The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 300: It's really turning around

   Gu Zhen turned out to be the son of the Gu family in Haicheng? Su Zhelong's eyes darkened and his heart sank.

   But he was more anxious and worried. Does Lin Yunxian know Gu Zhen's identity?

   She was targeted like that by Gu Zhen, will she suffer all the grievances this time?

   The more he thought about Su Zhelong, the more anxious he became, but there was nothing he could do.

   He occasionally took time to think about it. He had heard of Gu Zhengran and Shi Zhao, but who was Shi Rin? Why does his dad have to add Shi Rin, he doesn't dare to offend when he hears it.


   After Su Zheng left in a hurry, it took a lot of effort to find out where Gu Zhengran and the others were.

   He really didn't have time to waste any more, so he ran over shamelessly.

   After all, these big guys are very busy and time is precious. Maybe tonight will be the last night in Licheng, and they will leave tomorrow.

   He wanted to quickly apologize, and when the three of them were having dinner together, he just put his attitude here so that they could calm down.

  Su Zheng waved his hand and said generously, "Today's meal is my treat. Mr. Gu, please don't be polite to me. These are what I gave to your son to shock you."

   He walked into the private room while talking, thinking that he could take the opportunity to shorten the distance, and it would be better if he could stay.

   If any of these three fingers leaked a little, it was enough for him to use them endlessly.

  Although the Su family is known as the richest man in Licheng, it is just a gimmick made by speculation.

   In the early years, the Su family was on the wealth rankings, but it only took off for one year, and then it continued to decline, and the profit and revenue space was constantly compressed.

  Su Zheng used to be very ambitious, thinking that he could work until he was seventy or eighty years old, but he really had no ability in this regard, so he had to hand over the Su Group to Su Qi'an.

   However, he is not willing to completely delegate power like this, and he has wanted to make a career in recent years.

   This is not bad management, the consequence of crazy expansion is that if you take too big steps, you will lose more and more.

   The hole is getting bigger and bigger, Rao is full of self-confidence, and Su Zheng is also panicked.

   The three people who can help him are all in this private room, and he has to rely on it no matter how stubborn he is today.

   "General Manager Gu, General Manager Shi, this..."

  This restaurant is a high-end private restaurant. The restaurant manager did not dare to offend Su Zheng. After all, he still had to hang out in Licheng, and it was not easy to stop him, so he let Su Zheng break in.

   Shi Zhao gently put down his chopsticks, his face was already a little unhappy.

   But although he is in a high position, he is younger than Su Zheng's generation, so he can't say anything.

  Gu Zhengran did not have this concern, "Mr. Su came uninvited, it's not good, you will disturb my distinguished guest like this."

  Su Zheng also noticed several other people in the private room, they were all very young, especially the little girl, with beautiful eyebrows and eyes.

   Others noticed that this little girl seemed to be a vague C position, and hurriedly smiled and leaned over.

   "This must be Miss Gu. She's already so beautiful. I heard that Mr. Gu brought you to Licheng. I would like to invite you to our house..."

  He Xinyan: "You've identified the wrong person."

   paused and added, "I don't need to be a guest, I guess the Su family doesn't welcome me either."

   "How could you not be welcome? You are willing to come to Su's house to play, but it's too late for my uncle to be happy." Su Zheng smiled flatteringly.

  Shi Lin put his hand on his lap lightly and said with a smile, "I can testify that we are indeed not welcome. At the Su family's banquet before, the housekeeper and Xiao Su always wanted to drive people away."

  What, this one was also offended by the Su family? Su Zheng's eyes darkened.

   Shi Zhao's face sank, the Su family sent an invitation to the Shi family, and Shi Rin took the invitation, but was driven away by the Su family instead?

   "Since the Su family doesn't welcome Ah Rin, that means our Shi family is not welcome." Shi Zhao said in a cold voice, "Please leave now."

   Shi Zhao was very angry. He felt that he couldn't let his brother keep a low profile. He had to let everyone know that offending Shi Rin was more terrifying than offending him.

   Shi Zhao said blankly, "I also hope that the Su family will not have any contact or cooperation with the Shi family in the future."

   Su Zheng's eyelids jumped abruptly, his heart sank, and he was completely panicked.

   "Mr. Shi, this must be a misunderstanding! I can explain it, and I can also make up for it. By the way, Mr. Hour, don't you want to see our old lady?"

  Su Zheng wanted to say something in a hurry, but Shi Rin's eyes turned cold, and he calmly gave him a warning look.

  Su Zheng didn't dare to speak.

   Shi Rin saw that he met in private, and he also said on the phone abroad that the boss doesn't like to be paid too much attention.

  Su Zheng felt as bitter as eating Huanglian. He was good at dancing, but he couldn't stand the comparison between his two sons, which would cause trouble.

   He looked at Shi Rin hesitantly, he couldn't hug all of his thighs, if he could hug one of them, that would be fine.

  Su Zheng was thinking quickly that when Shi Rin wanted to see Mrs. Su, Gu Zhen seemed to be here for Mrs. Su too.

  Since these guys all wanted something from their Su family, he didn't think he lost everything.

   If he planned well, he might be able to make a big difference.

  Gu Zhengran: "If President Su is okay, why don't you leave first?"

   The shrewd calculation on the other side's face, the calculation in his heart was so loud, it is estimated that everyone in the room heard it.

   This old fox has no business skills at all, but he has as many hearts as sieves in calculating others.

   said that he was here to apologize, but he was more to find out how much chips he had left.

   Gu Zhengran was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, it was very rude to break in so rashly, there was no need for him to be polite.


  Su Zheng was carrying a large bag and a small bag, and was invited out of the private room again.

  Shen Yuzhu was eating here with a group of friends, and she was stunned when she saw Su Zheng being invited out in a disheartened manner, nodding and saying goodbye to the inside.

   Mr. Su has always liked to look at people through his nostrils, but there are times when he is so deflated?

  Because of the nature of gossip, she took a few steps forward and looked inside, and then saw Gu Zhengran, Shi Zhao, Shi Lin...and He Xinyan?

   She was still suffocated by the Su family's banquet that day. She had never seen such a domineering host of the Su family.

   It’s really feng shui turns, and now it’s Su Zheng’s turn to be swept out of the house in a daze.

  Shen Yuzhu opened the WeChat group and sent out the fresh melons he had eaten.

   There are pictures and the truth. It is definitely not like the fans of Lin Yunxian, who dare to post all kinds of subjective guesses to the group.

   The recent speculation is even more outrageous, saying that He Xinyan went to the Su family banquet to seduce Su Qi'an, but unfortunately the brother-in-law is mighty and has a first-class ability to detect bitches, so he was not fooled.

  Shen Yuzhu guessed that these people's rumors of peach **** are to quell the rumors about Lin Yunxian's drug poisoning incident and divert people's attention.

  Lin Yunxian wants to whitewash her out of control, but if she wants to step on He Xinyan's marketing, she won't agree.

   She doesn't mind putting the fire on and making the other party lose face.

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