The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 360: Did it actually detect Salmonella?

   [Non-sweet lovers said that Yan Xuqiao is super delicious, not too sweet and greasy like other desserts. 】

  【I probably know which one upstairs is talking about... The desserts of that shop are so boring that I am afraid of seeing desserts for several days. 】

  【When you say Yan Xuqiao, just say Yan Xuqiao, what are you doing when you step on Tiffana? Are you sick, buy hot searches and step on them, disgusting! 】

  【? ? ? Passers-by said they couldn't understand it, weren't they talking about Yan Xuqiao? Why did DFN jump out? 】

  【For a foreign brand whose quality is so poor that the advertisements are overwhelming, don’t try to rub it against it, okay? You don't deserve to be compared with Yan Xuqiao! 】


  On the internet, apart from some people jumping, most passers-by are curious, and many passers-by fans are in Amway.

  Yan Xuqiao's silent accumulation of word-of-mouth has exploded in this hot search.

   Not to mention that offline stores are easily full, and now there are queues every day; and online chocolate candies and other products have seen an astonishing increase in sales.

  Yan Xuqiao's official Weibo also took advantage of this shareholder trend and simply announced the brand spokesperson Lu Sichuan.

   Now on the Internet, Yan Xuqiao's brand reputation is much better than that of Tiffana, even if Tiffana has invested a lot of money in advertising.

   Today, Yan Xuqiao’s largest store in the city center has been reserved, and all the exams have been completed. Of course, I ask the students to relax.

  The first class of the third year of high school thought that they were the only ones, but who knew that when they entered the store, they found that there were other classes in the party.

   "Why are you here?"

"Let's take a seat. Yan Xuqiao has been hard to line up these days, but we were wearing the school uniforms of Yongxing High School, and we were released easily." The classmate said with a smile, and couldn't help secretly defending his intelligence and wit. Liked.

   "Okay, we'll leave after we finish eating, you guys have fun! Yan Shen, goodbye!"

   "Yan Shen, goodbye!"

   A group of people came to say hello to He Xinyan, and they didn't stay much, and went out quickly.

   The store manager saw He Xinyan and hurried over. The store clerk hurried to the door to hang the sign.

   After the students found their seats, they quickly started serving desserts and beverages. Many of the afternoon teas this time were new products, and everyone enjoyed it with novelty and relish.

   Everyone chatted about academic performance, college entrance examination and the future while eating. Basically, everyone had a clear direction and goal.

   was not very sure at first, this is not because of He Xinyan, follow her step by step, step by step, although it may be more difficult, but the future in front of me is becoming more and more clear and certain.

   "I never thought that I would be able to get into the top 60 in the city. My parents said that I was really lucky when I entered the first class."

   "Who is not, I am the pride of our old Wang family now."

   "By the way, Yan Shen, what do you want to do in the future?" Someone suddenly asked.

Seeing the scene quiet down, she hurriedly said, "I mean, Yan Shen, your grades are so good that the physics teachers say it's a pity that you don't do physics research; but you're actually a famous music producer, and now you're running a very good business. Amazing dessert shop. So what are you going to do in the future?"

   Lin Xuxu's heart tightened, and she couldn't help but start to think, if He Xinyan chose the other two paths, would she still be able to support Yan Xuqiao.

  Qiao Yuqiao was also stunned, yes, He Xinyan is so powerful, it would be a waste not to do scientific research.

   Both of them turned their attention to He Xinyan.

   "Well, can't you have all three?" Fu Yuhuai took a sip of warm drink and answered.

  Lin slowly frowned: "But that would be very hard."

  Qiaoyu Bridge: "...It's not impossible, but it's the most important thing to be happy."

  Xu Jingyang hesitated, "I will support whatever you do, but you can't be too tired."

   Liu Jiayi sat on the table next to him and silently squeezed the drink cup in his hand. He wanted to say something, but felt that he couldn't say it.

  It was not until today that he discovered that He Xinyan was someone he couldn't catch up with no matter how hard he tried.

   This discovery made him feel particularly unhappy.

  He Xinyan: "Yes, of course you need all three. Why do you need to do multiple-choice questions?"

   As soon as she finished speaking, someone sat down beside her.

   "Wow, awesome, worthy of Xinxinai writing songs! I knew you wouldn't close the pen!" Fu Ran's surprised and moved voice sounded behind him.

The people around    then reacted, and all turned their attention to the person sitting next to He Xinyan.

  The man in the scarf hat smiled and raised his head to say hello: "Hello everyone!"

   "Lu Sichuan!"

  The classmates are crazy with joy, so is this a surprise delivered by the spokesperson in person? This perk is great!

  Fu Ran folded his arms around his chest and glanced at Lu Sichuan unhappily. He really hated that the other party was more popular than himself.


  Lu Qilin was standing in front of Yanxuqiao Main Store.

   Today, He Xinyan and the others invited guests. They invited Class 1 of Senior 3. Although he didn't tell him specifically, he was the monitor of Class 1 of Senior 3 after all, so he came over anyway.

  Some things, no matter how unhappy he is, will no longer be as black and white as when he was a child.

   At least in terms of face, he didn't want to have a complete standoff with He Xinyan.

   It's like this period of time, He Xinyan took up self-study time to tutor his classmates, and he didn't stop it.

   When he was about to enter the door, two tall men walked by. Although they were both fully armed, he recognized them at a glance.

  —Lu Sichuan and Fu Ran.

   Sure enough, when the two walked in, bursts of laughter broke out in the store.

   Through the glass door, he couldn't hear clearly, but he just thought the laughter was harsh.

   Probably because He Xinyan's actions are too flamboyant.

   Therefore, Fu Ran's actions on the Internet were also arranged by her. It was a very successful marketing, which completely opened up Yan Xuqiao's national popularity with the smallest cost.

  Tiffany has obvious shortcomings in this regard, and the advertisements are overwhelming, but they are all a waste of money.

   Just when Lu Qilin was about to open the door, a weak voice suddenly came from behind him: "...Squad leader."

  Lu Qilin turned around, saw He Yuye, and hurried over, "Why are you here?"

  He Yuye: "...I want to come to Yanxuqiao to learn from the scriptures. Tiffana still has a lot to do, I..."

  Lu Qilin: "Learn from the scriptures? What is there to learn from scriptures? Yan Xuqiao's desserts are getting more and more tasteless. Is that still called desserts? The materials used are also very cheap, and there is no way to compare with Tiffana."

   If he had hesitated before, he quickly made a decision the moment he saw He Yuye.

   Break will break, he doesn't need to give He Xinyan face at all.

   He invested in Tiffany himself, and He Xinyan stepped on Tiffany's marketing and offended him, why should he bear it?


   On the other side, the He family.

  In the study, Mr. He was sunk deep into the leather chair, and his figure was much hunched.

   "Salmonella was actually detected?...No, this must be framed by an opponent!"

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