The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 401: I shouldn't have fooled him, right?

   When he saw Jin Bai, he was full of anger. He would never forget the fact that this man was educated by He Xinyan.

   He wanted to see how the other party had the nerve to stand up and smear He Xinyan.

  He Chenxiao has never worried that public opinion will reverse. After all, he knows the real He Xinyan and knows that most of the black materials are fabricated and malicious speculation.

   Besides, the fourth brother said that He Chenxiao would not worry about it when he took care of it.

   Is there anything else in the world that his fourth brother can't handle? It's impossible, and I don't even think about who his fourth brother is.

   If Jin Bai dared to come out and fall for the trouble at this time, he would be slapped in the face when the final public opinion counterattacked.

   After reading it, He Chenxiao felt a little sour.

   Could this guy want to take this opportunity to show hospitality to He Xinyan?

   Damn, he was actually pretended to be by the other party, and he became the first person to publicly stand up for He Xinyan.


  He Xinyan was busy until late, and when she left the computer room, she realized that Shi Rin had not left tonight.

   She turned her head and looked at the brightly lit living room. Ali, Xiao Wu, and four other bodyguards were all there.

   The originally empty room seemed to be filled up suddenly.

   "Are you going to stay here tonight?" He Xinyan thought about it and asked.

  Shi Lin was wearing a high-neck knitted sweater, and she looked homey and lazy. Although the fairy spirit on her body was still there, it was not so ethereal and cold, making it difficult to approach.

   "No, I'm not staying overnight." Shi Rin said, this is a matter of principle, and he can't break it.

   Even if the house is this big, the upstairs is He Xinyan's private area, and even he rarely sets foot there.

   Let Ali and Xiaowu come in. First, He Xinyan knows that he doesn't need to hide, and secondly, it is convenient for He Xinyan to have someone available.

   does not mean that he can live in grandly without a sense of boundaries.

   "I'll leave in a moment." Shi Lin said interestingly, "But someone on the Internet has spoken for you."

  He Xinyan spent two minutes reading Jin Bai's.

  To be honest, after reading it, she was a little surprised that Jin Bai actually helped her speak? Isn't he one of He Yuye's most loyal fans, and he has cleared a lot of obstacles for He Yuye in the later period?

  What went wrong, Jin Bai still speaks for her?

  He Xinyan frowned for a few seconds, but still couldn't figure it out.

   What he did repeatedly to Jin Bo was to educate him to be a new person, right?

  According to the personality of the other party, the dignity of the boss is not to be provoked, and he should hate himself.

   "I shouldn't have beaten him stupid?" He Xinyan couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

  Shi Rin's smile didn't change: "Who knows what happened to him, but it's wise that he didn't choose to step on you at this time."

   saved his life.

  He Xinyan nodded: "That's true."

   She thought of that shrewd and capable Ms. Yang, and probably understood a little of the reason.

  With Ms. Yang's hindrance, I am afraid that He Yuye could not succeed in becoming a "good friend" with Jin Bai in this life.

  Shi Lin's expression softened, "Xinyan, it's time for public opinion to fight back. Where are you?"…

  He Xinyan: "I'm almost done here."

   She raised her head and looked at the dark sky, her eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, and looked at the other side of time and space.

   In this life, she was not controlled by the system, and she broke free from the shackles of fate step by step, but the other party still tried her best to install the script pointed out by thousands of people, and induce her to take the road of the villain.

   But how can I hate this world because of those unfounded rumors?

   She has so many lovely friends, trusted friends, and loved ones to protect.


   He Yuye was unbelievable when he received a call from Brother Qian.

  How is it possible, why did Jin Bo do that?

  Brother Qian: "Didn't you say that Jin Bo helped you tonight? Are you sure he is helping you and not helping others?"

  He Yuye: "I don't know, I'm a little confused right now, I want to ask Jin Bai what's going on."

   Brother Qian's voice couldn't help cooling down, "Then you'd better ask clearly, I don't want to be stabbed in the back."

   He was interested in He Yuye's potential, and felt that the He family was willing to spend money on resources, and He Yuye himself was very knowledgeable. In addition, He Yuye and He Xinyan's true and false daughters were naturally opposed to each other, so he tried his best to support her.

   Originally thought that he could get the support of the Lu family and Jin family in the imperial capital, and He Yuye's popularity was just around the corner.

   Who would have thought that the Lu family and the He family would draw a clear line first, and then follow Jin Bai's side and be completely out of control.

   Brother Qian can't help but deeply doubt whether He Yuye is the "Purple MSI" that He Linjun said.

   Damn, it doesn't look like Ziweixing now, but it looks like a broom star. I don't know how much money was spent, and it only gained a little momentum.

  He Yuye relied on the natural advantage of returning to a wealthy family with a real daughter, plus a few fans in the business circle of the previous few years, the result is not as many as He Xinyan's increase of fans in just half a year.

  He Xinyan's face is so amazing, plus her score kills He Yuye every minute, and she is still a music producer who swept the major music charts. This is because she did not open Weibo.

   If it wasn't for someone who secretly helped him and got a lot of He Xinyan's black material, plus the natural disadvantage of fake doves occupying the magpie's nest, he might not have been able to set off such a big wave.

   Brother Qian is really scared, worried that this time the whole network marketing will be reversed again.


   He Yuye dialed several times before finally calling Jin Bai.


   He Yuye's eyes instantly turned red when he heard the familiar voice over the phone.

She took a deep breath, tried to stabilize her emotions, and said with consideration, "Jin Shao, I saw your Weibo...Why did you do this? I mean, isn't this self-deprecating, I don't want you to be harassed? slandered."

  Jin Bai: "Is it also called self-deprecation to state facts?"

   He Yuye was startled, "But, you don't understand He Xinyan's motives, maybe she just wants to welcome or refuse?"

  Jin Bai: "What about you, what's your name? Fishing or teasing?"

  He Yuye's heart was half cold: "How could you misunderstand me like this?"

Jin Bai: "Then I really don't understand. You said that you helped me pursue He Xinyan, but now you are talking bad about He Xinyan in front of me. Do you think your behavior logic makes sense? By the way, they say your kind of behavior. Behavior is green tea."

   "I didn't say anything bad about He Xinyan, what I said was the truth. She did climb the bed as my uncle." He Yuye choked with grievances.

  Jin Bai's voice cooled down: "Did you see it with your own eyes? Or were you hiding under the bed?"

   After a pause, Jin Bo's voice changed, "That part was put on the Internet by your He family, right?"

   If He Yuye didn't make this call, he might think she was innocent and didn't know about it.

  But since He Yuye knew about it, she was definitely not innocent.

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