The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 196: Lu Sichuan has agreed

   Chapter 196 Lu Sichuan has promised

   The group looked at each other in dismay, and the girl who spoke before shrank her head, a little afraid that He Xinyan would come and pick her head.

  Although it is logically impossible, this is He Xinyan, who can suppress the school bully with one hand!

  If she really wants to do it, won't she be unlucky? Of course, to be silent.

   The boys who were traveling with them quickly jumped off the stage and ran to the town after receiving the girls' help.

   "It's as if you could invite Lu Sichuan." Someone backed her up, and Tian Weiyue became more daring. She didn't dare to look directly at He Xinyan, she only dared to hide behind the boys in her peers.

  He Xinyan: "Of course I can." As he said, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

   There is almost a second connection.

   "Xinyan, do you have something to do with me?"

  He Xinyan said straight to the point: "Lu Sichuan, I have turned on the speakerphone. Could you please do me a favor and come to our school's celebration party to perform a show."

The    side patiently listened to her finish, and as soon as she finished speaking, she immediately agreed: "Okay, no problem."

  He Xinyan thought about it and added, "It's not a business invitation, there is no notification fee."

The    side couldn't help laughing, the laughter was low and pleasant, and echoed in the mobile phone speaker, "I will go without the notice fee, and I will go after the post. Xinyan, we are friends."

  He Xinyan immediately felt relieved, "Okay, then it's settled."

   She didn't say much, put away her phone and looked at Tian Weiyue, "Okay, Lu Sichuan has agreed."

   A group of people present were in shock.

   Is it really Lu Sichuan? The man on the other side's voice was really nice and very soothing, and when he laughed in a low voice, it was so soothing that it could make one's ears get pregnant.

   Everyone in the first class turned their attention to He Xinyan, and every face was shocked or shocked!

  Lin Xuxu raised her hand and pressed her eyebrows, no, the impact was too great, she needed to slow down first.

  The group of the first graders, after the initial shock, were only left full of anger and ridicule of being fooled.

  Tian Weiyue couldn't help laughing: "You don't think we'll believe if you just make a phone call?"

  He Xinyan: "You just need to tell me whether you want to take off your heads after I invite Lu Sichuan."

  Tian Weiyue: "As long as he really shows up at the school celebration party, I, I will kowtow to you in public!"

   Just take off your head, it sounds like a joke.

   She just wanted to excite He Xinyan, waiting for the other party to get into the trap, "If you can't do it, then kowtow to me in public!"

  He Xinyan: "No, change the conditions."

  Tian Weiyue: "Don't you want to regret it? No, no, isn't the person on the phone just agreed, what are you afraid of?"

   The provocation and malice in her eyes could hardly be concealed, and He Xinyan was bound to lose face.

   As a die-hard fan of Ling Xuan, she had long heard of He Xinyan from the high school, especially when she knew that He Xinyan had been close to Ling Xuan before, she became even more angry.

   An adopted daughter with a low status, how dare she pester her brother with shame and shame.

  Tian Weiyue not only pays attention to the Weibo of Ling Xuan and his studio and staff, but also interacts with Ling Xuan's assistant and group favorite Zhou Hao often online.

   Zhou Hao once revealed in the big fan group that some amateur classmates wanted to entangle Ling Xuan, and it seemed that they wanted to touch porcelain to hype.

   He told everyone not to believe it if they came across such black material in the future, Ling Xuan had never been in a relationship in the past, and has never planned to be in a relationship.

   Others don't know who Zhou Hao is talking about, so they can only scold him, but Tian Weiyue guessed it.

  Ling Xuan has always kept herself clean during her school days, and the only thing that looks at He Xinyan's pitiful sake is to protect her more, as everyone in the senior years knows.

   Of course she has a lot of hostility towards He Xinyan, and wants to vent her anger on behalf of her brother.

He Xinyan glanced at Tian Weiyue and said calmly, "Oh, I don't need you to kowtow and kneel, I just need you to clean up a month's worth of chemical lab waste, learn more about science, and control your mind. seawater."

  Lin Xuxu couldn't help laughing out loud, she still only obeyed He Xinyan if her mouth was strong!

   is absolutely amazing, and it is an understatement to complete a knowing blow.

  Tian Weiyue's face turned green and white with anger. Is it because the connotation is flooded in her brain, or is the connotation her brainless?

  The boy in front of her couldn't stand it any longer, "He Xinyan, don't go too far! What a skill to bully a junior girl!"

"Don't go too far!" Lin Xuxu took a step forward: "It was you who were picky and mean. We used the rehearsal room reasonably within a reasonable time, and we didn't provoke any of you. It was you who came up and chased people away. It's yin and yang weird again, I've even recorded a video!"

   She raised her phone, "I just don't know your face, do your teachers and parents know."

   Several people panicked when they saw the video.

   After all, they have just been promoted to the senior high school, and the requirements are stricter than those of the junior high school, not to mention that the parents are telling them not to do anything in the school.

  Ling family and Ling Chen were the lessons learned before. Parents were involved in their children's conflicts with their classmates at school. Not to mention the overturning of the car, which angered Yongxing executives and made a complete mess.

  Ling Chen quietly handled the transfer when the school started, and left in despair.

   This incident has sounded alarm bells in the hearts of other parents, and they will deliberately mention it to their children.

   Many people were scared when they heard that they were looking for teachers and parents.

  Lin slowly looked at the group of people: "I can not give the video to your teacher, but I will save it first, I hope you can be good people."

   "By the way, remember to abide by the bet, I have the video as proof, don't try to be rude." Finally, she said to Tian Weiyue.

  He Xinyan looked at the warrior who wanted a hero to save the beauty: "If you are not convinced, you can also bet together. If I lose, I can kowtow to both of you separately, but if you lose—"

   She paused.

  The boy straightened his chest: "What, do you want me to clean up the garbage in the chemical laboratory?"

   In fact, he was a little overjoyed in his heart, and it happened that he could be with Tian Weiyue, and this wave was not a loss.

  He Xinyan: "No, go and clean the toilet for a month."

  You really want to be beautiful.

  The boy was stunned for a while, then got a little annoyed, "Why do I just clean the toilet, you did it on purpose—"

   "What are you talking about?" Xu Jingyang opened the door and walked in, digging his ears expressionlessly, "If you don't want to say it again, I didn't hear it clearly."

  The boy glanced at Xu Jingyang and the two boys behind him, his lips moved, and he didn't dare to say a word at all.

   He is not afraid of He Xinyan, but he thinks that most of the rumors are false and how powerful a woman can be.

   Although she is tall and not on a par with herself, she is also thin!

  Xu Jingyang is crushing him no matter his height or size, not to mention the Xu family's family background is something he can't afford to offend.

  Xu Jingyang snorted coldly, it was really insightful, but the freshman in high school bullied him to the head of the third year.

   "You are betting? It's very good, you are very courageous, I will be a witness to see who the **** loses and dares not abide by the agreement!"

   (end of this chapter)

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