The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 182: What does all this have to do with me?

  Chapter 182 What does all this have to do with me?

   The smile on Jin Bai's face could no longer be maintained, "Teacher, did you misunderstand something?"

   Does the other party see him as a rich second generation who casually flirts with girls? It's too much, I'm not that kind of person at all!

   Jin Bai took a deep breath and pressed the fire: "He Xinyan, please explain quickly, we are friends..."

"No, I'm not familiar with it." He Xinyan stood leisurely behind the dean, and added, "Director, this person has been following me, and I refused him to pester me, so I called the school security office for help. "

   The director of the security department quickly said: "You did the right thing, classmate! It's right to go to the school when you encounter such a thing, we will ensure your safety!"

   They dare to harass the students in Yongxing at the gate of the school, do they really think that the people in their security office are just decorations?

   The dean was even more angry: "I'm still a high school student, do you think you're suitable? Do you refuse to understand? Do you think your current behavior is very romantic? You call it sexual harassment!"

   Director Zhang put his hands behind his back with a serious face, "Please leave quickly, don't blame us for calling the police if you continue to pester us!"

   The expression on Jin Bai's face was a little cracked, and anger inevitably rose in his heart.

   The passers-by who were watching couldn't help but talk a lot.

  Especially to several women who had just been bullied and couldn't see it, they raised their voices one after another.

   "I really don't like a greasy and overbearing president now."

   "I've rejected all of them and are still entangled. I don't even know how to respect others. It's really annoying."

   "The key is whether they are girls or high school students. It seems that they should be in the third year of high school. That's even more hateful. Whoever disturbs my college entrance examination will be my lifelong mortal enemy."


   Jin Bai gritted his teeth angrily, looking at He Xinyan who was being protected by the security guards.

   In the end, I could only snort coldly, get back into the car with the bouquet in my arms, and command the driver with a cold face, "Go home!"

  He Xinyan's eyes were calm without any ripples, and she didn't want to be involved with Jin Bai at all.

   Jin Bai didn't think he was the prince who rescued Cinderella from distress, did he? That's so sorry, he's always been a harasser with her.

  Since he wanted to deal with He Yuye so much, why didn't he go directly, why did he make excuses for himself?

   He and He Yuye took it, shouldn't it be the script for the crematorium of chasing his wife?

  If that's the case, the other party really wants to use himself as a tool person, which is too unkind.

   It's really unbearable, she is an ordinary high school student, of course she chooses to ask the school for help.


  He Xinyan turned her head and saw a shocked and complicated He Zixiao.

   He hesitated for a moment, but he still couldn't help walking forward, "Sanjie, are you alright?"

   When he saw He Xinyan just now, he almost didn't dare to recognize it.

   It's just that I haven't seen each other for a summer vacation, and her whole personality has become more calm and restrained, powerful and unmoved.

   The gloomy, silent, surly and surly all disappeared. During her absence from the He family... Obviously, she was living a good life.

  He Xinyan: "What's the matter with you?"

  He Zixiao: "Grandpa misses you. I asked you how you are doing recently, have you encountered any difficulties, and if it is convenient... can you go home for dinner."

   After a pause, he added, "Or you don't have to go home to eat, you can arrange to go out to eat."

   Mr. He is not very close to his younger generation, so he was able to make this consideration obviously out of preference.

   The preference of Mr. He, on the one hand, is indeed due to some feelings, and on the other hand, it may also have a certain relationship with Jin Bai.

   This heir of the Jin family still maintains the cooperation between the two families even after He Xinyan severed the relationship with the He family.

  He Zixiao couldn't figure out why He Xinyan treated each other like this.

   Even if you don't like it, Jin Bo's condition is not bad, can't you be a little more euphemistic?

   went straight to the school security office, and faced Jin Baiyi's accusations in front of so many passers-by at the school gate...

   He was very worried that Jin Bo would end his cooperation with the He family in anger because his self-esteem would be frustrated because he could not come down to Taiwan.

   He Zixiao was worried, and followed He Xinyan all the way to a street corner, and only recovered when He Xinyan handed him an ice cream.

  The chocolate poured ice cream is crisp and mellow, and the taste is very good. The ice cream is sweet but not greasy and full of milky flavor.

  He Zixiao didn't pay attention to the store on the corner. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "I heard that the desserts you make in the bakery are also delicious. It would be great if you could try them."

   But the third year of high school should reduce club activities, and now the baking club is a popular club, even if he wants to join in the fun, he can't join.

  He Xinyan was noncommittal, "If you're okay, go home and stop contacting me, it's not good for you."

  Ms. Lin is so easy to break the defense, and the last time she bought a villa, she suffered a loss, and she probably hated her so much that her teeth itch.

   It is impossible for the other party to have no back moves, and Lin Yunshu has never been a person who can swallow her anger.

  He Zixiao has been in contact with her a lot, and most likely he will be angered.

   "It doesn't matter, it was grandpa who asked me to come to see you. Mom dare not have any opinion." He Zixiao said and paused, "Third sister, you have to be careful. Mom went to Jin's house recently."

  He Xinyan said strangely: "When she goes to Jin's house, she goes to Jin's house, it's none of my business."

  He Zixiao still couldn't hold back, "Third sister, Brother Jin Bai, he really likes you."

  He Xinyan was not surprised at all, let alone Jin Bai, even if Ling Xuan showed a little friendliness to her before, everyone around her persuaded her to follow each other.

  Otherwise, you don't know how to lift up, and you don't know your own status.

   After all, everyone thought that it was her honor to be seen by a wealthy and noble son, and marrying a wealthy family was her best destination in life.

  Otherwise, as an adopted daughter with a low status, what can she rely on to achieve a class jump and return to the upper class?

He Xinyan: "So should I feel honored? Just because he opened his mouth and said a few good words, or did he maintain the cooperation with the He family? But I have made a good deal with the He family, and I have sold the stock. He did it. What does all this have to do with me?"

  He Zixiao opened his mouth, his expression a little blank.

  He Xinyan said casually: "Have you read the school rules seriously, dating is not allowed in the school, you, a three-good student, won't openly take the lead in violating the school rules, right?"

   That is of course impossible. He Zixiao was arrogant or arrogant when he was a child. After high school, all his life is left is studying and getting into a good university.

   "Do not do to others what you don't want to do to yourself." Finally, He Xinyan said.

  He Zixiao's face turned pale, "But, aren't you afraid that the second sister will take Jin Bo away?"

   He had eavesdropped on the conversation between Lin Yunshu and He Linjun. The two were full of confidence, and he was sure that Jin Bai really liked He Yuye.

  Although he doesn't believe it very much, if He Xinyan has been so surly, there is no guarantee that Jin Bo will not be inclined towards the gentle and considerate He Yuye.

  The third sister has very little, and he didn't want her to miss such a good marriage partner.

   "If it's so easy to be robbed, it means that this thing is not worth mentioning at all." Shi Rin said as he walked over.

   (end of this chapter)

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