The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 220: How can you call the police?

   Chapter 220 How can you call the police?

  Fu Ran felt a little more balanced, and he silently gave the girl who spoke an admiring look.

   It can be seen that this is his own fan!

  The woman was stunned for a moment, and she understood after saying that, "How can you still hook up with celebrities? Then why are you hooking up with my husband?"

   The man named Fu Ran has a little white face. As for the man next to He Xinyan, he is even more outstanding, and his temperament is very dusty.

   was also the first time the other party rushed forward, pulled He Xinyan away, and blocked himself, which caused Fu Ran, who rushed up, to be bumped into him, and his head was splashed with milk tea.

   Shi Rin's eyes met the woman's, her eyes were slightly cold: "She is not a student's parent, nor was she invited to watch the ceremony. Since it is illegal to sneak in..."

   He turned his head to the classmate next to him and said, "Please help to call the security office and ask them to take this woman away for investigation."

   That classmate nodded and was already dialing the phone.

  The onlookers were also very speechless. Listening to what this woman meant, it was still a play of a mistress?

   She is really sick. Does she know what kind of existence Yanshen is in Yongxing High School?

   No matter whether He Xinyan wants sweet love or just wants a human-shaped ATM, there are many people waiting in line for a love number plate!

The woman froze for a while, and said with dodging eyes, "You students of Yongxing High School destroyed my family, don't you allow me to ask for justice? I want to ask everyone to help me judge, I am a woman and my child is only a few months old. Da, this female student named He Xinyan has hooked up with my husband so that he doesn't come home."

   She said it pitifully, tears falling down, "Little sister, what are you doing wrong, you want to seduce a man with a family? Do you want money? I'll give you money, okay? You return your husband to me!"

   The other party was emotional, and he opened his bag and took out a stack of banknotes, wanting to stuff it into He Xinyan's hand.

  He Xinyan looked indifferent, stepped back to avoid it, and the red banknotes suddenly fell all over the floor.

   She was not at all surprised by the direction of things. She had a vague hunch before that some of the buried mines would detonate sooner or later.


   Outside the crowd, Lin Yunshu supported Mr. He and glanced at the farce inside.

   She took the position where Mr. He stood on the steps, and she could just see a little of the inside.

   I really wanted to cover my mouth and laugh. He Xinyan was a shame and was thrown into my grandmother's house today, and her reputation in the school was completely stinky.

   She didn't believe that Yongxing High School would still have such a scourge.

   "Dad, look, is there any misunderstanding here?" Lin Yunshu suppressed the smile at the corner of her mouth and turned to ask Mr. He worriedly.

   Mr. He's face was as deep as water, but his hands on crutches were steady.

   "Let's go, Yu Ye is probably in a hurry." He turned his head and left without lingering.

  Lin Yunshu was a little surprised. She thought that her father-in-law was fond of He Xinyan, and she had to take care of it, but she didn't care about it?

  He Zixiao walked to the door of the auditorium to pick up people, and glanced outside the door with some doubts, "What happened?"

   "It's nothing, let's go quickly." Lin Yunshu urged, "Where are your sister and Ling Xuan?"

  He Zixiao came back to his senses, "Second sister and Brother Ling Xuan are on the top floor, and they will come down later when the party starts. By the way, grandpa will also perform on stage today, third sister will also perform on stage. She went to the reception in the morning and..."

   The youth's tone was full of praise, which already made Lin Yunshu very dissatisfied, and was about to reprimand.

   "Okay, don't say any more." Mr. He interrupted him impatiently.

   He Zixiao was stunned for a moment, not understanding why his grandfather's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.


   On the top floor, Zhou Hao closed the window and said with a smile, "Wow it's so lively down there, this is big news in your school."

   He Yuye walked to the window and glanced at it. This position had an excellent view. She looked at the woman with a look of surprise, "Isn't this Sister Gao's sister-in-law?"

   Sensing that someone was standing behind her, she gave way, frowned and said, "Sister Gao's eldest sister-in-law just gave birth... This is the first time I've seen her look so disrespectful."

   However, how many women can maintain their decency as a junior?

   What's more, the other party is still breastfeeding, taking care of the baby is already hard and haggard, and he has to suffer the blow of her husband's betrayal.

  Ling Xuan calmly glanced down, surprised and not surprised.

   She is always so stubborn, and she is not wronged when someone knocks on her door.

   "Would you like me to send someone down to find out the situation, or bring He Xinyan out. Being blocked like this will only aggravate the situation." Zhou Hao said with a smile.

  Ling Xuan brought four bodyguards today, and they have real skills in their hands. It can still be done with one person.

  Ling Xuan's face was indifferent: "Don't worry about it."

  Why bother? Isn't it enough to help her clean up the mess?

   He sends someone to take care of it at such a time. If news spreads, how should he explain his position in taking care of this kind of thing?

   After all, he is an idol, and of course he can't be involved in any scandal.

   In the end, it is He Xinyan's own fault. If she pays attention not to be involved with other people's married husbands, will there be so many troubles?


   "System, are you happy?" He Xinyan asked in her mind.

The    system is a bit confused: [This has nothing to do with me! I don't know why this woman came here...]

   It feels a little wronged, and it really doesn't know anything!

  He Xinyan was too lazy to pay attention to it. In front of everyone, she called the police directly.

   Everyone likes to watch the drama of playing the mistress. The timing of the women's arrival is particularly good. Although the students have no feelings about the mistress, the parents do!

   There are so many parents present today, when the woman cried, I don’t know how many people started to sympathize with each other.

  He Xinyan said to the phone with great certainty: "Yes, it's picking quarrels and provoking trouble, spreading rumors and slander, please come over quickly!"

  The woman was completely dumbfounded, and suddenly panicked, "How can you call the police?"

   "Why can't you call the police?" Shi's housekeeper said angrily, "You spread rumors about a little girl, and you even broke into the school to throw people at them. You can wait for administrative detention!"

  The old man is really angry, there are so many scenes with this woman, when who can't see it is deliberately pretending to be pitiful and sympathetic.

   The security officer who rushed over heard it, quickly cut through the crowd, walked in, and controlled the woman.

  The woman was even more panicked: "You can't treat me like this! I want to expose it to the media, you Yongxing High School shield students to be juniors and destroy other people's families!"

  Shi Rin: "You want to expose? Yes, I'll give you traffic. But you haven't said who your husband is yet. Do you have any evidence."

   Woman: "My husband's name is Gao Tianjue, and I have a photo of her getting into my husband's car!"

  Since she dared to fight the mistress, of course she was prepared.

   Originally, she didn't want to convict people based on a photo, but this woman is so beautiful, so beautiful that she is full of hostility and crisis just by looking at the photo.

   This is exactly the type her husband likes!

   Zheng Yingying couldn't sit still, she left her child and went to Lin Yunxian, her former classmate, to inquire about the scandal that her adopted daughter seduced her uncle.

   (end of this chapter)

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