The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 230: Just a word with the employer is enough for you to suffer.

   Chapter 230 Just a word with the management is enough for you to suffer

  He Yuye had too many grievances in his heart, almost overflowing.

   Originally she didn't plan to say it, but today at noon she made an appointment to bring Tiffana's new autumn and winter products to Lu Qilin to taste, so she came to Lu Qilin.

   But when she was walking on the road, she suddenly heard someone talking about her behind her back, saying that the unpleasantness of the school celebration party was all her fault.

   Some people bluntly said that they don't like her, and think that she has a first-class ability to cause trouble.

   He Yuye couldn't hold back on the spot, and the moment he saw Lu Qilin, tears fell.

   Obviously, in order to avoid disputes, he has already applied for a shift to leave the first shift, why is he still being told like this?

   It was right that she suggested that Ling Xuan come to the school celebration party, but her original intention was also to satisfy the wishes of the classmates to see Ling Xuan.

   The person who really keeps causing trouble shouldn't be He Xinyan, right?

   called Lu Sichuan over, she didn't want to say what kind of mentality she was holding, but even an idiot could tell.

   If He Xinyan had any purpose in this incident, He Yuye just wanted to say that she had already achieved it.

   Now the Internet is praising the program of the first class, praising the C little sister with fair skin, beautiful appearance, long legs, stable voice, good dance, good song writing, and begging for a solo debut.

   Looking back at himself, he was attacked by the Internet.

  He Yuye has been an endorsement for the Tiffana brand from the very beginning, taking the route of a rich family daughter to enter the entertainment circle.

  Because of her gentle and harmless image and temperament, she lived abroad for more than ten years before becoming the daughter of a wealthy family. Her noble birth not only satisfied the fantasies of her, but also had a sense of substitution because of her down-to-earth spirit.

  Although they are deeply tied to Ling Xuan, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two are just on good terms.

  Ling Xuan's fans were very accepting of her from the beginning. It can be said that she has received a lot of Ling Xuan's dividends.

   But all this was completely shattered until the first two days.

  Ling Xuan's fans made trouble unreasonably after being taught to be a man in minutes, and then turned their attention to He Yuye, blaming her for not stealing the limelight with Ling Xuan on the stage.

  This collaboration stage is so crotchety, it's all because of He Yuye's chaos.

   Some people even concluded and analyzed that their brother's recent bad luck was all because of his cooperation with this woman.

   What kind of down-to-earth rich daughter is obviously a broom star.

   Every day looks dejected, whoever gets stuck is unlucky.

Fans also went to Ling Xuan and Ling Xuan studio's Weibo to make serious suggestions, it's good for your brother to be only beautiful, don't milk newcomers, especially He Yuye, if you don't have a background and have a background, maybe you are a coquettish bitch, just wait Backstab their brother.

  He Yuye's backstage also has many private messages from fans, and many people warned her to stay away from Ling Xuan.

   Excessive guessing if she wants to climb Ling Xuan's bed... But she and Ling Xuan clearly have a clear conscience, they are just good friends.

   "Actually... Brother Ling Xuan, he has someone he likes." He Yuye hesitated, Lu Qilin was someone she trusted very much, "...he likes He Xinyan."

  Lu Qilin's eyes changed slightly.

   The phone rang suddenly, He Yuye glanced at the caller ID, it was Cheng Jiaxing.

   She didn't want to pay attention to the other party for a while, so she lightly pressed mute and put it aside.

  Lu Qilin said softly, "Don't read those comments on the Internet. It's been a few months since the third year of high school, so you should still focus on your studies."

  He Yuye nodded, "I know what is most important to me, thank you, squad leader, and willing to listen to me."

   She smiled, "I feel better when I see you, it's really healing."

  Lu Qilin hummed softly, and swallowed the words he wanted to say.

   I don't know if it was his own delusion. He always felt that He Yuye had said so much, but he was actually saying that she had suffered on behalf of others.

  The person Ling Xuan likes is He Xinyan, and the person who should suffer the Internet violence is He Xinyan. It is really unfair that she is innocently involved.

   But it may also be that he thinks too much, Yuye just can't stand the online violence, and his mentality is broken, so he is a little resentful.

  Lu Qilin still remembers that many years ago, when he was driven to Donglin City with nothing, it was He Yuye who gave him a candy.

   He felt sorry for He Xinyan, and he misunderstood her a lot because of selfishness.

   But He Yuye is very important to him, even if He Yuye has a lot of criticism about He Xinyan, he is still willing to listen to He Yuye complain.


  He Xinyan walked halfway and met Cheng Jiaxing who came over.

   She didn't want to give the other half a look, but Cheng Jiaxing gathered up his courage and stopped her with his hand.

   "He Xinyan, wait a minute... I have something to tell you."

  Cheng Jiaxing was also anxious. He called He Yuye several times, but she did not answer.

   This was impossible before, Yuye has always been very understanding and polite, the phone is always answered in seconds, and never makes people anxious.

   In the final analysis, there are still people who are holding one and stepping on one, chewing their tongues behind their backs, and saying too many things, making Yuye unable to accept it for a while and running away.

  The third class ran away with tears in their eyes when they saw He Yuye.

   Seeing that He Xinyan's eyes were looking over, but he didn't speak, but he didn't feel angry and proud, Cheng Jiaxing flinched, but the next second was more firm in his thoughts.

   At this time, no one was willing to stand up and help He Yuye speak except himself.

   "He Xinyan, if you want to be a star and want to debut, you can let Lu Sichuan pay them to take you. Why do you have to step on Yuye? She's already miserable enough, I hope you are kind."

  He Xinyan wanted to hear what this guy had to say at first, but he lost interest when he heard this sentence.

   "I don't want to hear it, you can go now."

  Cheng Jiaxing didn't want to leave, he felt that what he said was very reasonable.

"Yuye is because she is kind, not because she can't speak up or fight back. After all, she's already famous, and she's about to make a movie, you know? What's the use of ostracizing her in school and isolating her, you can't be jealous of her? , you can't see reality."

  He Xinyan had long guessed that the people around He Yuye were very weird, so she was not surprised by this remark.

   But Xu Jingyang, who came to look for He Xinyan, exploded in an instant, which is really outrageous!

   "You have too much seawater in your head, do you want me to shake it out for you?"

   Cheng Jiaxing felt a little flustered when he saw Xu Jingyang, but for Yuye, he felt that he could withstand the pressure.

"It doesn't sound good, but I'm not wrong. If you want to be a star, you should pay attention to it. Yu Ye is your senior anyway. If she wants to get revenge on you, just a word with the management will be enough for you to suffer. ."

  Xu Jingyang laughed angrily, "Damn, where is the idiot!"

   This is his sincere evaluation, not a curse.

  If He Xinyan wants to be a star, just because she is Xinxin who writes songs, she can become popular in minutes, and does she need to please He Yuye?

   This nerd is stupid when he reads, or he has a funny mind, and he actually makes a lot of nonsense.

  He Xinyan felt that she had probably heard a lot of ridiculous remarks, but she actually thought it was okay, not too outrageous.

   She thought for a while, looked at the other party and asked back, "Didn't you say that our class will regret sooner or later that we couldn't keep He Yuye? Didn't you say that He Yuye's show would definitely win first place?"

   (end of this chapter)

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