The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 157: I just want to breathe out for my little girl

   Chapter 157 I just want to breathe for my little girl

   The man's expression was light and calm, with one hand in his pocket, and the hand holding the small hammer was fair and slender, with distinct joints, as if walking in a leisurely court.

   He even smiled, and there was a tear in the corner of his eye, and he had a bit of spring when he didn't smile, and when he laughed, it was even more soul-stirring.

   "I'm so sorry for smashing your car." He said sorry, but he didn't intend to let it go.

   Seriously smashed all the other windows, and then threw the small hammer to Shen Jinzhou, took the handkerchief He Chenxiao stubbornly handed over and wiped his hands.

   He looked at He Linjun, because the height difference was obvious, with a condescending meaning.

   "A long time ago, I wanted to visit your house, but unfortunately I couldn't make the trip. It's a pity." Shi Rin said with a smile, "But it's not too late, just in time for me to come to your house and discuss the compensation issue."

  He Chenxiao: "Fourth brother, if you need to come to the door in person, just let Shen Jinzhou go."

  Where did the He family have a face that deserves a visit from his fourth brother?

   Shi Rin sighed: "The floor price of this car is 5.29 million, and I don't know if I can afford it for the four windows."

  He Chenxiao: "Fourth brother, you are joking, you can afford to pay for 100 cars. Are you going to smash all of this car? If you are not happy, you can continue to smash it, I will pay for it!"

   After he finished speaking, he took a peek at He Xinyan and felt that his quiet gesture was very good!

   Not only let the fourth brother have fun, but also took the responsibility of He Xinyan for smashing the car window. At that time, he has lost a car. Will the other party still think about He Xinyan's smashing of the car window?

Shi Rin: "No, I just want to vent for my little girl, and I'm not a rogue. Besides, it's fine to pay for the repairs. Could it be that you want to pay for a new car? That would be too cheap for the other party. He doesn't deserve it."

  He Chenxiao: "…"

  Oh, so that seems to make sense.

  He Linjun felt that he was connoted, whether it was the rogue who played a rogue or the one he didn't deserve.

   He was so angry that his temples were jumping. The car was a new car he had picked up. He originally wanted to take He Yuye for a ride when the summer camp was over.

   But now the car window is smashed like this, even if it is repaired, it is not the original after all, how can there be no pimples in my heart?

   He Lin didn't know Shi Lin, but he knew He Chenxiao and Shen Jinzhou. Seeing the two men bowed down to this man, their expressions changed and changed.

   He guessed the identity of this man, it should be the head of the Shi family.

   No matter how contemptuous he may be in his heart, the Shi family, after all, is something he can't afford to offend...

   What's more, the rumors seem to be wrong. This young man can always make He Shao and Shen Da lawyer follow his words, how can he be a mediocre person?

  He Xinyan has the backing of these people, so he probably won't be able to get it today.

   He Linjun was so angry that he vomited blood, He Xinyan, this slut!

  Because of Shi Lin's presence, He Linjun didn't dare to be too presumptuous, just stared at He Xinyan coldly and said, "Wait, sooner or later you will be unlucky!"

  He Xinyan didn't take his threat seriously, "But you're out of luck now, I'll send you a word, read the criminal law book more, don't rely on power and power to be reckless, be careful that one day you will cry from behind bars."

  Legal Coffee has always been flamboyant in her work, and she really advised her with good intentions.

   He Linjun's face darkened even more, probably thinking she was deliberately mocking.

   Now that the matter has come to this, He Xinyan feels that it is time to leave the scene, and the next thing to be held accountable and compensated is to be handed over to Shen Jinzhou.

   She turned to look at Shi Rin, "Fourth Young Master, I'm going to take my friend to the hospital..."

   "Get in the car, I'll take you there."

  He Xinyan looked around, but didn't see the housekeeper Shi.

   The little hammer just now was handed to her by Shi Rin.

   The other party was standing behind her in the crowd. She was just trying to teach He Linjun a lesson and didn't even notice.


   Shen Jinzhou stayed, and He Chenxiao took the job of driving.

   The three of them came out in a hurry. They were still having a meeting in the hotel at the time, when Shi Rin received a call and went out without stopping.

  He Chenxiao didn't know the rest, and vaguely heard that He Xinyan had a conflict with someone else.

   He followed up cheekily. He originally thought that the fourth brother would not say anything, but who knew that the fourth brother actually took the initiative to speak.

   explained why He Xinyan conflicted with people... It turned out that the other party was the first to flirt and spread rumors.

   Even when he approached He Xinyan to talk about cooperation and the fourth brother gave away the amulet, it was rumored that he was cheating. He felt shocked and outrageous.

   It's not wrong for He Xinyan to clean up her opponent at all, it's like someone has no background.

   The parent of the other party in the back also asked the organizing committee to make trouble with the school, and he was even more angry. It was really outrageous, and he dared to sue the wicked first and beat him up.

   The Organizing Committee would never accept such unreasonable troubles. With their support, their attitude is even tougher.

   Not only did he reject the other party's request neatly, but he also directly threw the person out without giving the other party a face.

  I didn't expect that He Linjun was so revengeful that he hit someone with a burning cigarette butt.

  He Chenxiao thought about it, and felt that it would not work like this. He Linjun obviously relied on He Xinyan to have no support, so he was so unscrupulous.

   I have a new idea! He can recognize He Xinyan as his younger sister, so that with his own protection, others will not dare to be presumptuous!

After making up his mind, He Chenxiao cleared his throat and said, "He Xinyan, you were just too reckless, how could you just chase a car and jump off a car, it's too dangerous! And you're a girl, you're still wearing a skirt today, so you should pay attention. point."

  He Xinyan: "I have a sense of proportion and will not chase after me."

   If she didn't know that the other party was not malicious, she would be too lazy to answer.

   Shi Lin looked at He Chenxiao in the rearview mirror: "Why do you talk so much?"

  He Chenxiao: "…"

   He glanced at Shi Rin through the rearview mirror, and his heart skipped a beat.

  What's going on, why does he feel as if he was rejected by the fourth brother?

  Bai Yulan thought for a while and said, "Chasing a car is dangerous, but I don't think Xinyan is reckless, she must have her own ideas. And I feel good seeing the other party being slapped."

  Why do you have to swallow your breath when something like this happens?

  He Xinyan is not a reckless person. If the opponent dares to provoke, he must be prepared to be slapped in the face.

   And in all fairness, being so guarded is actually a secret joy in her heart, and it feels good to be covered by a boss.

   Even if the other party hides in the car and wants to escape, he will be pulled out on the spot to take revenge and go back. Thinking about it makes me feel very motivated.

   If it wasn't for the wrong timing, she almost wanted to take out her mobile phone to take pictures and record videos for He Xinyan, to show everyone the heroic and sassy side of idols.

  Shi Rin: "Are you a bold artist? By the way, I haven't congratulated you for the first place in the physics competition, and you won the gold medal."

   He did not comment on He Xinyan's behavior of chasing the car. He felt that the little girl was so powerful, at most she was a little more courageous, and she knew what she knew.

  Other people are not qualified to point fingers, after all, the knife has not fallen on him, of course it can be painless.

   On the contrary, this was the first time he saw He Xinyan killing the Quartet, and he even wanted to praise her for doing a good job.

   But this is not right. It seems to be suspected of agitation. After all, it is still a dangerous move and should not be advocated.

   (end of this chapter)

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