The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 200: Full of cottage flavor

   Chapter 200 Full of cottage flavor

  Which person is not youthful, not confused and hesitant?

   This song evokes the deepest things in people's hearts, rolling over and over again, like a youth that can never be returned.

   But he pushes people not to look back, not to love the past, and to move towards the future firmly.

  The singer's surging emotions and tenacious vitality infect every listener, and the excellent and perfect timbre is also amazing to hear.

   But this voice is definitely not Ling Xuan's voice. Although the voices of boys and girls were a bit indistinguishable when they were young, it was obviously the voice of a girl.

The chorus part of    is particularly amazing, as if it wants to burn out its vitality, but it tenaciously awakens thousands of vitality.

   is so good, it's not comparable to Ling Xuan's version of "Cicada".

   It turns out that this is the idea of ​​the song "Cool Cicada". There is no entanglement between the feelings of teenagers and girls who still want to talk and Xiaoqing Xiaoai.

  The adaptation of the male and female duet version added these, which suddenly lowered the tone of the whole song, making it look extraordinarily petty.

   That's fine. The original most amazing chorus part was down-tuned and part of the arrangement because it couldn't be sung well. The melody sounded good, but it was quite drooling, like the industrial saccharin in the film and television drama, fake sweet.

   Without deliberate marketing at all, the comments and retweets of the original blog quickly reached an astonishing figure.

   On the next morning, it was directly linked to the hot search.

  Lingxuan fans still wanted to accuse and comment on the plaza. Seeing that the popularity of this song is getting higher and higher, the big V participated in the forwarding, and the comments were full of praise, and they were suddenly anxious.

   [The most annoying thing is to step on the original singer. When I see Xuan Baohong, I touch the porcelain and get the heat. If you want to be popular, you must be crazy. 】

  【It's funny, no one really thinks that this woman can understand this song better than the original singer Ling Xuan? 】

  【I died of laughter, forcibly pulling up the height, it's really boring. But my brother said that the male and female duet is the original version. 】

  【Have the ability to write songs yourself, do you have the face to cover others? 】

   [So speechless, does this person have the right to sing? Shishi hurry up to see if it has been infringed, you can directly ask the other party to take it off the shelf and compensate for the loss @lingxuan studio]

   [Served, the eldest sister who sings you is infringing, do you know? The copyright fee for this song is very high, waiting to pay you to death! 】

  The fans insisted on the infringement, and passers-by who did not know the truth were also led astray. There were originally praises, but gradually there were strange opinions.

   The first music blogger was @@ by countless fans, and righteously asked him to delete the infringing audio as soon as possible.

   The blogger replied directly to a comment: [Did you see the link? This song was released on the Singla website five years ago, 5 months earlier than your brother's earliest version, "Cicada". 】

   The tone of this reply is relatively mild, but it reminds everyone to look at the link.

  Singla website visitor status is unable to listen to the song, click to enter and need to register, so many people ignore this link.

   Being reminded like this, many people clicked in and listened, and found that the audio released by the blogger was exactly the same.

   This song was indeed released 5 months earlier than Ling Xuan's "Cicada", and there were forty or fifty comments at that time, so it could be seen that it was a passerby.

  The comments were all shocked and said that this song is really shocking, how can it not debut if it sings so well.

   But in the later stage, this song should be set to be visible only to me. It has been silent for many years, and it was not released again until today.

   After eating the melon, the netizens were still not satisfied, and also put three versions of the cool cicada together for comparison.

   Such a comparison is simply a public execution.

  【Mom, why do I think Ling Xuan's singing is imitating this great god? Full of cottage flavor. 】

  【You don’t think so, I think so too. 】

  【In all fairness Ling Xuan's original version is really amazing, but there are traces of imitation, I'm all messed up now emm】

   [So people say that Ling Xuan is bad, and the adaptation is even more rubbish. 】

  【Why are fans so embarrassed to say that someone is infringing? Now I seriously doubt who is the original author of this song. 】

   [Laughing to death, fans are careful that others will sue you for cooking infringement. 】

   [Eight hundred marketing campaigns a day are not enough, catching an amateur and framing Lu Sichuan in one sentence, does Lu Sichuan have as much drama as you? 】

  【Guess LX knows this version? If you don't know, why would you deliberately imitate it, and if you know, why would you beat your face up? 】

   Today's people are not stupid. They have seen a lot of entertainment marketing routines, and they are no longer easily rhythm.

  Lu Sichuan has been on several hot searches after his comeback, all because of the stage of "Metamorphosis". Among them, there are also black hot searches suspected to be bought by Ling Xuanfang.

   He is too low-key. Even when he was the most popular in the past, he insisted on writing songs and making albums in a low-key manner. He didn't get together with bad movies, and he didn't have a sense of presence in variety shows every day.

   This comeback is also, except for the low-key announcement to release a new album, there is not too much action.

   On the contrary, Ling Xuan is a person who lives on the hot search, and every time it is accompanied by blood and rain, every time there is always a **** who wants to harm my brother.

  Passers-by will start to feel disgusted when they see it too much. How could it be that others bully you every time? Just this way, the fans are genuinely sad and angry for their brother.


   Brother Qian was stunned when he saw the news, and was completely caught off guard.

   He quickly calmed down and glanced at Ling Xuan, "What do you say?"

  Ling Xuan turned off the music with a tense expression on his face. He is a very good artist. He has never been too concerned about Brother Qian's public relations methods, and can cooperate well when he needs to cooperate.

   As an artist, you need to maintain popularity and enhance business value... Sometimes there are some things, and he can't intervene.

   "Brother Qian, did you reveal the story of Lu Sichuan's song sales?" He frowned in disapproval, it was too obvious to step on.

  Brother Qian: "Of course others do it, I've never been so angry. But this matter has nothing to do with you, just leave it alone. You just need to tell me, "Cicada"..."

  Ling Xuan said quickly: "There is indeed another creator of the song "Cicada", but it is not the one who sings."

   Brother Qian couldn't help laughing, it was much easier to handle, "So the other party has no record of creation, right? The copyright of this song is with you, and the other party is still infringing."

   What if he sang it 5 months earlier, he could still sue if he didn't steal other people's things.

   "Well, I will let the cooperative law firm collect evidence and send a lawyer's letter, and spread it on such a large scale, I will sue the other party and go bankrupt."

   "No!" Ling Xuan paused and said softly, "Forget it, let me communicate this matter."

   He made a phone call first, and it was quickly connected. The female voice was gentle and surprised, "Ling Xuan? Why did you call me, what happened?"

  Ling Xuan's voice was dry: "Sister... I sang the song "Cicada" with Yu Ye, and also released an online single."

   (end of this chapter)

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