The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 229: She won't misunderstand anything, will she?

   Chapter 229 She won't misunderstand anything, right?

Many of   Ling Xuan's fans are still young and have heavy filters for idols.

   After all, Ling Xuan, who appeared in their eyes, was a dedicated, low-key, humble and gentleman from a wealthy family.

  Because of Brother Qian's marketing methods, fans are accustomed to conspiracy theories when they think about problems. They feel that everyone will bully their kind brother, who is very aggressive and will not reflect at all.

   After all, they won every time they were criticized before, so how could they lose to a few sunspots this time.

   But this time the accusation was completely useless, and no one paid.

  Passers-by are very speechless when they know the whole story. Fans are really disappointed.

  【Sincere question, have your fans been demoted? The matter is clearly laid out here, and you are still scolding Heizi? 】

  【Look at your brother's stage, is this someone smearing him? 】

  【I really doubt if the fans participate in any competition and fail to win the prize, the parents will go to the organizer. 】

  [No one knew about Ling Xuan's fifth place, but now it's alright, because of your fans' trouble, people all over the country know about it. 】


  [It's not surprising at all, I can only say that fans follow the master. 】

  【The surname Qian has the habit of raising Gu, but this time he raised Gu was backfired. Netizens who had quietly withdrawn from the hot search would not notice it, but is it okay to be harassed by fans like this? 】

   Brother Qian is of course not good, very bad, so angry that he cursed people in the office.

   On the big weekend, the whole office is working overtime, trying to control public opinion, but netizens are not fools, and the video released is too convincing.

   Besides, everyone is very disgusted with Ling Xuan's fans pulling and stepping on it. It hasn't been long since the last time Ling Xuan overturned, and everyone still remembers it fresh.

   It's okay to step on Lu Sichuan to engage in fan circles. It's getting more and more excessive.

   How happy the fans were before, and how ruthlessly they were attacked after the reversal of public opinion.

In the end, Ling Xuan issued an apology statement, saying that because his idol lost his voice and failed to restrain his fans, he had an unshirkable responsibility for the students' online violence. In the future, he will not only focus on improving his business ability, but also guide and regulate fans. behavior, and establish a positive role as an idol.

   The apology was written very sincerely, and the fans also queued up to apologize. On the surface, it was peaceful, and finally this wave of public opinion was calmed down.

   But after these two times, Ling Xuan's popularity was almost lost.


   When He Xinyan saw Ling Xuan's eloquent letter of apology, there was no turbulence in her heart.

   As the most direct beneficiary, the other party said that he did not know about it, which was a bit too green tea.

   The first time I didn’t know, but every time I didn’t know?

   In the end, it’s just because Brother Qian’s marketing methods are very effective. As a vested interest, he has enjoyed too much sweetness, so he simply acquiesced.

  Anyway, the artist marketing is what the studio is doing. He continues to clear his mind and focus on filming and writing songs, but he is still innocent.

  He Xinyan flipped through the calendar, the court date of her lawsuit against Ling Xuan and the company for infringement will be at the end of December.

   Except that day when Brother Qian asked to talk to her, even Ling Xuan never contacted her again.

  He Xinyan doesn't think the other party is legally blind, He Linjun is a legal coffee, Ling Xuan is not.

The only possibility    is that the other party simply does not believe that he will lose the case...or needs time to prove it.

   I just don't know what Lin Yunxian will say.


   In the new week, everyone is discussing the things that are trending at school on weekends.

  Although Ling Xuan issued an apology at the end, everyone still felt very uncomfortable.

   Not to mention, after all, that is Senior Ling Xuan, a former man of the year, everyone naturally has a good impression of him, and they are also full of expectations for his performance at the school.

   It was unexpected for everyone to see things like this. But it would be nonsense to say that it was aimed at and coldly violent Ling Xuan.

  Ling Xuan's fans' accusations of Yongxing High School's people definitely don't recognize them. Everyone is not so mean.

   "This is the first time I know that Ling Xuan fans are so easy to break defense." Lin Xuxu felt that this time it was an eye-opener.

   She usually does not pay attention to the fan circle, and she is not addicted to mobile phones. She maintains the rhythm of study and life with a high degree of self-discipline.

   The two-day matchup with the little fans on the weekend made her head hurt. These are all strange breeds.

  He Xinyan: "It's still too young to tell right from black and white."

   Brother Qian's routine of abusing fans and solid fans is more of a young girl. After all, at this age, she has an impulsive personality and does not have the ability to think for herself, so it is easy to be led into the trap by interested people.

  Fan circle is easy to give people the illusion of brain damage, and most of it is due to the excessive marketing of the artist team.

   Little fans want to protect their human ideals from a good starting point, but they don't know that the so-called human ideals may not be worthy of their love and protection.

   Speaking of this, Qiao Yuqiao remembered.

   "Xinyan, Tian Weiyue's punishment is expected to come down... The school's intention is to give her a major demerit."

   It was really embarrassing to be given such a punishment not long after he was promoted.

   This is still the result of Tian Weiyue's parents and the head teacher begging the school... After all, the impact of this incident was too bad.

   After sneaking in with outsiders, he even knowingly committed a fight with his classmates in public, which has touched the bottom line.

   As for Ms. Zheng Yingying...because she is still breastfeeding, administrative detention cannot be enforced, and the police can only criticize and educate her.

   However, because this incident was too big, the stock of Gaojia's company was inevitably affected, and it plummeted at the opening of the market today.

   I heard that a project that was cooperating with the imperial capital was also withdrawn, and the momentum of the previous high-speed development was no longer.

  The Gao family was completely panicked, and came to the door with gifts in large bags and small bags to intercede... but they were all blocked by the Qiao family and his wife.

  The current situation of the Gao family can only be said to be their own fault. They are all thirty years old. If they want to stage a romantic drama, they can go home and play it. It is disgusting to pour dirty water on an innocent girl.


  He Xinyan was going to the auditorium to pick up things, and people came to say hello along the way.

   Today is really a narrow road for the enemy. When she opened a certain door, she saw He Yuye and Lu Qilin with tears on their faces.

   Looking at the postures of the two, it seemed that they were still hugging each other a second ago, and the door only bounced open the moment they opened.

  He Xinyan said in her heart that she was unlucky, and quickly closed the door.

   She thought about it, and it was estimated that the inside would not end so soon, so she had to turn around and leave.

   He Yuye became nervous, "She won't misunderstand anything, will she?"

   She walked over and glanced at the crack of the door. She didn't see anyone, and her brows became even tighter.

  Lu Qilin also frowned, wiped the tears on his chest, glanced at He Yuye, and comforted, "Don't think too much."

   He Yuye gave a wry smile: "I don't want it either... But I don't know what's going on. No matter what I do recently, it seems to be wrong."

   (end of this chapter)

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