The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 364: Tiffany's bad news

   Who is more noble than someone like this?

   In the previous life, because of the suppression of the system, the other party was able to go smoothly, and hypocritically maintained her majestic face.

   In this life, as long as he doesn't buy it for a little bit, and doesn't act as a foil for the other party, He Yuye will be completely bleak.

   "Little villain, are you sure you are the villain transforming the system, not the villain building the system?" He Xinyan called out the system in her mind.

   The system that was playing fish and watching the drama was stunned, […what? 】

   It didn't understand.

   "It's nothing." He Xinyan said, "Go to the drama."

   has tried so many times, the other party's performance is no problem, it should not be playing stupid.

   But the malicious stare directed at her never dissipated, and even when He Yuye was slapped in the face just now, the malicious gaze became even stronger.

   She can even feel a surge of anger... What is the other party angry about? Are you angry that its chosen protagonist is a little bit broken, or are you angry that he is not a tool person?

  He Xinyan laughed silently, are you angry? I'm afraid that the other party's knowledge is still a bit small.

   "What are you laughing at?" Shi Rin walked over from the corner.

  The people in the first class of the third year of high school turned their heads to look at Shi Lin, and then looked at Fu Ran and Lu Sichuan, God, another big guy came.

   This person's face value is really never tired of seeing him, and his temperament is cold and dusty, like an immortal.

  Today is really a lucky day, the benefits keep coming one after another!

  Fu Ran couldn't help widening his eyes. He didn't have a direct face-to-face with the other party at the school celebration last time. After this face-to-face meeting, he suddenly felt that his prosperous beauty had lost, and he had lost completely!

   If you let your group of face fans see this, you can't climb the wall in minutes!

  Fu Ran suddenly felt the biggest sense of crisis since he started his career... He said to Lu Sichuan, "Brother Lu, what should I do? If he enters the entertainment industry, he will be a huge threat to me. After all, I rely on my looks to eat."

  Lu Sichuan: "…"

   was speechless for a moment, then he comforted, "If you think too much, he will not enter the entertainment industry."

  The young master of the imperial family's family... Even if that face is alluring, it is impossible to join the entertainment industry.

   But if it is used for marriage, it is very possible. Even if the other party signs to give up the inheritance rights of the Shi family, there are still a lot of celebrities who are willing to marry.

  Lu Sichuan thought, and his eyes fell on the woman standing on the corner of the street.

  The woman was wearing a big-name Xiaoxiang style suit. The weather was very cold, but she didn't seem to be afraid of the cold. She stood quietly on the street corner wearing high-heeled shoes, and her whole person showed the gentleness and calmness of a lady.

  He Xinyan also noticed the woman, she looked back and asked Shi Rin, "Fourth Young Master, why are you here?"

   "I saw you guys having dinner together, so I came over to see." Shi Rin said.

  He Xinyan thought for a while, and then introduced to the classmates behind him: "This is Shi Lin...and one of Yan Xuqiao's investors."

  The students greeted each other warmly.


   "Hello boss Shi, thank you for your hospitality today!"

   "Yan Xuqiao is really a great dessert shop, please have confidence in it, it will definitely give you back the best profit!"

   "He Xinyan is really amazing, she herself is Yan Xuqiao's most valuable asset!"

   Of course, everyone covets Shi Lin's appearance, and is willing to get close to such a top-level handsome guy.

   But before that, the students were more worried about the threat from Lu Qilin.

   Everyone is not stupid, Lin Xuxu's parents and that handsome behavior are obviously instructed by someone behind. If nothing else, that person probably has nothing to do with the He family.

   Now Lu Qilin is bewitched by He Yuye again and wants to target Yan Xuqiao...

  The students didn't say anything, but they broke into a cold sweat and felt very angry at the same time.

   They are the No. 1 in the first grade of the third year of high school, can they be calculated and bullied so easily?

   Well-informed, they all know that the Lin family's parents came forward to settle the matter. The young master of the Shi family supported Yan Xuqiao with a strong attitude, which was also a warning to those who secretly coveted Yan Xuqiao.

  Since you are an investor, of course everyone has to say something nice and hope that the other party will not give up their care for Yan Xuqiao.


  Xi Yuyan frowned slightly as she looked at the people at the end of the long street.

   She was a little surprised. Shi Lin took the initiative to say hello to those students, but she was still so patient and kept chatting with those students?

  What does he have to say to those nasty high school students?

   Do those people understand economics and finance, or do they know how to play, calligraphy and painting, or fencing and shooting?

   Even the Buddhist scriptures that Shi Rin has read thoroughly, how many of them have the patience to study?

  Xi Yuyan is studying abroad for graduate school this year. Her academic performance is very high in the department, and the professor also appreciates her. Not surprisingly, she will become a rookie in the financial industry next year.

   She likes who she is now, she is smart, beautiful and clear-headed, and everything looks the best.

   Unlike the high school days, he was ignorant, impetuous, and self-inflated. He had no character and insisted on some ridiculous positions.

  Think of the group of people who looked down on Shi Rin and voluntarily gave up their inheritance... Now how many of them are able to show off their skills in their own companies and become upstarts in the business world?

  Adolescent boys and girls always only know what others say and follow bad money to drive out good money, but even so, there are still many people who have a crush on Shi Rin.

  Xi Yuyan was the most patient and the one who persisted the longest.

   She has been planning for so many years, she asked herself to be silent, and she could continue to fly kites. Anyway, Shi Rin would only marry her in the end.

   Until the appearance of the girl named He Xinyan broke her plan for the future.


   After being reminded by the clerk, He Xinyan went out and saw the shadow standing in the corner.

  It was very cold in the winter, and the other party was wearing so little clothes. He Xinyan thought about it, picked up a cup of hot drink and walked over.

   "If you don't mind, come in and sit down?"

  Xi Yuyan froze for a moment, took the cup of hot drink, raised her head and nodded slightly, "Are you He Xinyan? I'm Xi Yuyan, thank you for your kindness, I will pay for it."

   She was obviously not really afraid of the cold, she held the hot drink in her hands, her legs in high heels trembled imperceptibly.

  He Xinyan turned around indifferently and walked into the store.

  Xi Yuyan walked into the store and saw Shi Rin sitting in the middle of the crowd, her face stiffened.

   "Well, can I talk to you alone for a while?"

   She noticed that there is a separate private room in the store, which is very private. The decoration of this store is also her favorite style. It is retro and fashionable, and the small details are very attentive and friendly.

  He Xinyan: "Okay."

   She had already sensed that the other party had something to say to her.

   The two entered the small private room, and Xi Yuyan was thinking about how to make He Xinyan retreat.

   A little girl of this age is impulsive and willful, and if one goes wrong, it can backfire, so she hates talking to high school students.

   "I've always had a hunch that something big will happen today." He Xinyan couldn't help but sigh while looking at the phone.

  Xi Yuyan froze for a moment: " know what I'm going to say?"

   "I don't know, I just sighed, Tiffana just broke out huge negative news."

  Xi Yuyan: "???"

   What Na? what are you talking about?

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