The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 201: Can I claim my music copyright?

   Chapter 201 Can you claim the music copyright back?

   "That's good." The female voice was warm like a spring breeze, "You guys will definitely be able to sing the essence of this song. Where can I buy it, I want to buy it and listen to it."

   She doesn't like to surf the Internet, and she is only obsessed with research. Just like in the past, she calmly settled herself in this impetuous world, like a valley orchid, free and fragrant.

  Ling Xuan: "You don't need to buy it. Originally this is your work. I'll send it to you on WeChat."

   On the other side, he had already opened the software and searched for it, and immediately exclaimed in surprise, "Xinyan also released this version, she was really talented back then."

  Ling Xuan's heart tightened: "Sister, you don't need to worry about those things on the Internet, I'm fine."

   The female voice sighed, thinking clearly, "Xinyan's temperament... You have to take more care of yourself."

  Ling Xuan pretended to be relaxed: "I will communicate with Xinyan about this matter. It's fine. I am an artist and can afford the criticism from others."

  The woman smiled and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. The two of you communicate well and don't quarrel."


   It was Saturday, and He Xinyan was sitting in Xia Yanbin's car, rushing to the recording studio.

   When the phone rang, He Xinyan had a bad premonition. Sure enough, after the phone was connected, Ling Xuan's voice came over there.

  He Xinyan pressed her eyebrows, feeling a little unlucky, "Ling Xuan, are you okay?"

  Ling Xuan: "You know why I'm looking for you, delete the song on the Singla website. If my company sue you, you can't compensate for the loss."

  He Xinyan glanced at the sun outside and felt a little amused, "Sue me? Why sue me? This is my song."

  Ling Xuan took a deep breath and said restrainedly: "If you want money, I can give it to you, you can quote a price."

  He Xinyan: "Then you may not be able to pay."

   Her refusal to communicate completely angered the other party, Ling Xuan sneered, "Why are you still so stubborn and unrepentant."

  He Xinyan said lightly: "Why are you still so self-righteous and smart."

  Ling Xuan: "He Xinyan!"

   He couldn't bear it, He Xinyan was not willing to communicate well.

   "Anyway, I will give you one million." He said in a cold voice, "What I said before counts. If you want to enter the entertainment industry, I can bring you into the circle."

  He Xinyan understood: "So you think I'm touching you on purpose, just for the sake of being popular?"

  Ling Xuan did not speak, the silent silence was like a faint mockery.

He Xinyan: "I thought it was only your fans who seemed to have sea water in their heads, but it turned out to be the fans who follow the righteous master. I won't delete that song, keep the one million for your own PR. After all, it's someone else's thing. "

  Ling Xuan was so angry that he hung up the phone.

The car was already parked at the door, He Xinyan got out of the car and thought about it, and sent another text message to Shen Jinzhou: [Lawyer Shen, my original song many years ago was taken away without authorization to release the album, I can claim the music copyright back ? 】


   Brother Qian was not surprised when he saw Ling Xuan hung up the phone with a dark face.

   He has seen this kind of person a lot, so what can't he do to gain a position?

  Ling Xuan is so popular now, everyone wants to come up and touch the porcelain to get some heat and traffic.

   But the other party doesn't even look down on one million, and his appetite is not small. It seems that he is ambitious and wants to plan more.

  In this case, of course, I have to cut off the other party's channel into the entertainment industry, and let the other party's reputation completely stink.

  Ling Xuan was unwilling to sue, but the other party forgot that the copyright of the song "Cicada" had already been transferred to the company.

   He can directly bypass Ling Xuan and sue the other party for infringement in the name of the company, demanding compensation for the company's losses.

   But there is a problem. The timeline for the other party to upload the song is 5 months earlier than the timeline for Ling Xuan's release of the song. He needs Ling Xuan's writing manuscript.

   Of course, the top priority is to clarify some rumors on the Internet. These netizens eat melons and don’t think it’s a big deal. They are all a mob.

   Brother Qian never condone these people, and decisively asked the law firm he cooperated to issue a statement.

  Yizheng said that the lyrics and music of "Chan Chan" were all original by Ling Xuan, and warned some netizens to stop spreading rumors, otherwise they would not rule out resorting to legal weapons.

   Doing this can only temporarily appease fans, but it cannot appease the majority of netizens.

   Brother Qian was still a little annoyed. Now that the Internet is full of ridicule, it is difficult to reverse the situation. He called the top management of Singer again and asked to delete the song.

   "Really, is that song infringing? But isn't it clear now, can you come up with earlier evidence?" There was a haha.

   Brother Qian frowned, what's the matter, this high-level executive had drunk with him before, but he didn't show his face?

   "Isn't this something obvious at a glance, that female netizen just wanted to touch Ci Lingxuan and make Lingxuan's popularity." Brother Qian became a little impatient.

"That's it." It was still very slippery over there, "but it's also very difficult for us to do it. Netizens are very skilled. Many people say that we will definitely do something like covering our mouths. Since the other party is just touching porcelain, why not Let the bullet fly a little longer?"

   Brother Qian hung up the phone in anger.

  The middle-aged man listened to the "beep" sound coming from the mobile phone, and put away the mobile phone with a calm expression.

   They are a small website that is declining day by day, how can He Dehe be able to attract such a large amount of traffic and popularity.

   After hearing the news this morning, some of the company's executives felt that this was an opportunity to promote their website.

   But he didn't dare to have any ideas. Ling Xuan Studio and the others couldn't afford to offend him. How could Brother Qian be so easy to deal with.

   Not only did he not dare to rub off on the popularity, but if he couldn't stand the pressure, he had to delete the song and blow up the account.

  Fortunately, he received another call in the morning, asking him to keep the song and willing to invest in their little broken website.

   The middle-aged man cried with joy. He had been drinking with Brother Qian before, and he drank like a grandson and couldn't ask for a cooperation.

  It's all right now, I finally don't have to ask for money.


  He Xinyan didn't expect that one of her text messages would attract Shi Rin.

   After coming out of the recording studio, she took the demo of the song and sent it to the small group, so that everyone could get familiar with the melody and lyrics first, and as soon as they looked up, they saw the car parked in front of them.

   The window was lowered, and Shi Rin said with a smile, "Get in the car."

   After getting into the car, Shen Jinzhou couldn't help but sigh, "I never imagined that, Miss Xinyan, you can still play the violin and write songs."

  He Xinyan: "Life is not easy, you must be versatile."

   Shi Rin fiddled with the bracelet and glanced at her with a light smile in his eyes.

  Shen Jinzhou: "But I'm really surprised that you wrote the song Ling Xuan. From the very beginning, he only marked his own name as the songwriter. He is really bold."

   He was still shocked, and decided to come to He Xinyan to find out the specific situation.

   Besides, the Fourth Young Master is also very concerned about this matter, so of course he has to deal with it quickly.

  He Xinyan saw the statement from Lingxuan Studio and put down the phone with a calm expression.

   "Not boldness, but stupidity and greed."

   (end of this chapter)

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