The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 221: If the Gao family is ruined by you...

   Chapter 221 If the Gao family is ruined by you...

  Lin Yunxian said that it was a misunderstanding, but the servant of the Lin family quietly told her that if Lin Yunxian was one step late, the woman's clothes would be stripped off.

   No wonder Lin Yunxian doted on this niece so much at the beginning, and often talked about it in their university group, but after the incident, she was completely estranged.

  At first everyone thought it was his niece who came back, so of course the Lin family wanted to stay away from fakes.

   Now it seems that it is not groundless.

   Thinking she has insight into the truth that her husband does not come home every day, Zheng Yingying went home and made a big fight with her husband.

   Even his sister-in-law, Gao Baoyu, said that seeing that girl with the school leaders of their school, she was not a good person and asked her brother not to provoke her.

   Gao Tianjue was furious and told them not to talk nonsense, and if there were bad rumors, they would have to let them go.

   The other party slammed the door and left. Zheng Yingying shed tears all night with her child in her arms.

  Gao Tianjue said that he didn't cheat and mess around, and he was busy with work and projects recently. The woman was probably the woman he flattered, so don't think about it.

   Zheng Yingying smiled and believed, but turned to find Yongxing High School.

   She has been here several times, but she can't get in every time. Fortunately, someone pointed her and said that she could help her get in on the anniversary of Yongxing High School.

   She is not stupid, her husband is so hard at managing the company, how can she make trouble with her husband? They are all seduced by **** outside.

   As long as the mistress is in disrepute, the husband can see clearly the essence of the other person's best husband and return to the family.

  He Xinyan: "Do you know Lin Yunxian?"

   The other party said the name Gao Tianjue, and He Xinyan knew who it was.

  The last time Jin Bai talked about Gao Tianjue, she went to check it, and it was not difficult to check.

   Later, he got married, and his wife was this Ms. Zheng.

   This Ms. Zheng likes to show her life after marrying a wealthy family on the Internet. She is a wealthy and upright little wife. In her profile, she attended the same university as Lin Yunxian.

"Although you are crazy, I have no obligation to explain to you, but I still have a few words. First, I don't know your husband Gao Tianjue, and I haven't met or spoken to each other. You'd better ask your husband to borrow the car in those two days. Second, are you so sloppy in everything you do, just believe a few rumors in a photo? Is the head on your neck purely for weighing the scales?"

   There was a burst of laughter around, Omg, he is indeed the king of strong mouths, Yan Shen!

   He speaks slowly and slowly, his voice is clear but never noisy, and it also implies that the other party has no brains.

   But this matter will be annoyed by anyone, just because someone else has been in her husband's car, they call at the door, are they sick?

The dean, who arrived late, blew his beard and stared: "It's outrageous! It's better to have a lower limit for being a person! We are a campus here, don't frame your smoky things on our students! The school will definitely pursue this matter to the end! "

  Fu Ran: "I have to give an account of the milk tea splashing on my face!"

   Others were also talking about it.

   "With so much noise, I thought she had some evidence in her hands."

   "Yan Shenzhen is sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky."

   "Don't you think it's very scary, no matter who you are in the future, as long as you falsely frame you as a junior, you can beat you up at will. Isn't everyone going to be finished?"

   "Wow, I'm scared to read it from this angle, I'm getting goosebumps!"

   "A super student like Yan Shen and the first grader can be slandered, so isn't it easier for a student like me to be splashed with dirty water?"


   Zheng Yingying is a little confused, this is a little different from what she expected, doesn't it mean that He Xinyan has a bad reputation in Yongxing High School?

   In the past, as long as she used her identity as a real girlfriend to fight those wild women, she didn't need evidence at all, and public opinion would naturally lead to her side.

  Because this trick didn't work out well, she dared to make trouble this time.

   Never expected to encounter Waterloo.

   "You don't understand at all! My husband never goes home, and everyone outside says so! My child is only a few months old, so how can our mother and child survive!"

  Shi Rin hung up the phone and looked at the poor crying woman in front of her with cold eyes.

   "You might as well think about it, whether it's more difficult for your husband to stay busy with work and never come home, or whether it is more difficult for the Gao family to go bankrupt."

   Zheng Yingying looked at the man in front of her, and with her years of experience, she intuitioned that the man in front of her was definitely either rich or expensive.

   The man's tone of voice was very gentle, which made her heart skip a few beats for a moment. Does the other party sympathize with her and want to comfort herself?

   After waiting for a while to understand what the other party meant, Zheng Yingying's face stiffened, "What do you mean?"

   She felt a little uneasy in her heart. The next second, Shi Rin's phone rang, he connected, and pointed the phone screen at Zheng Yingying.

   "Husband!" Zheng Yingying exclaimed looking at the person who appeared on the other side.

  The man on the other end of the phone was clearly sitting in the speeding car with a look of anger on his face.

"Damn, Zheng Yingying, are you sick! Have your brain been eaten by a dog? I **** married you, it's a blood mold for eight lifetimes! I've taken over the company now, do you think I'll make some scandals? Affect the company's stock price? And that's a high school student, I'm a **** beast in your eyes?!"

   Zheng Yingying's face turned pale, "I'm sorry, husband, I..."

"It's not me that you're sorry, it's that girl! Did the little girl provoke you to mess with you? I already told you that I don't know you, so don't spread rumors, and you still called me, they are only eighteen years old! You thought about causing harm to her. damage and impact?"

   "Apologize, you must apologize to the little girl! I'm already on my way, if you don't apologize, no one will be able to save you! If the Gao family is bankrupted by you, our family will drink the northwest wind!"

   Zheng Yingying didn't want to apologize, but her husband's last words deterred her.

   She was completely panicked, how could the Gao family go bankrupt, those are all her and her son's property!

   "I'm sorry, I didn't understand and misunderstood you, I apologize to you."

  He Xinyan said calmly: "Oh, but I don't accept it. You say your child is pitiful, shouldn't I be pitiful? Suddenly, a cauldron fell from the sky."

  The people who were watching the incident here also figured out the whole story, but they only felt that they had eaten a rotten melon, and their appetite was full.

  Really, who are these people!

  Someone recognized the woman as the daughter-in-law of the Gao family, and silently wrote it down in her heart, and she will stay away from the Gao family in the future.

   Husband has already taken the position of the person in charge of the company, and he is still so chaotic. Seeing the wind is rain, and he is crazy and disregarding his face to make trouble. Not only is it shameful, but it may also cause the stock price to plummet.

   Two more times, the Gao family was originally from a poor family, and it is very possible that they might go bankrupt directly.

   Again, even if you take 10,000 steps back, if you suspect someone else has something, you don't go to your own man first to get bad luck, but to tear up a high school student instead.

   makes it clear that he is bullying the little girl who is too young to rely on.

  I am not in the right position, and I see that others are equally dark, which is enough.

  Of course, a little girl has the right not to forgive.

   (end of this chapter)

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