The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 277: Why are you covered in thorns now?

   There are several dishes on the table that she wants to make, the so-called medicated meals, which are requested by the old lady Su.

   To be the daughter-in-law of the Su family, how can you not cook?

  The old lady Su smiled and showed the golden teeth in her mouth, "Yun Xian's medicated food is really better than the royal chef."

   There are compliments all around, and it's not against your heart. It's really delicious.

  Many people who have eaten it regretted it, but unfortunately they couldn't eat it outside, no wonder the old lady Su could only be proud of it.

  Old Mrs. Su had enough to show off, she patted Lin Yunxian's hand, "Okay, go get busy."

   As soon as Lin Yunxian left, Old Madam Su's face sank.

   Lin Yunxian always had a gentle and tranquil smile on her face, and when she saw He Xinyan, she became completely irritable.

  Why is she still here? !

   And from the looks of it, he is actually quite popular. There are several familiar faces around him, all of whom are the daughters of the top wealthy families in the circle.

  Lin Yunxian is so jealous that her eyes are about to turn red, and it is very difficult for herself to do everything possible to integrate into that circle. How did He Xinyan do it?

   Did she trick others? !


  He Xinyan raised her head to look at the person who came under the signal of Shen Yuzhu.

   "Xinyan, why are you here?" Lin Yunxian walked forward with a smile, "Come with me quickly, I'm looking for you."

   Shen Yuzhu asked He Xinyan: "Do you know her?"

   It's not that she is prejudiced, she always thinks that the prospective grandson-in-law of the Su family is not a good thing.

   I don't know why the reputation of being as indifferent as a chrysanthemum, not fighting and not robbing, and being gentle and virtuous was spread in the circle. Obviously, when she saw this woman, she only saw the ** on her face.

  He Xinyan said indifferently: "I don't know."

  Lin Yunxian was stunned, and immediately smiled helplessly, "Xinyan, don't be naughty, I was busy with something just now, and I didn't come to you, it's my fault."

   She quickly figured out that she must get He Xinyan away.

   Obviously tonight's banquet should be her home court. He Xinyan always makes her feel uneasy here, worried that she will steal her limelight, and even more worried that she will mess up everything.

   But now she has changed her mind. Since He Xinyan is still here, most of the housekeepers have missed it.

  Then she might as well just leave someone to help. The cook in the kitchen just tasted the herbal meal and said it was wrong, and she didn't know what was wrong, so she could just ask He Xinyan to take a look.

  I have been in the imperial capital for so long, and I am really slack in cooking.

   But this can't be blamed on her. Which wealthy family daughter in the imperial capital needs to cook by herself, so this dead old woman of the Su family has nothing to do.

  Fortunately, she had another plan, so she didn't have to hang herself on the big tree of the Su family.

   But she still intends to learn about medicated food. At first, she knocked on the mouth of old lady Su with medicated food and agreed to her engagement with Su Qi'an.

   Now you can also use medicinal food as a stepping stone to knock on Shi Zhao's heart.

   If He Xinyan is really here for Su Qi'an...then it can be used.

  Lin Yunxian: "You must have come to Su's house to explain the misunderstanding last time, so let me take you to see Qi An."

   "Miss He Xinyan, our young master invites you over." The servant hurried over.

  Lin Yunxian looked astonished, glanced at the servant, and immediately smiled understandingly, "Then follow Ah Hua and make it clear."…

   Others were not easy to interject, Shen Yuzhu shrugged, thinking that when He Xinyan went to see Su Qi'an, it was time to complain.

  He Xinyan: "Don't go."

   The servant looked surprised, "Don't let the young master wait in a hurry."

  He Xinyan didn't move: "Oh, then I won't go either. My brother asked me to wait for him here. He said don't believe the words of strangers."

  Lin Yunxian: "Ahua is not a stranger. She has worked in the Su family for more than ten years, and she is very trusted by the old lady and the lady."

   She said helplessly, "Besides, you don't believe in Ah Hua, don't you believe in me? No, you don't even believe in the Su family, right?"

   "I don't believe it!" Before the other party's voice fell, He Xinyan took it for granted.

  Lin Yunxian: "..."

   She couldn't believe that the person in front of her was He Xinyan, who did this look of oil and salt go with her?

   "Why don't I accompany you, I'm familiar with the Su family." Shen Yuzhu thought about it, the other party was young and unfamiliar with this place, so it was normal to be worried.

   "It just so happens that I also want to discuss with Su Qi'an about their hospitality."

  It's okay for the housekeeper to watch people place dishes, but she is so daring to drive people away, she has to talk about it.

  He Xinyan was a little helpless, why did everyone trust the servant of the Su family so much? Probably because of Lin Yunxian's credit endorsement.

   She didn't know the Su family well, but from the look and behavior of the servant, A Hua, there was obviously something wrong.

  Lin Yunxian must have seen it too, so she opened her mouth to encourage her.

   She guessed that the person looking for her was definitely not Su Qi'an.

  He Xinyan grabbed Shen Yuzhu, "I don't want it anymore, I don't think it's safe. You still have to be careful when you go out. I'm afraid you don't know that Miss Lin Er lost my case against me in court yesterday."

Wow! The news was so exciting that many people quietly raised their ears and listened to it.

  Lin Yunxian: "When did I..."

  […I have hired Jiang Yuheng, the chief lawyer of Dongheng Law Firm. You cannot win this case. 】A female voice rang out.

   Shen Yuzhu looked at Lin Yunxian, Oh Huo, the other party's face turned pale.

  Lin Yunxian's tone of voice is very soft, with a sort of unknowing charm, which is easy to identify.

   The voice in the recording is somewhat arrogant and triumphant.

  【Lawyer Shen, you should know how to choose what is best for her. 】

  He Xinyan: "I want to clarify, I am the one who won the case in the end."

  Lin Yunxian couldn't bear it anymore, "What do you think I will do to you?"

   She couldn't explain the recording. If this group of people knew that Ling Xuan's plagiarism incident, which had caused such a stir on the Internet, had something to do with her, her good reputation would be ruined.

   Even a good-natured person like Lin Yunxian couldn't help being annoyed, she was really fed up with He Xinyan's harassment.

   used to be so easy to handle, why is there thorns all over his body now?

  He Xinyan: "Then who knows, after all, people's hearts are separated from each other. But don't mind, I'm not targeting you, I do this to everyone."

  Lin Yunxian: "..."

   She tried to squeeze a smile on her face, "You really misunderstood me, some things are not what you think..."

   "Don't laugh if you don't want to laugh. If you are so entangled, I will only doubt what you are going to do to me." He Xinyan said quickly.

  Lin Yunxian's people are going crazy, and the self-cultivation that has been cultivated for many years will soon fall short.

   "Yun Xian." The man's voice rang out.

   Lin Yunxian hurriedly adjusted her almost twisted facial features, and when she turned her head, she saw her fiancé Su Qi'an walking towards her.

  Su Qi'an first appeased Lin Yunxian, "Leave this to me, you can do your job."

   paused, and then said to the servant Ahua, "What's the matter with you here, go down."

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