The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 276: I'm stuck here for half an hour at most

  The Shi family and the Su family couldn't get on with each other, but the Su family always wanted to cooperate with the Shi family. Didn't they find an opportunity.

   Could it be that the Shi family wanted this unpopular young son to marry their Su family?

   Thinking of this possibility, Su Zheng was a little unhappy.

   He has a precious daughter who has reached the age of marriage. At the last summit, he also talked to the old man.

   But he wanted to marry his daughter in exchange for more benefits. Shi Rin's family background is enough, but he doesn't have half of the inheritance. What's the difference between him and a poor boy?

  The son is disobedient and insists on marrying Lin Yunxian, who is a small family. He can't stop it and doesn't want to care anymore.

   Daughter can no longer marry casually, and it can't be without any benefits.

   took ten thousand steps back and said that although Lin Yunxian's family background is a little lower, she is famous for her excellent medical skills and can be regarded as the first Chinese medicine practitioner of the young generation.

   She was able to get along well in the imperial capital. The Su family wanted to break into the circle of wealthy families in the imperial capital, and they were counting on Lin Yunxian.

   What does Ke Shirin have? I heard that two years after graduating from university, I practice Buddhism on the mountain every day. Like an old man, I don’t work and don’t work hard.

   Shi Rin took Su Zheng's expression in his eyes, even if the other party's face was calm and polite on the surface, there was not a lot of contempt in his eyes.

   He didn't even glance at the cup of Dahongpao, and decided to go straight in: "I came to Su's house to visit Mrs. Su."

  Su Zheng looked at him in astonishment, why did he even come for his old lady?

  Shi Lin: "The invitation card was given to me by the Shi family, but I didn't come today because of the Shi family's intention, but because I have a private matter and want to visit Mrs. Su."

   Cleared the relationship between father and brother, lest this old Mr. Su misunderstand something.

  Su Zheng sat up a little bit, and the contempt in his eyes thickened.

   If it wasn't for the Shi family to send him here, then he really only needs to maintain the surface courtesy.

   He won't lose his etiquette and give others a hand, but he doesn't need to receive it more solemnly.

   When he heard the other party come to him before, he thought he had something important to communicate with, and since that was the case, he really didn't have time.

  As the host of tonight's banquet, he is very busy, and taking time to see him alone is for the sake of Mr. Shi's face.

  Su Zheng had a skillful smile on his face, "You can see the old lady later, and you can say anything at that time. I'm still busy here, so let's go, I..."

   His cell phone rang suddenly, Su Zheng thought it was just right. "Sorry, then I'll go out first..."

   "Just pick it up here." Shi Rin suddenly said.

  Su Zheng was stunned for a moment, with the same smile on his face, "This is not good."

The person who called    is one of his very important clients, so he can't be neglected.

   If it wasn't for the other party to lend a helping hand and spend billions to take over a project that he smashed into his hands, the Su family almost went bankrupt because of the broken capital chain.

   He has always remembered his kindness in this matter, but unfortunately the other party has been abroad, and even if he wants to repay, he can't find a chance.

   The other party finally called, so of course he had to have a good chat.

   The project of that year has now been completely revitalized by the other party, and it has become the most distinctive and prosperous commercial center in the area. …

  The ability to transform decay into magic is amazing. He has long wanted to communicate and see how the other party is revitalized.

   Several business district projects recently invested by the Su family have once again fallen into the same predicament.

   Of course, it would be better if the other party is willing to take over again.

   After all, it was a project worth tens of billions of dollars, so he couldn’t fall into it.

  Su Zheng turned his toes, opened the door without hesitation, and walked out.

   I didn't want to continue wasting time here, so I just signaled my assistant to go and kill Shirin.

   "Well, the fourth young master is about to open the table. Do you want to go down now?" The assistant had a polite smile on his face.

   was so embarrassed in his heart that he felt that the four young masters were not very good at looking at people's faces.

   Shi Rin glanced at him, got up and walked out.

   He is in a really good mood today, so he has been able to hold back his attacks.

   But it doesn't mean that his temper is really good: "I will stay here for half an hour at most, if you want to find me, hurry up."

The assistant    was stunned and didn't take his words seriously.

   The young man really couldn't hold his breath, but he didn't meet his unreasonable demands, so he started to lose face.


   After He Xinyan came back from the bathroom, she had been sitting in the previous position and waiting for Shi Rin.

   The two made an appointment for Shi Rin to come forward to communicate with the Su family, which seemed to be the right decision.

   The Su family really had a big prejudice against herself. Although she had never seen the old lady Su, she could guess what kind of old lady she was.

   I'm afraid that I won't see myself and say nothing at all, and I'll even pretend.

   She should just huddle in the corner and wait quietly.

  ... But she can't seem to be quiet here, the men and women around her are too noisy.

   The few people who had just watched He Xinyan hate people did not hold back their inner turmoil, and gathered around to talk enthusiastically.

  Although He Xinyan seems a little reluctant to talk, it doesn't matter, they can talk in charge.

   The little beauty looks dignified and quiet when she doesn't speak, and her temperament is really amazing.

   The haute couture dress on her body was so dazzling that it made people subconsciously hold their breath.

   "I think you look familiar." Someone stared at He Xinyan and said thoughtfully.

  Shen Yuzhu thought for a while, "I also think you look familiar, you must be a lady's daughter from some family."

  He Xinyan thought, you probably have eaten melons on the Internet and seen my photos, so you feel familiar.

   She looked at the wine glass handed in front of her, raised her head with a calm expression, "I'm sorry, I'm still a high school student, so forget about drinking, it's not suitable."

   Shen Yuzhu almost choked in her throat with a sip of wine. Is she a high school student? !

   Although he looks young, his temperament is so calm and airy that he doesn't even notice it at all!

   "Really, I don't believe it!" Someone questioned, "Your temperament and tone of voice are like my mother who is a strong woman who is a boss. You must be working, and you are a senior executive of the company."

   After all, the aura of opinion leaders is like being welded to the body, which makes people want to be convinced.

   "If you don't believe it, why don't we do some math problems." He Xinyan said helplessly.

   A few minutes later, Shen Yuzhu looked at a group of companions who bowed their heads and thought hard. They looked like scumbags who couldn't solve the problem, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Although, this banquet finally became a little more interesting.


   When the banquet was about to start, Lin Yunxian finally said goodbye to Mrs. Su and went to discuss the matter of the banquet.

  The Su family's banquet has always kept the traditional way of seating that Mrs. Su likes. The first half is a Western-style reception, and the second half is a Chinese-style banquet.

   Mrs. Su has always believed that a family with a real heritage needs to pay attention to the seats.

  Lin Yunxian flew from Donglin City to Feili City yesterday. After arriving at Su's house from the airport, she has not rested. She was busy in the kitchen.

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