The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 402: You are hopeless, cut the seat

   "You said you wouldn't frame He Xinyan, and you didn't bother to do it, hehe." Jin Bai sneered.

  I almost believed the other person's nonsense at first.

   What kind of beautiful little fairy, from beginning to end, that is He Yuye's mask.

   She is obviously a refined egoist, with a strong utilitarian intention, and she knows that only by packaging herself as a kind and pure appearance can she harvest the admiration of men.

   By forming a deep friendship with a man, she broadened her social circle and gave her a ladder to climb up.

   She was just talking too much about Wei Guangzheng, setting people up too deeply, and even deceived herself.

   He Yuye was instantly excited: "Could it be that He Xinyan keeps suppressing and bullying me, and I can't fight back? Jin Bai, I am so unbearable in your eyes?"

After a pause, she said in a trembling voice, "If you have to prove you're right, I'm a bad person... whatever you want. Just do you know that you have always been special in my heart. ."

  The girl's voice is firm and brave, and the faint breathing sound passes through the current, like fragile porcelain, which makes people want to protect themselves.

   Jin Bai's heart was not disturbed, after all, Ms. Yang had given him a vaccination.

  He Yuye made an ambiguous gesture when he couldn't explain it, which was in line with Ms. Yang's analysis of the behavior.

   "Special? Are you implying that you like me? But I don't like you." Jin Bo said coldly and hung up the phone.

   He didn't want to listen to He Yuye's behavior anymore, it was too distasteful.

   He Yuye was caught off guard and looked at the phone with a stunned expression. He had already said this, but Jin Bai was actually indifferent?

   Could it be that Jin Bai really likes He Xinyan? Thinking of this possibility, He Yuye's expression twisted.

  Impossible, He Xinyan is now being pointed out by thousands of people on the Internet! She has so many black materials, and it is impossible for He Linjun and Brother Qian to release them all.

   Once believed that Jin Bo would see his own goodness as long as he saw He Xinyan's true face.

   But when it came to this day, she realized that everything was not as she expected.

   He Yuye was so angry that he smashed the phone out.

   Hearing the movement upstairs, the servants of the He family were silent, and their determination to leave became stronger.

   There are always people smashing things at home recently, either He Linjun or Lin Yunshu.

  It's alright now, even He Yuye started smashing things.

  This family is not expected to get better, it is better for everyone to leave early.


  Lu family, Lu Qilin looked at the public opinion on the Internet with a cold expression.

  Three days passed, and his sense of taste really changed back to what it was before, and he didn't taste anything after eating.

   The housekeeper came over anxiously: "Master, why don't we go find that classmate..."

   "No." He replied coldly, "I said, I don't think she has that ability."

   He didn't want to care about the harassment on the Internet, and he didn't bother to care about it.

  He Yuye lives in the folk and has long been dulled by those cheap food. It's not her fault.

   She should not imitate Yan Xuqiao, she did not have her own opinions and ideas.

   But now, it doesn't seem to be her fault either. Yan Xuqiao's recipe was most likely brought from the He family.

  The public opinion on the Internet also confirmed his point of view, people have no sympathy for thieves who steal other people's wealth and life.

   This is He Xinyan's original sin. Who let her enjoy various benefits that did not belong to her.

   "Master..." The butler wanted to persuade him a few more words.

  Lu Qilin: "Okay, don't talk about it anymore. This is the end of the matter. I will cooperate with active treatment. Since traditional Chinese medicine is effective, let's continue to find famous doctors."

  He Xinyan can learn a little bit of Chinese medicine, but it is not because of the identity of the eldest lady of the He family, she has learned something from the Lin family.

  He Yuye was at a disadvantage and only returned to the He family when he was almost an adult, so he had no chance to get in touch with traditional Chinese medicine.

   Based on this, he felt that He Xinyan owed this He Yuye.

   The Lu family's withdrawal of capital and dissociation from the He family was out of interest, which did not mean that he would stand on He Xinyan's side.

  Lu Qilin thought about it for a while, and simply liked the comment "The people who occupy the magpie's nest will never be white with me".

  Although I feel sorry for He Xinyan, this is his only position and it will never change.


  Lu Qilin's account has its own traffic. Although the number of fans is scarce, who made him the young master of the Lu family in the imperial capital.

   Not long ago, the Lu family made a clear distinction with the He family, but how to explain Lu Qilin's behavior now?

  Lu Qilin's fans only thought that the young master was very tough. He Yuye's fans rushed to hear the news and thanked him for his support.

   After all, He Yuye's Weibo mentioned that she and Lu Qilin are very good friends, the kind who can entrust life and death.

   Besides, Lu Qilin studied at Yongxing High School before, and he was still in the same class as He Xinyan!

   Soon, this post was upvoted.

  【Those who are shaken by Jin Bai's Weibo, take a good look, Lu Qilin and He Xinyan are in the same class, do you know He Xinyan's character? 】

   [Yes, Jin Bai has already been dealt with, right? Whether it’s because of beauty or relationship, it’s pretty useless. 】

   [It is reported that the young master was pushed away by He Xinyan, because the young master never bought into her. 】

  【Trust the young master, He Xinyan will never be white with me! 】

   [Yeah, what a new songwriting, just a despicable adopted daughter, the blood in the bones is dirty. 】

   [Gossip, He Xinyan also did something to the young master [picture] [picture]]

  【I’m really convinced, this woman’s little sister is no doubt, this is the first time you’ve seen a photo of her hitting someone? Some people don't wash it hard, and if there is something that can't be said, it must be done. It can be seen that this woman's character is indeed not very good. 】

  【Last time I was at the airport, it seemed like I was a fan. 】

  【I am Chen Zhangwei, the person who was beaten. I was going to take pictures of Ji Geze's airport at that time. Who knew that I met He Xinyan and her sponsor. I didn't plan to photograph her at first, but I didn't expect this guy to put gold on her face, saying that I photographed her and smashed my camera. During this period of time, my submissions have been rejected, and I understand what it means to cover the sky with one hand. No wonder the young master of the Lu family also suffers. 】


  Xu Jingyang sneered when he saw Lu Qilin's liked Weibo.

   He simply called Lu Qilin.

The    side was quickly connected to the phone: "Xu Jingyang, are you looking for me?"

  Lu Qilin's voice was as cold and self-contained as ever.

  Xu Jingyang: "Calling you, just to say, you are hopeless, cut the seat."

  Lu Qilin's eyes tightened: "Do you understand what you're talking about?"

   In the past, he had a better relationship with Xu Jingyang. Lu Qilin asked himself, among all the boys in the class, if he really regarded him as a friend, that person could only be Xu Jingyang.

   Xu Jingyang is actually quite loyal. He never revealed his identity before, and he has always supported him. This friendship is invaluable.

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