The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 363: Lu Qilin, you are really LOW

   Zheng Shu was so panicked that he vaguely realized that his behavior of standing in line today was really wrong.

   He didn't want to be an enemy of everyone in the group at first, but it wasn't because of He Yuye's text message that he was instantly angry and wanted to hold injustice for the other party.

   Until this moment, he regretted that his bowels were blue, and he should not slander He Xinyan.

  Yin Siyi: "You are ungrateful first, I can't say it."

   I don’t really want to intercede, after all, these two deserve it.

  He Xinyan turned around and was about to leave, Lu Qilin pursed his lower lip, and finally couldn't help but say, "I invested in Tiffana's offline dessert shop, and I will make it the number one dessert shop in China."

   With the strong support of the Lu family in the imperial capital, he did not believe that Tiffana would still lose to Yan Xuqiao.

  He Xinyan's expression was calm, without any surprises, "Oh, it sounds very ambitious, I wish you success."

  Lu Qilin guessed that she did not understand the weight and meaning of her words, "I forgot to tell everyone that I am the young master and heir of the Lu family in the imperial capital, Lu Qilin."

  He Xinyan: "So what?"

  Lu Qilin couldn't help it, "I know that you have your back against the young master of the Shi family, so you are not afraid; but Tiffany will be my first key investment project after inheriting the Lu family."

  Inheritors and non-heirs, in such a wealthy family as the Shi family and the Lu family, the gap is not a big one.

   Shi Rin has already signed an agreement to give up the right of inheritance. Without a huge amount of property and resources, how much help can he provide to Yan Xuqiao?

   But he is different. Every instruction of his represents the Lu family, and can naturally mobilize all resources to pave the way for Tiffana.

  He Xinyan really couldn't understand: "You told me so much, apart from proving that your own vision is really not good, what else can you prove?"

   It seems that the Lu Group is 100% controlled by him and does not need to be accountable to the board of directors at all.

   The young heir can't hold back the board of directors. She sees too much. There is an example. He Linjun's trash has always made the board of directors dissatisfied, and he has repeatedly wanted to fire him?

   Lu Qilin's first key investment project when he takes office will definitely affect the evaluation of him by the board of directors.

  Lu Qilin took a deep breath, he felt that he was talking with ducks today.

   "Is the Lu family amazing? Only people who are incompetent themselves would want to use their family background to oppress others." Xu Jingyang snorted lightly and gave a thumbs down, "Lu Qilin, you are really LOW."

   The key is that even if he fights for his family background, Lu Qilin can't beat He Xinyan at all.

  The Lu family is a big family, and a large number of people means that the shareholding is scattered, which means that there are many candidates for heirs... The position of Lu Qilin's heir is not as stable as he imagined.

   On the contrary, the Gu Group can be said to be completely in the hands of Gu Zhengran. The other party only has a pair of children, and He Xinyan can inherit far more shares than Lu Qilin.

   So what does Lu Qilin have to be proud of in front of He Xinyan? Do you know that his face will be swollen sooner or later?

  Lu Qilin clenched his fists, Xu Jingyang's ridicule made him feel deeply offended.

   Xu Jingyang: "Why, do you still want to fight? Young master, I will accompany you to the end."

  Lu Qilin couldn't bear it any longer, he turned around and left.

  What are the eyes of the classmates? Shocked, puzzled, and more… contemptuous.

  Lu Qilin's heart sank slightly. He is naturally indifferent, but he only has deep feelings for the first class, and has always had a deep prestige among his classmates.

  Even if there was a dispute with He Xinyan because of the withdrawal from the physics competition and the songwriting of the school celebration party, everyone would not go to the team.

   This is the first time he has seen contemptuous and disdainful eyes in the eyes of his classmates, and even deep disappointment among them.

  —Except Zheng Shu and Wu Qian, almost all the students chose to stand on He Xinyan's side this time. This realization annoyed him.

   But that's fine, he didn't want to stay in Yongxing High School for a long time.

   When he returned to the imperial capital, he was still the young master of the Lu family, the heir to the high-ranking Lu family, and he would most likely not interact with these ordinary classmates in the future.

   Even if there is an intersection, it can only be these classmates to beg him.


   He Yuye glanced at Lu Sichuan hesitantly. She also wanted to ask him if he had any opinion on her song.

  Lu Sichuan raised his eyes to look at He Yuye, the sight that the other party delivered several times was hard to ignore.

   "Are you looking for me for something?" he said, his voice gentle and elegant.

   He Yuye withdrew his gaze: "...No."

  Lu Sichuan thought for a while, and said softly, "If you were asking about the song you wrote... Sorry, you may have a long way to go in the way of music."

   He Yuye was caught off guard, his face pale.

   "I'm sorry, can you tell me why?" She asked reluctantly. Could it be that He Xinyan was making trouble again?

  As a singer, hasn't Lu Sichuan always focused on the song itself?

   "I always thought that you were of high moral character, would not be influenced by external things, and would be willing to promote talented newcomers in an eclectic manner."

  Lu Sichuan looked at her and said seriously: "You also said that the premise is talent. If it's just some piercing, or a lot of imitation, or rhetorical songs, in my opinion, it's not talented."

   The other party specially found a senior executive of the company and asked him to give an evaluation.

  Lu Sichuan has already given feedback on the evaluation. Since the other party has asked so, he doesn't mind saying it again.

   "Is that the song "Youth"?" Fu Ran remembered something, "I've heard that song too, the melody and lyrics are really imitating "Cicada" and "Transformation"."

   He Yuye's breathing stagnated slightly, "You... nonsense!"

  Fu Ran: "I've seen you like this a lot. Since Xinxin's songwriting became popular, many people have followed suit. But at least others have self-knowledge."

   And the person in front of him obviously has no self-knowledge.

  Lin Xuxu sneered: "I can see it clearly, you can't walk independently without Xinyan, right?"

   He Yuye couldn't listen anymore, she almost ran away.

  Lin Xuxu's voice came from behind, "Does she have paranoia and think she is the representative of the will of the world, you are the villain, and you have to step on you to set off her integrity and kindness?"

  He Xinyan: "...It's possible."

   "Then I'll say it, she's thinking about shit. Also, what kind of justice is the protagonist of framing others?"

   "I also think that the two of them are not of the same order of magnitude at all. This is simply a touch on the moon."

   "I don't think she is the protagonist, but rather like the **** of plague... There is no normal person around her."

  He Yuye: "…"

   The pace is getting faster and faster.


  He Xinyan looked at He Yuye's back with a calm expression.

  According to the system, He Yuye is indeed very much like the darling of heaven, the representative of the will of the world, and his body is always shining with the brilliance of humanity.

   It is clear that He Yuye is jealous, greedy, selfish, hypocritical and self-righteous.

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