The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 181: Are you free to eat with me now?

   Chapter 181 Are you free to eat with me now?

  He Xinyan said casually: "Oh, just give the money."

  Since I'm embarrassed, it's simple, there's no need to be embarrassed for two things.

   Xu Jingyang: "..."

   The two looked at each other for two seconds, the young master suddenly had an epiphany, he quickly took out his mobile phone, and decisively transferred 5200 to He Xinyan.

  He Xinyan looked at the transfer amount with black lines all over her head, "Why are you transferring so much money to me? The raw materials don't exceed 100 yuan."

   She didn't click to receive it. Anyway, she planned to give it to everyone.

  Xu Jingyang took back his mobile phone without changing his face, and put his hand on the desk, with a natural and unrestrained expression, "I just want to buy a few more copies so that I can give them to the buddies in the football club."

  He Xinyan was a little surprised. Young Master Xu Jingyang's style is more delicate than a boy, but the boys in the football club couldn't see it at all.

   It's really unbelievable.

   She thought about it and thought it was not impossible, "Okay, I'll do it first, it will take two days before I can give it to you."

  Xu Jingyang was relieved, but also a little annoyed, and missed the opportunity to confess.

But that's okay! Two days later, he received several large bags of bottles and cans brought by He Xinyan, and happily called his driver and asked him to come and pick him up earlier.

   Rounding up, he can take these as tokens of love. Who can receive such preferential treatment in the entire Yongxing High School?

   must be the young master, he is no doubt!

   Before school was over in the afternoon, several boys ran to the door of the first class to hang around.

   Xu Jingyang was reminded by his tablemate that he noticed that he was a buddy who often played football with him.

   He walked out with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I won't play football today, I have to go home early if I have something to do."

   Several people from the football club looked at each other and simply pointed it out. "Xu Shao, I heard that you have a gift for us?"

  Xu Jingyang had a bad premonition in his heart: "Nothing..."

   Those undisclosed guys simply walked in, "Is that so? Thank you!"

The boys in the    football club were overjoyed. Fortunately, they were well-informed and knew in advance!

  Xu Shao is also true, he prepared such a special gift, but he still hid it, intending to surprise everyone secretly.

   "Xu Shao, you're hiding it tightly enough! But this surprise is really great, we like it very much!"

   A group of people in the football club couldn't help but be overjoyed when they got the gift. It was made by Yan Shen himself, and the meaning is very different!

   "Yan Shen, since you have developed motor nerves, you should be very good at playing football, when can you guide us?" said the president of the football club shyly.

   Since everyone came anyway, he was embarrassed to ask.

  He Xinyan: "...No, I can't play football."

   She used to learn to play basketball in order to exercise and grow taller. What did she do to play football? I really don't know this, and I'm not interested.

  He Xinyan ignored everyone in the football club, packed her things and left.

   It was not long before I walked out of the school when I was stopped by a luxury car.

   The car window was lowered, Jin Bai held the car window with one hand with a dashing expression, "Are you free at night? Let's have a meal together."

  He Xinyan glanced at him, her resistance was obvious, "I don't have time, don't eat."

  Jin Bai: "You don't have to think of me as a beast of a flood, can't you just make friends? Anyway, I've always been on your side, and I helped you expose He Yuye's true face."

  He Xinyan took out her phone and quickened her pace while typing.

  Jin Bai asked the driver to drive behind her, "He Yuye is about to enter the entertainment industry, and he is very popular with the persona of a down-to-earth rich lady, don't you have any ideas?"

   The passers-by around came to see it frequently, and even started to eat melons with gusto.

   A beautiful girl in the uniform of Yongxing High School, followed by a luxury car, the man in the car looks handsome and mature, this is a story.

   Jin Bai saw that He Xinyan had stopped, so he simply asked the driver to stop. He took out a large bouquet of roses and got out of the car and walked over.

"I guess He Yuye will still step on your marketing. After all, the drama of a real daughter returning to a wealthy family and being bullied by fake daughters is very exciting. It will help her attract popularity, and it can also help her attract fans and fans." Jin Bai put the rose The flower handed over, "Are you free to eat with me now?"

   He was full of confidence and was sure that He Xinyan would follow him.

   During this period of time, he was busy with work, but also deliberately neglected He Xinyan.

  Last time Mr. He's birthday banquet... He didn't believe that He Xinyan couldn't see his intentions, but the other party chose to cut off with the He family, with obvious revenge intentions.

   Probably want to see the end of cooperation with the He family? However he didn't do that.

   He Xinyan is more difficult to control than he imagined, of course he can't completely rely on the other party's temperament.

   It has been two months since she left the He family, enough for He Xinyan to recognize her own status.

   Now that he has cast the bait, he doesn't believe that He Xinyan will not take the bait.

  Jin Bai casually glanced at the roses. The roses that were transported by air were still beautiful, but they were not as thick and beautiful as the eyes of the person in front of them.

   He chuckled, "Actually, if you want to enter the entertainment industry, I can invest and support you, so you won't be able to become popular."

   There are more and more people watching the fun, and even some good people are booing, "Beauty, please promise him quickly!"

  He Xinyan didn't move, but looked behind Jin Bai a few times.

   Jin Bai's mind moved slightly. He chose a path some distance away from the school gate to block He Xinyan because of his own considerations.

  Passers-by know it's okay, but he doesn't want to make a fuss about Yongxing High School.

   He stepped forward to take He Xinyan's shoulders, and took the person directly into the car, "Okay, let's get in the car and talk, it's too hot outside."

   As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud shout behind him: "What do you want to do? Tell me about you, put your hand down!"

   Jin Bai was startled by the roar, turned around and looked at the group of people who appeared, a little confused.

  He Xinyan walked directly past him and greeted the leader, "Director Cheng, Director Zhang."

   The dean was so angry, he stared at Jin Bo with a blown beard.

   "What are you doing, put away your set! He Xinyan doesn't need your flowers!"

   He just got off work and was about to go home. When passing by the security room, he saw Director Zhang from the security office hurriedly walking out with his staff.

   After inquiring, I found out that it turned out that someone was blocking the school gate and harassing their school's female classmates!

   This female classmate is actually He Xinyan!

  Since He Xinyan won glory for the school, won the English competition championship, won the gold medal in the physics competition, and got the first grade with an unprecedented high score in the examination, this student has been frequently mentioned in the school leadership meetings.

  Because Ling Zhenxing framed the incident, the school leadership has reached a consensus to protect this student.

  The school also expects this student to take the top student in the college entrance examination and come back to win glory for the school.

The dean thought for a while, and said with his hands on his hips, "Which family's second-generation rich are you? If you know who she is, you will flirt with her? She is a genius. She is the first in the grade with a score of 748, and the most valuable asset of Yongxing High School. !"

   "She doesn't need to enter the entertainment industry, and she will definitely have a bright future in the future!"

   (end of this chapter)

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