The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 156: I should pay, I will pay

   Chapter 156 What I should pay, I will pay

  Passers-by subconsciously gathered around to eat melons.

   "That, Miss Xinyan..." The driver wanted to open the door and apologized.

   "Don't open the door." He Linjun said coldly in the back row, "When the Bentley gets out of the way, you just step on the accelerator, don't believe she's not afraid."

  He Xinyan raised her hand and knocked on the car window, "He Linjun, get out of the car and make it clear, why did you throw burning cigarette butts on my friend?"

  He Linjun raised his head, stared at her gloomily through the car window for a long time, and sneered.

   The driver was in a dilemma and couldn't help but honked his horn to signal He Xinyan to leave quickly.

  He Xinyan looked at He Linjun through the car window for a moment, and after confirming that he would not get out of the car, jumped off the front of the car.

   Bai Yulan had also chased after her, she was stunned, and grabbed He Xinyan, "You are amazing, but forget it, don't do such a dangerous thing."

  The other party made it clear that they would not get out of the car if they were rogues, and they could continue to block it.

   Although the wound hurts, it's not unbearable, she doesn't want to cause extra trouble.

   "I am unlucky, such an unqualified person, I wish him full of infertility and grandchildren!"

  The onlookers finally understood, so the owner of this Mercedes-Benz threw cigarette butts out to burn passers-by, and then pretended to be dead in the car and didn’t want to take responsibility?

   That is really too much. The beauty has suffered an unpredictable disaster. No wonder the beautiful lady is so angry chasing the car.

   Seeing that He Xinyan jumped out of the car, He Linjun was in a better mood. He had the upper hand in this round.

   He raised his hand, lowered the window to a small gap, and stuffed two hundred dollars out of it.

   "Go away with the money, don't blame me for calling the police if you touch porcelain again!"

  Bai Yulan looked at the 200 yuan transferred out from the crack of the car window, her nose was crooked, she came from a wealthy family and was not badly dressed, and the dress alone exceeded four digits.

   The other party took two hundred yuan to pass the beggars, and they still have the face to say that they are touching porcelain? !

  He Xinyan looked at the car window for a moment, the one-way glass could not see what was inside the car window, but she didn't need to look to know how proud He Linjun was at this moment.

   She looked left and right, looking for a handy tool.

   At this moment, a small hammer was handed over from behind him, He Xinyan took it without hesitation, raised his hand and knocked the rear window glass to pieces!

   The confusion on He Linjun's face was too late to dissipate, He Xinyan had already leaned over from the broken car window, grabbed the other party's collar, and pulled the person out of the car window!

   "He Xinyan, are you crazy? Do you know how much my car is worth, the landing price is 5.29 million..."

   He Linjun was shocked and angry, his face was full of embarrassment, and his upper body was pulled out of the car window in an extremely unnatural posture.

  He Xinyan chuckled, "You don't have to worry about this, I will pay for it. Know this cigarette butt?"

   He Linjun: "Didn't I lose money, and it wasn't intentional..."

  He Xinyan put the cigarette **** into his mouth, then raised her hand and slapped him.

   She shook her hand, and it hurt a little too hard, "I didn't mean it, it was your face who took the initiative to bump into my hand, I'll lose money."

   took out a hundred yuan and threw it on He Linjun's face.

   Then unexpectedly, he slapped his face with a backhand, "I don't want to be lonely here. You have to bump into my hand. Well, I understand that I will lose money."

   pulled out another hundred yuan and threw it on He Linjun's face.

   Now He Linjun's whole face is swollen, his facial features are distorted, and he stares at He Xinyan with an extremely sinister and hateful gaze.


   Such a strong murderous aura, more terrifying than ever, it was too frightened to speak.

  He Linjun squeezed a few words out of his teeth, "Bitch, you are **** courting death—"

   He Xinyan slapped her in the face again, she lowered her hand, now she has no money, and the two hundred yuan just lost was thrown out by He Linjun before.

   "I don't want to lose money for this slap, I just want to slap you." He Xinyan didn't even want to find an excuse.

   The passers-by who watched were stunned. Are all the beautiful ladies now so fierce?

   After all, when ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, most of them can only admit that they are unlucky, and there is absolutely no way to do it.

  This guy who dares to chase the car alone is fine. He even dares to smash the car to get people out. He is really ferocious and amazing.

   But the one who was beaten deserved it. He dressed like a dog, but he was not a human being.


After   Ling Xuan received He Yuye, he put away the new song sheet he was reading, and planned to talk to He Yuye.

  The line of sight swept across the opposite side, and someone blocked a car and seemed to be arguing.

   He never liked to join in the fun, he was about to look away, but suddenly stopped.

   The girl standing out in the crowd is clearly He Xinyan.

  Ling Xuan frowned subconsciously, why did she conflict with others again?

  The car and the crowd blocked the view, and it was impossible to see who was beaten, but He Xinyan's fierce appearance was really impressive.

   He snorted lightly, being stubborn and unrepentant, he was talking about He Xinyan.

   Now she is even more aggressive, just like a shrew in the market, she slaps everyone when she sees it, doesn't want to reason, just wants to distribute according to the trouble.

   He felt ashamed when he thought of himself who was surprised by her face not long ago.

   This kind of woman, who is in the middle of gold and jade, can't be his life partner.

   Noticed that He Yuye was also looking this way, he withdrew his gaze, "You and her identity are as different as clouds and mud, don't pay attention to her in the future."

  Ling Xuan came to pick up He Yuye, knowing that she was wronged, and came to comfort her.

   He Yuye: "...Okay, Brother Ling Xuan, I will listen to you."

   She was still a little shocked, it turned out that He Xinyan would really slap people.

  Although I don't know who the unlucky person was slapped, it's true that He Xinyan is a devil, and she must stay away in the future!


   Until He Xinyan let go, the Bentley stuck in front did not leave.

  The driver didn't expect that He Xinyan would hit someone when he got started. After all, he was his own boss. He quickly got out of the car, "Mr. He, are you alright?"

   He Linjun's eyes were bloodshot with hatred: "Call the police! I'm going to sue her for destroying property and intentional bodily harm! I'm going to make her lose her family!"

   Inside the Bentley, Shen Jinzhou pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, it was time for him to appear.

   "Sir, I'm Miss Xinyan's lawyer. This is my business card."

   Shen Jinzhou handed out his business card on business, and he didn't care when He Linjun threw the business card on the ground and stepped on it.

He continued to laugh: "If you want to sue Miss Xinyan, we will accompany you to the end. By the way, I would like to remind you that your act of throwing cigarette butts out of the car violated the Road Traffic Safety Law; the cigarette **** burned Miss Xinyan's body. Friend, we also need you to take responsibility. As for your car window glass, we will pay as much as we want.”

   He Linjun looked at him with a grim expression: "You are the gold owner of this slut? Do you know that she has hooked up with a few men, and she has stood up for her..."

   "Crash!" Another sound of window glass being smashed.

  He Xinyan was treating Bai Yulan's wound, and when she heard the voice and looked up, she saw Shi Rin standing leisurely beside the car with a small hammer.

   (end of this chapter)

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