Su Qi'an was choked for a moment, then thought about it and said, "Yun Xian said she was worried about you, you are still young, and your temper may not yet be set. She always wanted to take you by her side and teach her personally..."

   In the past two days, he inquired about He Xinyan, and the more he heard it, the more absurd he felt.

  He Xinyan not only broke away from the He family forcefully, but also made a lot of trouble. She and Lin Yunshu didn't have much torn each other?

   also went to join the entertainment industry, made several hot searches, high-profile and publicity, obviously planning to debut.

   I heard that I plan to sue He Linjun recently, and I don't care about old feelings at all.

Even Lin Yunxian had a headache when she talked about these things, and blamed herself for not going to the imperial capital to work hard for her career, leaving He Xinyan in Donglin City. To have revenge with the He family.

  Su Qi'an wanted to avoid suspicion and didn't want to take care of He Xinyan's affairs, but since this matter has caused trouble for Lin Yunxian, of course he still has to take care of it.

   Thinking of this, Su Qi settled down for a while, and dismissed the idea of ​​staying away from He Xinyan before.

   He looked at the girl who was close at hand. It was obviously a dimly lit corridor, but her face was so beautiful that the light lit up.

   That kind of beauty is natural, without any artificial ingredients, and it is dazzling and beautiful.

   "...You don't have biological parents. Yunxian and I will always regard you as our closest relative, and will always take care of you and bear all your future expenses and living expenses."

  He Xinyan: "Mr. Su, in what capacity do you discipline me?"

  Su Qi'an said as a matter of course: "I will marry Yunxian soon, and I will be your uncle..."

  I am married to Yunxian, so all the things I worried about before will not exist.

  He Xinyan: "I have left the He family. What kind of aunt is Lin Yunxian? You call yourself my uncle, did you get my permission?"

  Su Qi'an: "..."

   "Wow, wonderful!" Suddenly there was a burst of applause, and Shen Yuzhu stuck her head out from the private room not far away.

   Seeing Su Qi'an frowning and looking over, Shen Yuzhu was not at all cowardly, "You can also believe what Lin Yunxian's green tea said, stupid or not."

   Su Qi'an then understood, these people obviously have opinions on Lin Yunxian, and to put it bluntly, they are still directed at Lin Yunxian.

  Lin Yunxian confessed to him about the lawsuit a few days ago, and he knew that she had suffered so much grievance.

  I didn't want to hurt the harmony between the two sides, always thinking of making compromises, and finally quelled the anger for the two of them with my own money, but neither side was well.

  He Xinyan can understand if He Xinyan has emotions, and he can teach children who are not sensible, but how can Shen Yuzhu be so hostile to Lin Yunxian?

   "Miss Shen, please be careful when you speak." Su Qi'an held back her anger, "Yunxian is my wife, if you don't respect her, you don't respect me."

   Shen Yuzhu looked at him in surprise: "wife? Oh my god, do you really want to marry her?"

"For the sake of friendship and cooperation between the two of us, I can generously persuade you to be cautious about getting married. You want to have a couple for the rest of your life, but others don't think so. The other party may just want to use the marriage contract as a springboard, but I didn't want to walk into the marriage hall with you."

  He Xinyan glanced at Shen Yuzhu unexpectedly, but she didn't expect her to see so clearly.

  Lin Yunxian really doesn't want to marry Su Qi'an, her ambition is not only limited to a rotten Su family in Licheng.

  The top giants in the imperial capital are the ones that Lin Yunxian really wants to marry.

  Su Qi'an's face turned completely dark, "Miss Shen slandering my wife like this, do you want to have a bad relationship with our Su family?"

  Shen Yuzhu shrugged, and didn't let him say anything, what are you doing so fiercely.

   also moved out of the relationship between the two families to overbearingly protect his wife, she was really afraid.

  He Xinyan couldn't accept the cool and handsome arrogance of the overbearing president very well, and threw the phone over, "Thank you."

   She raised her feet and wanted to leave, but Su Qi'an grabbed her wrist and said in a deep voice, "Come with me, I have something to tell you."

   "You can watch Black Pearl if you want, I'll show you there, be obedient." Seeing that He Xinyan was unmoved, he couldn't help but increase his chips.

  Shen Yuzhu couldn't help it: "Who is stalking whom?"

   "Shut up!" Seeing He Xinyan mercilessly drawing her hands, even Su Qi'an, as steady as Su Qi'an, couldn't help but add a bit of irritability.

   Shen Yuzhu was stunned by the roar, and she shut her mouth decisively.

  God, this is really annoying, that look just now was so scary, as if it was going to eat people.

   Shen Yuzhu didn't dare to skin again, wondering whether to go back to the private room and call for help.

   As soon as he turned around, he saw several heads folded at the door of his private room. He didn't step forward to help just watching the play and eating melons.

  Shen Yuzhu was so angry that she was about to say something when she heard a muffled groan behind her, and the melon-eating crowd unsurprisingly let out a wow.

what happened? She turned around quickly, and was shocked by the scene in front of her.

   Shi Lin clasped Su Qi'an's hand, it was as clear and cold as a fairy, but frost covered her face, and her black eyes were bottomless.

   "Mr. Su, Sapo made a mistake, this is not your Su family." Shi Rin said lightly, but his subordinates did not relax the restraint, and the strength was amazing.

  Su Qi'an's face was a little gloomy, he was very unwilling, but had to let go.

  I didn't expect that Shi Rin, a well-known little white face in the wealthy circle of the imperial capital, was actually more powerful than him, a person who exercised all year round. It was completely unilaterally crushed.

   If he doesn't let go, he feels that this hand may be abolished.

  He Xinyan glanced at Su Qi'an: "For the sake of showing me the photos, I will write down today's slap for you. Next time I commit it again, I will give it back double."

   Enough is enough, this guy is taking himself too seriously.

   used to be on guard and sternly educated and criticized. It was presupposed that her mental skills were not right, and she felt that she was crooked and needed to be corrected.

   That can be said to be for her own good, so even if the other party reprimanded her for going to the wrong room that time, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Su Qi'an herself.

   But what are you trying to do now with this mess? Don't you think she can't support the wall with mud, so she gave up discipline early?

  Su Qi'an: "I used to be afraid that you would go the wrong way, but I was strict with you, but I won't be able to do it in the future. It was my fault that I drove you away that day."

   He tidied up his clothes, barely maintaining his decency, "Don't get angry with me, some things are not what you think."

   He also has difficulties.

  He Xinyan thought for a while, "Since you talked about the past, then I really don't think I should let you go."

   She stepped forward, grabbed Su Qi'an's arm, and fell directly over the shoulder.

  Su Qi'an was smashed on the floor. The heavy carpet made him not feel particularly painful, but it made him feel extremely humiliated and embarrassed.

He Xinyan looked down at him condescendingly: "It's my fault that I went to the wrong hotel room, but I explained and apologized immediately, don't you understand human language? At that time, I was so shameless and reprimanded for wanting to climb the bed and climb you. Sister, are you also worthy?"

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