The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 361: Liu Jiayi and Lu Qilin fought

   Liu Jiayi saw the figure swaying at the door, thought about it and went out.

   Although his school tyrant filter was broken, his status in the first class was not as good as Xu Jingyang, who had become a high-profile person, but his prestige was still there.

   In the past, he thought that He Xinyan had destroyed the unity of the group, and he was trying to make He Xinyan get out of the way.

   Now the person who broke the unity of the squad has been replaced by the squad leader Lu Qilin. Although he can't stand it, he thinks that He Xinyan didn't let the other party go away... He can still bear it.

   But before Liu Jiayi walked over, he saw two sneaky shadows surrounding him.

   "Monitor, you are so right."

   "Really, He Xinyan is too much, how can she bully Yu Ye like this?"

   "Squad leader, you must take care of her, do they still care about you as a squad leader!"

   There were only two people left in the trio that used to be involved in trouble. Seeing that Lu Qilin finally united with them, he was immediately excited.

   At this time, of course, we must stand up and condemn He Xinyan. Yuye is in such a difficult situation now, and it is not because He Xinyan is too deceiving!

   Besides, they were also very dissatisfied with He Xinyan and didn't want to be ridden by a woman.

   The key is that He Xinyan is too strong. If he says he brushes the paper, he will brush the paper, and if he corrects the wrong question, he will correct the wrong question. Under the pressure, everyone has opinions.

   She is not a teacher! Why is she!

   The two were full of complaints, and because they couldn't find a way to vent, they could finally stop vomiting today.

   "I don't think He Xinyan has any real skills either. After a long time, it's still a question of sea tactics."

   "Who doesn't know how to brush the papers? I want her to meddle in her own business. Then she takes all the credit for herself, shameless."

   "Without her, I would definitely have done better in the test!"

  Liu Jiayi was so furious when he heard it, he stepped forward and kicked the opponent, "What the **** are you talking about, say it again if you have the ability?"

   Zheng Shu turned his head and saw Liu Jiayi, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, "Yi, Brother Yi!"

   "Brother Yi, we didn't say anything. By the way, Yuye came over today, why don't you save face, I'll invite everyone to dinner." Wu Qian skillfully put on a slick and flattering smile.

  Liu Jiayi: "How old are you, do I need to give you face?"

   He Yuye's eyes immediately turned red, she felt that Liu Jiayi was targeting herself.

  Lu Qilin said lightly: "Liu Jiayi, if you don't want it, you don't want it. There's no need to speak so harshly."

  Liu Jiayi turned his eyes to Lu Qilin, "Is it as bad as you said? You slander others behind your **** back, so you have the nerve to speak of me?"

  Lu Qilin's pupils shrank slightly, "Did you hear what you just said?"

   His eyes returned to indifference, "That's not slander, that's just telling the truth. You can't tout Yan Xuqiao's junk food just because you like He Xinyan."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Jiayi's fist also fell on his face.

  Lu Qilin tilted his head, and after feeling the burning pain on his face, his eyes instantly turned cold.


   "My God, Liu Jiayi and Lu Qilin are fighting!"

   The classmates sitting by the door glanced outside the door and exclaimed.

   The classmates in the store were alarmed and went out to pull the racks one after another.

  Xu Jingyang stopped Lu Qilin and glanced at the battle situation. Not to mention, the two of them fought quite fiercely, and both sides had a smile on their faces.

   Realizing that Lu Qilin was still trying to pounce, Xu Jingyang became a little irritable, "You **** calm down and fight again, I really want me to tell the teacher, both of you remember?"

   Everyone in the first class of the third year of high school was shocked. They never thought that one day the strict and self-disciplined Lu Qilin would actually fight with others.

   "Lu Qilin, are you out of your mind?" He Xinyan asked with a frown.

  Liu Jiayi stopped after being pulled away, only Lu Qilin still didn't give up.

  People who used to maintain unity and stability as the highest criterion, but now they are fighting to the top, and they cannot be persuaded.

  People: "…"

   Although he couldn't say anything on his lips, he nodded frantically in his heart. Lu Qilin's ferocious face now really looks like he has lost his mind.

  He Yuye turned to look at Zheng Shu and Wu Qian, but both of them kept their heads down, obviously not planning to help Lu Qilin clear up the misunderstanding.

   She took a deep breath and could only stand up by herself.

   "He Xinyan, what right do you have to say that? Don't you know why the two of them fought?"

  He Xinyan: "I didn't tell you, please close the wheat."

   He Yuye was stunned for a moment, the familiar feeling of depression came again, she bit her lower lip unwillingly, suddenly opened her hands, and stopped in front of He Xinyan.

   "I'm not as smart as you, but I won't allow you to slander the squad leader like this." He Yuye said, "It was Liu who started the attack first... Can the squad leader still fight back?"

  Lu Qilin has always been a top student in the eyes of teachers and classmates, completely different from a school bully like Liu Jiayi.

   This rhetoric is obviously more in line with the usual behavior of the two. Liu Jiayi is domineering, and Lu Qilin is forced to fight back.

   It seems clear at a glance what is right and what is wrong.

  Lin Xuxu sneered, Liu Jiayi was short-tempered, but why did she not believe what He Yuye said.

   He Yuye looked at He Xinyan seriously: "Who is he for, I don't believe you don't know. You are the culprit of this dispute."

   "Pfft!" Lin Xuxu couldn't help it, and laughed loudly, "Is this a forcible touch of porcelain? Forgive me, it's the first time I've seen something like this."

  Xu Jingyang looked at He Yuye unhappily: "You must pay attention to evidence when you speak, do you think you are a judge?"

   No wonder he had a great opinion of He Yuye. Not only was this woman dejected, she was also a neurotic and stalker.

   There have been vague rumors from the school in the past two days, saying that He Xinyan wanted to climb Gaozhi and wanted to go crazy, but she forcibly touched the Gu family in Cihaicheng and wanted to become the eldest lady of the Gu family, but was slapped in the face by the paternity test.

  Many people took this as a joke and thought the people who spread the rumors were stupid and bad, and regarded everyone as fools.

  Xu Jingyang became vigilant. He made a special investigation. On the day he went to the tea room, someone saw He Yuye leaving school with him in the distance.

   The road he took was not the only road He Yuye had to take after school, the other party appeared there... It was self-evident why.

   This rumor is vicious and reveals a sense of superiority. Sometimes Xu Jingyang can't help but want to laugh when he thinks about it.

   That's enough, if it wasn't for the inconvenience, he would now tell the story that He Xinyan was the eldest Miss of the Gu family, and see who was beaten in the face.

  He Yuye is so embarrassed to say that He Xinyan robbed her of her wealthy life and owes her a natural debt. It's really funny. Does the eldest Miss Gu need to rob her life?

   Is there any comparison between the He family and the Gu family?

  Lu Qilin closed his eyes and fought this fight, he also calmed down, "Enough is enough, stop talking."

   He licked the wound on the corner of his lips and turned to leave.

   "Stop, let you go?" He Xinyan's calm voice rang from behind.

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