The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 299: It seems that there is a certain number in the dark

  Shi Rin: "It turned out that it was Young Master Gu's birthday."

Xu Jingyang: "Speaking of that, I was lucky that day. After I told the clerk about someone's birthday, the other party gave me the hidden cake in their store, the cake made by the boss himself! It really tastes super good, cousin Zhen, right? "

   Gu Zhen let out a low hum, there is no need to lie, it is indeed the most delicious cake he has ever eaten in his life.

   Shi Rin glanced at He Xinyan with a smile, surprised by such a coincidence, as if there was a certain number somewhere.

  He Xinyan took a few sips from the glass on the table with a guilty conscience.

   Even if she ignores it deliberately, it is difficult to ignore Gu Zhen's gaze.

   The other party is not too rude, and he knows how to restrain himself, but his eyes have never been away from her side, which will not make people uncomfortable, but it is beautiful like moonlight.

Not to mention Gu Zhengran, he has been in the shopping mall for so many years, and he has experienced human relationships. As the host of this meal, he can take care of everyone politely and thoroughly, but he can calmly draw close to everyone through gossip. distance.

   Even when the plump blue crab was served, he personally dismantled a hairy crab for He Xinyan, and arranged it neatly, neater and neater than the crab peeler next to him.

   "This three-door blue crab will be treated as an apology for my previous offense, I hope you don't mind." Gu Zhengran said with a smile.

  He Xinyan: "..."

   "Thank you." Since the other party must do this, then she should enjoy it with peace of mind.

   Anyway, it was said that it was to apologize for Gu Nianzhen's matter, and she could accept this apology.

  Shi Zhao thought, "Arin, let me help you. I'm very good at peeling crabs!"

  Gu Zhen didn't speak, he was peeling crabs silently, Gu Zhengran showed his face, of course he couldn't admit defeat, he wanted to win back the game on behalf of himself and his mother.

  He Xinyan had just finished eating a crab with a creamy fat crab beauty, and was handed two more plates in front of him, all of which were peeled and neatly arranged.

  He Xinyan: "..."

  Xu Jingyang was in a hurry. Young Master, he seldom did this kind of thing himself, and the reaction was half a beat, so he didn't have time to be courteous at all.

   Damn, he was actually shown by Shi Rin and cousin Zhen...

  Speaking of which, why did cousin Zhen show so much hospitality to He Xinyan?

   He thought it was very strange before. Cousin Zhen suddenly asked him about He Xinyan. Could it be that he had any thoughts on He Xinyan?

  Although intuitively it seems unlikely, cousin Zhen is not such a person, but what if?

   After all, He Xinyan's face can really be said to be dumping all beings, and it is inevitable that others will not be tempted.

  He Xinyan looked at the plate in front of her, and reluctantly accepted it. After all, it was someone else's intention. She could rarely refuse the food that was handed to her mouth. Well, fortunately, she has a steel-like stomach.

   But the statement still has to make a statement, "Okay, I will eat these three, and I can't eat more."

  Gu Zhengran: "Crabs are cold and cool, so you need to be in moderation."

   Having said that, he didn't stop peeling the crab, put it on a plate, and pushed it to Gu Zhen with a smile, "Azhen, try it?"

Next to    is the crab peeler who is ready to show off his skills and instruct everyone to eat crabs: "..."

Today's guests are really arrogant. They ordered more than a dozen blue crabs in one go, but they are very willful. They have money to eat crabs that cost a few hundred yuan a piece, and can afford to peel crabs, but they are not. To peel yourself.

   This made him feel like he had lost the direction of his life in an instant.

  The crab peeler who left the stage alone was almost hit by someone as soon as he opened the door.

   "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry for disturbing you. I want to apologize to you." Su Zheng pulled the crab peeler away and stood at the door of the private room with his chest out.


   When Su Zheng hurried to the police station, only his unfilial son and a group of alcoholic friends were left inside.

   There were two or three noble ladies who were worried about the suffering of their precious son, so they arrived as soon as possible. They were taking a table with the police and asking for their release, and they were very arrogant.

   They don't think it's a big deal, isn't it just a fight? Their sons are all good boys, and it must be the fault of those who don't have eyes.

   They are all willing to pay money to redeem people, why don't the police let them go, are they trying to make money?

   As soon as Su Zheng appeared, a group of people seemed to have found the backbone.

   "Mr. Su, Second Young Master suffered a lot today. I saw it all, my face was swollen, and the corners of my mouth were broken."

   "Yes yes yes, hurry up and ask the other party to come back and apologize!"

   "The other party should be arrested, this matter can't be easy."


   Hearing that Su Zheng was coming, Su Zhelong was so excited that he shouted loudly, "Dad, you must decide for me!"

   The veins on Su Zheng's forehead jumped: "Shut up for me!"

  Su Zhelong was stunned, why didn't his father stand by him?

  The ladies don't care, they hurriedly echoed, "Second Young Master, don't worry, President Su will definitely decide for you."

   "Hurry up and tell us who has bullied you. If you don't believe us to block it together, he can still survive in Licheng."

  Su Zheng realized that something was wrong, and before he could speak, he heard Su Zhelong shouting, "Gu Zhengran, Shi Zhao, and Gu Zhen!"

   A group of ladies: "..."

Who are you talking about?

   Several noble ladies thought of the two big men mentioned by their husbands, and couldn't help shaking all over, as quiet as a quail.

  Su Zhelong: "..."

   This response is not right, why don't you speak?

   He patted the door in front of him, thinking it was in the way, "Aren't you going to let me go quickly?"

  His father came here in person, who would dare to imprison him, not afraid of offending his father?

   Policeman: "Don't be noisy, be honest!"

  Su was standing there for a few seconds, took a deep breath, turned around and left.

   The ladies exclaimed and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Su, what's going on here, aren't we redeeming people?"

"Redemption!" The so-called richest man in Licheng couldn't help but exclaimed and said very angrily, "At the same time, I offended Gu Zhengran, Shizhao and Shilin, I can't protect myself! Come on, when will people calm down, when will they come out again!"

   "If I had known that such a **** had been born, I would have just strangled it to death, so as not to cause such a catastrophic disaster today!"

   A group of ladies suddenly dared not speak.

  Although they feel sorry for their son, they do not have only one son.

   Those who can mix with Su Zhelong as friends of wine and meat, of course, cannot be the heirs of various families. Usually, they can spoil them and let the other party be arrogant and domineering.

   But once it conflicts with the interests of the family, these gangsters who have made no contribution to the family will be abandoned as a matter of course.

   After a while, the ladies also quietly left one after another, leaving Su Zhelong and a group of gangsters standing in disbelief.

   Until this time, they became afraid after realizing it, and it's over, they won't really kick the iron plate, right?

   "I seem to have heard that Gu Zhengran is the boss of the Gu family in Haicheng, and Shi Zhao is the ruler of the Shi family in the imperial capital."

   A group of people finally started to use their brains, and the more they thought about it, the more they realized that they had offended a great person.

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