The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 355: You are born to owe me

   Chapter 355 You are born to owe me

   Thanks to Cheng Jiaxing, the news that He Xinyan, Lin Xuxu and Qiao Yuqiao founded Yanxu Bridge soon spread throughout Yongxing High School.

  It was different from what Cheng Jiaxing expected. The first reaction of many people when they heard the news was that I am so handsome!

  Especially after learning that the news came out of Cheng Jiaxing's mouth, there was no need to go to verify it in person, everyone recognized this.

   After all, Cheng Jiaxing and He Xinyan had a relationship. Some negative comments about He Xinyan in his mouth can be picked up and heard, but there is absolutely no dispute about the store opening.

  Smart classmates even took the initiative to search online to find out what happened.

   This search, immediately found two videos clarifying the apology.

   In particular, Du, the first handsome man in Donglin City, also took the initiative to post a screenshot of the chat where he received money and a list of claims to be held accountable, probably because he wanted to sell it badly.

   He received 3,000 yuan to spread rumors and smear others, but he has to face hundreds of thousands of reputation damage and infringement compensation. It seems really sad.

   But that's just appearances. Anyone who has a right view, who doesn't deserve it.

   The loss of brand reputation caused by rumors is simply incalculable. The compensation fees listed by the lawyers are already very conscientious, and they have not bullied others.

  Eighteen-year-old boys and girls already have the ability to think independently. After understanding what happened, they immediately guessed that this was a targeted smear.

  Whether it was He Xinyan or Yan Xuqiao, or both, this behavior angered the students of Yongxing High School.

   We finally came out with such a treasure of the town school and a well-known alumnus in the future, but as a result, someone actually splashed dirty water and smeared it?

  The classmates with a keen sense of smell have already associated this incident with what happened a few times before.

   "I chatted with my parents, and sure enough, they also heard the black stuff, but fortunately they only heard it after they were clarified."

   "My parents saw it a long time ago, but they checked with me, and I refuted it. It's nothing at all! It's really a rumor, a rumor, and a broken leg."

   "Yan Shen's brain is probably filled with a lot of money from God. My parents said that I couldn't reach the level of eight hundred reincarnations."

   "Haha, although I can only ask my parents for money, what's the matter with inexplicably proud?"

   "Anyway, I've decided that this incident has nothing to do with the He family."

   As soon as this sentence came out, the crowd that had been discussing was silent for a moment.

The girl who spoke raised her eyebrows: "Why, am I wrong? Whether it is from personal grievances or commercial competition, Yan Shen and Yan Xuqiao are unlucky, and only He Jiahe will benefit. Tiffany."

   The others were silent for a moment, and a boy raised his hand weakly.

   "Actually, I also heard from my parents that the He family did a lot of smearing and suppressing Yanshen, especially not paying attention... I heard that He Linjun did the cheating incident that the Ling family planted."

   "I'm not surprised at all... Didn't he even bribe Zhang Yufan to follow and take pictures, and use borrowed photos to smear Yanshen's private life and chaos."

   "Mrs. He too, she bought the sales lady to make things difficult for Yanshen, and when the matter was revealed, she went to grab the prize from Yanshen."

   "God, is the He family so suffocating?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

   He Yuye couldn't listen anymore. She was just passing by, and when she heard these people mention He Xinyan, she subconsciously relaxed her hands and feet to hear what everyone was saying.

   The final exam is coming soon, she dare not relax, she concentrates on studying in the classroom every day, and she really does not hear anything outside the window.

   She didn't want to be disrupted by He Xinyan, so she didn't pay attention to He Xinyan's affairs for the past two days.

  I only vaguely knew that Cheng Jiaxing would go out to join classes every day between classes, probably saying that He Xinyan lied to Lin Xuxu for money and wanted to climb Gaozhi to do a paternity test with the Gu family.

   She thought that her classmates at least had the correct three views, and would condemn He Xinyan's actions.

   I didn't expect everyone's attitude to be so different from what they expected. These people actually started to condemn her mother and brother?

   "You don't know anything, why are you talking nonsense here?" He Yuye pursed her lips tightly, her back straight and her eyes stubborn, "Now, please stop spreading rumors immediately, and apologize to my mother and brother immediately!"

   The few people who were talking suddenly stopped talking and looked at He Yuye without speaking.

   He Yuye took a step forward and slowly looked at the few people present, "Aren't you going to say sorry to me?"

   Ordinary people are inevitably embarrassed when they encounter this kind of situation. Seeing that He Yuye is emotional, everyone is also a little embarrassed.

   "That..." A boy wanted to leave and said casually, "Just think I'm talking nonsense. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry."

   He Yuye turned his eyes to the others, his eyes stern, "And you?"

   The girl who spoke first sneered and didn't buy it, "So did we say something wrong? Why do we ask us to apologize when we tell the truth?"

  He Yuye's chest heaved violently for a moment, and the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out.

"Have you been brainwashed by He Xinyan? What kind of magic does she have? You defend her so much and favor her? She can deceive Lin Xuxu of money and run away to claim that she is the eldest lady of the Gu family who has been dead for more than ten years. , this kind of mercenary, what do you like about her?!"

   Everyone looked at her in surprise, even Qiaoyu Bridge couldn't help but stop.

   "Are you okay?" Finally, someone took the initiative to ask.

   He Yuye bit his lower lip, and looked stubbornly at He Xinyan beside Qiao Yuqiao, "I won't apologize to you, because I can be responsible for every word I say."

  He Xinyan: "...Sister, what are you trying to do?"

   Has this one forgotten how he warned her to stay away from him?

He Yuye obviously didn't forget: "Do you want to stand on the moral high ground and criticize me again? But it's clear that you are targeting and framing me every time, so why can't I say a word to you. Is it because I'm kind, you feel that Am I being bullied?"

  He Xinyan: "I don't know how you came to the conclusion that you are very kind. You must at least be self-aware."

"What about you, do you have self-knowledge?" He Yuye said unbearably, "You are dissatisfied with the He family for bringing me back, bullying me and suppressing me, but unfortunately my mother and brother didn't buy it, so you hated them together. Are you up?"

   "You have already caused me to have no friends at school. Do you want me to leave Yongxing High School completely and ruin my college entrance examination and my life?"

   "Just because I am the real daughter of the He family? But you occupied the magpie's nest and occupied my rich life for more than ten years. You are born to owe me!"

   The scene was quiet, Qiao Yuqiao raised his eyes, and looked at He Yuye with incredible eyes.

  He Yu** straightened her back, holding her head up and refusing to bow her head.

   She didn't do anything wrong anyway... He Xinyan's ingratitude is what should really be condemned.

   (end of this chapter)

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