The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 356: What kind of sari are you?

   Chapter 356 What kind of relic are you?

  He Yuye has always known that there is a natural opposition between true and false daughters, but she doesn't care, she wants to be sisters with He Xinyan and influence each other with love and kindness.

   However, He Xinyan didn't buy it or said it, and pushed the two of them step by step to the situation they are today.

   Today, she wanted to ask the other party how to repay what she owed herself.

He Xinyan glanced at He Yuye calmly, "First of all, it's not me who accidentally lost you, you should go to your mother for compensation; secondly, I haven't lived a rich life for more than ten years, I have already explained this issue clearly already."

   Not only did she not enjoy a rich life, but even when she was brought to the He family when she was young, it seemed that she was deliberately done.

"Do you mean no? It's always true that you were adopted by the He family and saved from being displaced in the orphanage; it's always true that you sold the shares your father gave you to buy a villa... Even the talent you have now. , are the result of enjoying the elite education of the He family!"

   He Yuye's eyes were red with anger, as a vested interest, what right does the other party have to speak loudly in front of him.

  He Xinyan looked at each other meaningfully: "So, this is your true opinion, right?"

The    system has always emphasized that He Yuye is a person of noble morality, but how could a person of real morality frame others?

   Not to mention He Yuye's constant acts of show, although she is always innocent, she will always bring trouble and trouble to others.

   "I always thought that you were not clear about your self-awareness, that you would feel that you are the embodiment of justice and a model of morality, and everyone should praise you for every act of kindness."

  He Xinyan said with a pause, "So that's not the case."

  He Yuye's eyes were stubborn: "...don't say this, I'll ask you, do you have any feelings or gratitude towards the He family?"

   Surrounding audience: "…"

   What a chicken thief, this girl! No matter how He Xinyan answered this question, she would fall into a passive situation.

   If you say yes, the other party will say, then you owe me; if the answer is no, you will appear unkind.

  He Xinyan didn't hesitate: "No! I don't owe the He family, so don't think morality kidnapped me. Haven't you already accused me, I have no morality."

   He Yuye: "I knew it! You really are a white-eyed wolf!"

He Xinyan was indifferent to this accusation, and even suggested sincerely, "Since you all know, why do you try to influence me again and again? If I remember correctly, your third class is not on the way here, right? If you don't come here, you won't be able to see me. ."

"She can't accept that we prefer Yanshen, she just wants to go crazy." The girl who spoke before sneered, "Please, what's wrong with us liking people with charisma and smart brains? Is it hard to like the sari ?"

   After a pause, she said again, "No, what kind of relic are you? If you are really such a virgin, how can you make yourself allergic to peanut powder, and then acquiesce to frame things like Yanshen."

   He Yuye's face turned red: "I've already apologized..."

   "Oh, I apologized, and then the hurt doesn't exist?"

  He Yuye: "…"

   She was quiet, her face slowly turned red, she didn't expect to be turned over by someone.

   Obviously she is frank and generous, so how many people can't do it, so why do they say that about her?

  Qiao Yuqiao pushed up her glasses, she almost understood what was going on.

   "Instead of asking others to apologize here, you might as well go home and ask if what your classmates said is true, and whether those things were done by your mother and brother. Don't you know anything about those things?"

   He Yuye took a step back: "You... nonsense."

   "As a vested interest, of course you can pretend to be deaf and dumb, but you ask yourself, are you really not letting this result go, and even secretly grateful?"

  Qiaoyuqiao took a step forward and asked very seriously: "Cheng Jiaxing's rumors spread everywhere, does it really have nothing to do with you?"

  Cheng Jiaxing used to be normal, but since He Yuye went to shift three, he has become more and more extreme.

  Qiao Yuqiao doesn't like to blame Cheng Jiaxing's changes and crazy behaviors. After all, the other party is an adult and should be able to take responsibility for his behavior.

   But she has evidence that Cheng Jiaxing was instigated by He Yuye.

  He Yuye: "…"

   Looking at those calm and transparent eyes, He Yuye was inevitably flustered.

   "No." After a few seconds, she said calmly, she wanted to ask, are you going to throw dirty water on me again?

   However, in the next second, looking at the mobile phone that Qiao Yuqiao handed in front of him, He Yuye couldn't help widening his eyes.

   "For what else, of course, to fight against competitors."


   "I didn't expect it to be so complicated between classmates. No wonder my eldest brother always said that shopping malls are dangerous."


  Compared to Cheng Jiaxing's righteous indignation, He Yuye's voice was full of helplessness, but a few understated words seemed to add fuel to Cheng Jiaxing's emotions.

  He Yuye's face was blank, "You guys followed me and photographed me?"

  Qiao Yuqiao: "The classmate who gave me the video said he just recorded it by accident. If you want to confront him, he can also cooperate."

   He Yuye's eyes turned red in an instant, and she was about to cry.

   The gazes delivered by the surrounding classmates made her look like a beam on her back.

   She couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to leave as if she were running away.

   "Wait a minute, did I let you go?" He Xinyan said calmly. "If you provoke me, don't you even need to bear the consequences?"

   "Then what do you want?" He Yuye asked in a trembling voice, tears welling up in his eyes, I felt pity.

   The last time He Xinyan was pressed to the toilet to pull out her hair reappeared in front of her eyes again, her eyes were a little frightened like a deer.

  He Xinyan hugged her chest and looked at He Yuye. She had to say that the other party really had the capital to stimulate others' desire for protection.

   "Why, do you think I'm going to hit you? I won't, hitting you will only get my hands dirty."

   After a pause, He Xinyan said, "But don't worry, the He family smeared Yan Xuqiao for Tiffana, this matter is not over."

   He Yuye's voice was a bit obscure: "What do you want to do to Tiffana?"

"What? I've already done it. Did you forget the last incident of Tiffany's diarrhea? Or, don't you even think about it?" He Xinyan said, "I suspect that Tiffana used contaminated low-cost raw materials. Caused everyone salmonella infection, so I have reported it."

  He Yuye was stunned for a moment.

   She didn't say anything, she turned around and ran, and she had to tell her family the news quickly.

   He Xinyan didn't stop her, anyway, the matter has been decided, the other party can't change anything.

   At that time, the student union officially banned Tiffana from entering the Yongxing High School campus, but anyone with a sense of responsibility should go back and investigate.

  He Yuye did not comfort the students who suffered, nor did he investigate the diarrhea situation. Instead, he hid behind and directed Cheng Jiaxing to jump up and down.

   (end of this chapter)

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