, and as a result, their whole life was ruined. 】

   [Didn't Gu Nianzhen say before that there is a paternity test result showing no blood relationship? Should the Gu family do the paternity test again? He Xinyan doesn't look like the Gu family at all! 】

  【The Gu family's genes are not enough to hook up with male classmates to become high-ranking bloggers. I think I really need to check it again. Maybe it's a false identity. 】

  【Everyone, take a look at my Weibo, there are a lot of melons who used to seduce men by HXY, really shocked, so shameless at such a young age! 】

   [Upstairs I advise you to spread rumors is against the law! Those black materials were clarified at that time to be false. You were punished, do you want to go to prison? 】

  【If you have the ability, let the Gu Group sue me, who is afraid of who! 】

  He Xinyan's fans were about to cry.

  The content they clarified is 2G surfing no one cares about, but those black materials that have been clarified for a long time are spread wildly at 5G speed.

   In addition, the news has nose and eyes, many people couldn't help but sweat for He Xinyan.

  【@Gu'sGroup@Guzhengran I beg you to clarify quickly! 】It's been a long time and it hasn't been clarified, fans are very heavy, maybe He Xinyan is really... bad luck.

   [Okay, clarify right away] The official Weibo account of the Gu Group finally replied to the fans.

   Fans thought it was to clarify the black spot of the spare tire, but after waiting for a few minutes, they were a little unbelievable when they refreshed and saw the video.

   In the video, He Xinyan himself appeared.

   "Sorry for worrying everyone. There was a little accident today, but fortunately I am all right now." He Xinyan smiled slightly in front of the camera.

  Fans: "…"

   Mom, this smile is so shining, beautiful and gentle, what a blessing this is!

   Fans of He Xinyan all know that He Xinyan is not in the circle, and writing songs is just a hobby, and even the award is awarded to Lu Sichuan.

Song fans are okay, anyway, maybe there will be new idol songs coming out, but Yan fans are very hard. After all, He Xinyan is too low-key, and there is no new material for them to lick the screen. Now it's alright, He Xinyan will directly upload the video Showed up, isn't this what a benefit is?

   Soon Yan fans reacted, no, since He Xinyan is all right, what the **** is the media writing about?

  He Xinyan's clarification is very simple. He briefly explained to the rumored classmate that he was going to save people, and he was injured and knocked off the wall, but fortunately it was not serious.

   She didn't say much, and she didn't sell her injuries. Instead, many people paid attention to the gauze wrapped around her hands.

  After all, in the media reports, there was a candid photo of the male student with the spare tire, and the other side's shirt was stained with a lot of blood.

   That's why the news of the murders became more and more real.

   Injured his hand, how painful it must be, but He Xinyan didn't even mention it.

  After He Xinyan's clarification, the official Weibo account of Gu's Group issued a lawyer's letter naming the marketing account that was making waves in this fake news incident.

There are companies behind these marketing accounts, and they are covered by relationships. The entertainment industry must have some affection for each other. Generally, celebrities will not sue marketing accounts, mainly because they do not necessarily win. After all, these marketing accounts The number is very slippery, the name is not named, and the various styles of writing in the Spring and Autumn period are difficult to obtain evidence.

   But this time is different. The marketing account has collectively overturned, spreading unconfirmed fake news.

  The Gu Group is also not like those celebrities, they can only tolerate all kinds of relationships in the circle, but they firmly want to tell the end.

   Fans have @before clamored for the Gu Group to sue their marketing account to entertain you, and asked him whether he was satisfied with the response of the Gu Group.

   "The Gu Group just sent a lawyer's letter, why are you panicking?" Qian Chun received the call and was so irritable.

   "But Brother Qian, why is He Xinyan still alive? Didn't you say it's true that people are dead?"

  Qian Chun raised his voice: "...Are you blaming me? Don't forget that you are collecting money to do things!"

After a pause, he reassured and said, "It's not a big deal, the Gu Group may not really dare to sue. There are so many people who want to sue, how can they sue? It's just thunder and rain. Also arranging outdated rumors about Junheng, do you see those big guys suing you?"

  Entertainment, after thinking about it for a while, you think it's right. First, you can't tell it; secondly, it seems very ungracious.

   He was unwilling to be chased and shouted by fans all the time, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he simply sent a Weibo to fight back from the air.

   said aggrievedly that he did not expect to be attacked by the Internet, and the power of capital is really scary; but even if the defendant is fine, the Gu family is welcome to sue, he is not afraid at all.

   This Weibo post was posted, and the comments instantly exceeded 100. His fans expressed that he is very **** and has the courage to fight against capital.

  Entertainment You didn't expect to find a new way to be welcomed by fans, wondering if you can rely on the establishment of Ren to attract popularity...

   A sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He got up and went to open the door. A minute later, the man was completely panicked.

  As he wished, the lawyers who were sent by the Gu Group to various places came to send the lawyer's letter and express the greetings of Gu Zhengran, the boss of the Gu Group.

   The same situation happened all over the country.

   This time, it was a complete kick to the iron plate. All the marketing accounts were completely panicked, and the marketing company behind them was also completely panicked.

   One after another, they called Brother Qian to help him think of a way, or to help him make a fortune. After all, Brother Qian has a wide network of contacts, and according to his meaning, he has recently been favored by capital bosses, so maybe he has a solution.

   "Qian Chun, you can't ignore this matter, it's all your instigation!"

  Qian Chun was so angry that he smashed the phone.

   Not only those marketing accounts are in trouble, but he is also in trouble. Who would have thought that a person hiding behind his back actually received warm greetings from the Gu Group's lawyers.

   "Ling Xuan, please help me think of a way." Without any choice, Brother Qian could only call Ling Xuan for help.

   The two have worked together for a while, and the other will never ignore him.

   "You are messing with He Linjun now? You go to check how many people he has harmed, and you actually help him?" Ling Xuan said, "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

   He directly hung up the phone.

   (end of this chapter)

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