The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 195: If you can invite Lu Sichuan, I'll give you my head

  Chapter 195 If you can invite Lu Sichuan, I'll give you my head

Just as    jumped up, he was interrupted by the intruder.

   The few people who came over hugged their chests and said with a sneer, "What are you doing, aren't you over, how long do we have to wait?"

   Having said that, a few boys have impatiently stepped forward and prepared to seize the stage.

  Lin slowly frowned and glanced at the time, "The rehearsal time we applied for was 7:00 pm, and it's only 6:45, and it's not yet time."

   "But your monitor has left, and you don't plan to practice anymore." The girl who spoke was very aggressive, "Senior, please stop in moderation and don't occupy the pit..."

   Her companion gave her a hand, and the girl snorted in disapproval, "That's right, I wasted everyone's time on purpose."

  Because they were crowded and interfered by several boys, Fu Yuhuan and the others simply stopped.

   The girl who just spoke was full of joy, "Okay, they are over, let's start quickly."

  Lin Xuxu walked over with a cold face and stopped the other party, "We're not finished, Fu Yuhuan, you guys continue to dance until the last second."

   If the other party speaks well, it is not impossible for her to take a step back.

   But the other party's arrogant style, she just didn't want the other party to succeed.

  The girl was stunned and anxious: "Sister Lin, you are too domineering. You can't bully us just because we are in the first year of high school!"

   "Yes, our first year of high school was supposed to let you in the third year of high school, but we also want to go home early after rehearsal."

   "You occupy the rehearsal room, it will be very inconvenient for us to go home too late."

   "It's also very unsafe, I've never been home so late."

   Several girls spoke up one after another, and began to show sympathy for the miserable loss.

Lin Xuxu was unmoved: "First of all, the application for the rehearsal room is fair, and anyone can log in to the campus network to apply; secondly, it's not too late to go home at eight or nine o'clock, you are sixteen or seventeen years old, not six or seven years old; finally, Don't kidnap me with morality, I don't eat this."

  Lin Xuxu in the past may want to show generosity and choose to swallow his voice.

   But these people did not expect that they had already become Niu Colu. Xu Xu.

  What kind of dance are the goblins dancing? When she doesn't know what they mean, doesn't she just feel that the types of programs on both sides have collided with each other?

   On the day of the show's primary election, she sat under the stage, with a group of little girls sitting behind her. After watching Fu Yuhuan's first stage, all of them were so angry that their noses were crooked.

   "It was obviously an idea we thought about first."

   "It's too much, these seniors, if they don't bring forth new ideas, they will rob other people's things."

   "I felt that the third graders should not participate in such a program audition and squeeze other people's opportunities."

   "You can still participate, I'm looking forward to Senior Ling Xuan's program."


   These people are all small fans of Ling Xuan, so they have such a big opinion on them.

  Lin Xuxu listened to it that day, and saw that the two programs had passed the primary election, so he didn't say anything, so as not to be suspected of bullying the juniors.

   In fact, frankly speaking, there are singing and dancing stages on both sides, and the genres collide, but if the creativity collides, it is forcibly touching the porcelain.

   This group of elementary school girls chose a popular stage of a certain girl group, 100% copy is not counted, only 50% of the low-end version, and it can be seen that they have practiced for a long time.

   These people are all from the middle school of Yongxing High School, and it is estimated that they are a good combination long ago.

   Looking at the youthful and energetic look, in fact, there are many problems exposed when dancing.

  The movements are probably too skilled, so these people start to add small movements, such as wink, not to mention one hand, some people have to do it three or four times.

  Lin Xuxu was terrified at the time and wanted to take people to see an ophthalmologist.

  Fu Yuhuan's dances are all choreographed by himself and are completely original, but because of the novelty and aura, even if the movements were not very proficient in the primary selection, and even He Xinyan's songs were not matched, they were directly passed by the school.

  Lin Xuxu had no intention of comparing herself with anyone, but she would not give in for a minute or a second when it was their rehearsal time.

  Tian Weiyue is very annoyed, what is this old woman doing? Really shameless, say nothing.

   She forgot to apply for the rehearsal room today, and she didn't remember it until the end of get out of class in the afternoon. It was enough to be frustrated not being able to grab the rehearsal room at the first time.

   What is even more frustrating is meeting unreasonable old women and deliberately spending time with them here.

   But it wasn't that she was unprepared. She deliberately asked yin and yang, "By the way, sister, why don't you dance without music, just shouting?"

   paused, and continued, "We are all on the microphone. After all, we are singing and dancing. What if we don't sing."

  Lin Xuxu folded his arms across his chest, "You don't have to worry about this, just take care of yourself."

   You guys sang on the microphone, but it's better not to sing, one by one with snoring voices, trying to pretend to be sweet girls, but actually singing very saliva, not sweet at all.

Tian Weiyue gritted her teeth and took a deep breath: "Sister, then I'm going to say it straight, your so-called original songs are really unreliable. He Xinyan won't be talking big and let everyone play, the primary election is up to now. I haven't even seen the song, so I advise you to give it up, it's better to change the show directly to pure dance, maybe there is salvation."

  Lin Xu Xu: "Go away, dead girl."

  Tian Weiyue's eyes widened in disbelief, "You scold me?"

   Her companions also gathered around, some were indignant, some expressed grievances.

   "Tianbao is also kind. If you don't appreciate it, why are you scolding people?"

   "This is the truth, everyone in the school is spreading the word, can't you say it?"

   "You can't let your class's program open the skylight, then it will really become the laughing stock of the whole school."

   "I knew earlier why you would team up with He Xinyan to push out Senior Sister He Yuye, or else you would be the first class of your third year who got Senior Ling Xuan's card."

   "Sister He Yuye is such a good person, you are really blind and ignorant of what you are in the first class of high school, do you regret it now?"

   "You don't think your class can really invite Lu Sichuan, do you? Senior, let's be more realistic! If you can invite Lu Sichuan, I'll give it to you."


  Lin Xuxu sneered again and again, she didn't know that it was not just Tian Weiyue's problem, but their entire small group.

  Learning such a white lotus at a young age, is Ling Xuan's fans this kind of virtue?

   I said that casually before, but I didn't expect these people to hide outside and eavesdrop, and now they are using it to attack her.

  Lin Xuxu was about to speak when he saw He Xinyan and Qiao Yuqiao walking in.

   The group of girls who were chatting just now calmed down immediately.

   It is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They have heard rumors that He Xinyan singled out the school bully. Of course, they did not dare to say nonsense in front of He Xinyan herself, they only dared to find soft persimmons behind their backs.

   A group of people spread out nonchalantly, as if the conflict just now did not exist.

  He Xinyan: "Stop!"

  Tian Weiyue panicked for a while, and summoned up her courage to say, "Sister, what do you want to do, school can't fight."

  He Xinyan was speechless: "Who said I'm going to fight? I want to ask, if we can invite Lu Sichuan, do you really plan to take your head off for us?"

   (end of this chapter)

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