The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 303: Wait a minute, let me talk first

   She has been carrying this black cauldron for a long time, and after knowing that it was the system, she didn't bother to pursue it.

   But Su Qi'an insisted on coming up to send people's heads. She didn't clean up the other party's meal, and she felt sorry for herself who was speechless at the beginning.

   "Master!" After Su Zheng left, the housekeeper who came over to apologize was worried and turned back.

   This turn back, and my eyes are split!

  My God, how dare that shameless adopted daughter of the He family dare to do something to his young master? ! Has she lost her mind? Does she still know the rules?

The housekeeper was very angry, so he rushed over, "He Xinyan, don't go too far! Didn't you want to climb high when you frequently showed affection to my young master? It's a pity that my young master is a decent person and never picks up, that's why you did that kind of scandal. ."

  Speaking of which, most of the men in the Su family are a little bit troubled, but only Su Qi'an doesn't.

  The housekeeper refused to accept anyone, but only admired and worshipped Su Qi'an from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, he wanted to support his young master, "My young master is such a considerate, filial, filial man who is very good at making money. It's hard to find a man with a lantern. You can't be unconvinced because you are jealous of Miss Yunxian marrying a good man. "

  Lin Yunxian can have such a good marriage, not because she herself is gentle and generous and has excellent medical skills.

  What's wrong with He Xinyan, she actually wants to compare herself with Lin Yunxian.

   He couldn't understand the jealousy of this little girl. She was vain and worshipped money, and she was lazy and just wanted to take shortcuts.

   If you don't work hard yourself, you also hate that others can get everything.

  He Xinyan asked calmly, "What did you say?"

   The housekeeper wanted to help Su Qi'an stand up, but Su Qi'an shook off his hand and didn't appreciate it, "Who asked you to come up? Go down!"

   Butler: "But young master, she is obviously trying to get revenge on you..."

   He cast his eyes angrily at Shi Rin next to him, suspecting that it was because of Rin's support that he was so unscrupulous.

   couldn't help but sarcastically: "I advise you to have some brains. Not everyone is as clean and responsible as our young master. Some people may just play."

   "Shut up!" Su Qi'an couldn't listen anymore.

  Shi Rin kept smiling at the housekeeper, "Let him go on."

   said so, but there was no smile in those eyes, only a chill.

  Shen Yuzhu was in a cold sweat. She instinctively noticed that Shi Rin was angry, very angry. The face she had teased in the private room just now was not only cool, but also very scary.

  The storm is coming.

   She really didn't expect this housekeeper not only to have eyes above the top, but also to be good at killing.

   But she didn't have any sympathy, and silently lit a candle for the other party in her heart.

  The housekeeper realized something was wrong with the latter, and didn't dare to say any more.

   Before Shi Rin left, Su Zheng lost his temper. Although he didn't understand why, he also knew that Shi Rin was not something he could provoke.

   Too bad, patronizing and scolding He Xinyan, he accidentally brought Shi Lin in, and in front of the other party.

  Shi Rin waited for two seconds. Seeing that the housekeeper stopped talking, he slowly said, "Don't talk? Then it's my turn to talk now."

  He Xinyan: "Wait a minute, let me talk first."

   She was really speechless, where did this housekeeper come from so much hostility to herself.

   In the final analysis, it is profitable because someone is fanning the flames behind the scenes.

  He Xinyan looked at the housekeeper calmly, "The reason why you targeted me so much was because of Lin Yunxian? Did she let you come here?"

   The housekeeper was startled: "What nonsense are you talking about, it's nothing."

   He has received a lot of benefits from Lin Yunxian, but it is not because Lin Yunxian is kind-hearted, and he is also polite to his servants and refuses to treat him harshly.

   So the other party asked him to follow Su Qi'an and report Su Qi'an's news to her, of course he was obliged.

  He Xinyan: "I'm afraid you don't understand my temper, but Lin Yunxian should know that He Linjun is hiding behind his back to make trouble, and I will chase after him to embarrass him. Does she think she is safe now?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yunxian hurriedly hung up the phone, her heart was still beating.

   Su Zhelong was not good at starting a school, but the news of being arrested to the police station reached the Su family, and she realized that it was not good.

   Then he found the housekeeper and asked him to follow Su Qi'an to help him find out the news.

   said that he was worried about Su Qi'an and He Xinyan, but in fact, he was worried that some things that had been dusty for a long time would be exposed.

   But it shouldn't be. After all, the evidence has been wiped out, and the delicate braid attached to the black pearl was cut off by her scissors.

   Even if the real black pearl was brought to He Xinyan, she might not recognize it.

   It is better to leave Licheng as soon as possible, her current position is not safe.

  The story that He Linjun was chased by He Xinyan and slapped his face with cake had long been spread in Donglin City, and it could be said that he lost his face.

  Lin Yunxian didn't really realize until this moment that He Xinyan was not easy to mess with, she was really generous and showed no mercy.

  Thinking like this, she hurriedly packed her luggage and hurried out.

   The Su family servant was surprised when she saw her coming out, "Miss Yunxian, where are you going?"

   "I have a patient who needs an emergency." Lin Yunxian smiled, "Grandma and auntie, please take good care of them, and take the medicine according to the prescription I prescribed."

   She has always been arrogant to her servants, speaking softly, sincere and gentle.

  The servant Ava immediately said, "Then go get busy."

   Anyway, everyone is used to Lin Yunxian coming and going in a hurry.

   If an ordinary woman is fighting for her career, she may persuade her to put her family first.

  But Lin Yunxian is a medical student. The improvement of medical skills requires a lot of experience accumulation. Lin Yunxian's hard work in her career will only make her full of admiration and admiration.

  Lin Yunxian walked out of the gate of Su's house and got into the car to the airport, feeling a little relieved.

   In fact, she doesn't want to leave yet, Shi Zhao is still in this city, and the two haven't been able to meet each other until now.

   But it doesn't matter, it will take a long time to come to Japan, and the two will always meet again when they return to the imperial capital.

  Lin Yunxian watched the night scene of the city gradually regress, and the corners of her lips were filled with yearning and expectation for a new life.


   On the other side, He Xinyan glanced at the butler's pocket, not surprisingly the light went out.

   It seems that the other party is smarter than He Linjun, knowing that it is more important to run.

   I hope the other party can run farther, otherwise it will be boring.

  Su Qi'an came back to his senses: "What do you mean, what does this have to do with Yunxian?"

   "I thought you were just blind, but I didn't expect you to be blind." He Xinyan didn't believe that he was the boss of a big group, and she couldn't even see the tricks on the housekeeper just now.

  Su Qi'an: "Yun Xian is just worried about me..."

   Sure enough, you can understand, so you still maintain Lin Yunxian so much, is it really a preference for fearless?

He Xinyan: "Then, do I want to be moved to tears by your love? Even before the marriage ends, my housekeeper has become the eyeliner of the other party. It's really 666. I don't know how Mr. Su and Mrs. Su will treat this issue when they know about it. ?"

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