Chapter 154 You should thank me

   "So you still want to sue me for deliberate poisoning and personal injury?" He Xinyan asked while pulling out her hair.

   "I didn't think to sue you. I greedily took your stuff and dipped it in the traditional Chinese medicine powder. It wasn't you who deliberately poisoned it."

  He Xinyan: "I admit that I really don't want to detoxify you, but those old acquaintances of yours said that I deliberately wanted you to be in a bad state, so I have an opinion."

   At this time, the corridor outside the bathroom was full of people.

   Everyone tacitly did not speak, all of them raised their ears and tried to eat melons.

   When He Yuye admitted that the source of the rumors came from her, many people were a little surprised, and many people felt that the filter was broken.

   This girl is usually so weak that it can be blown away by a gust of wind. Who would have thought that she would be so scheming.

   When I heard that she was also involved in the cheating incident of slandering He Xinyan, everyone was so shocked that the melons in their hands were about to fall.

   So why? He Jiao was punished and Lu Qilin withdrew from the competition. As a result, she didn't have anything to do, and she still spread rumors about others?

   Listening to the poisoning incident was her own fault, but she spread rumors that He Xinyan could not see her well and wanted to sabotage her participation in the physics competition.

   This woman's heart is like a sieve, so scary!

   Hearing He Xinyan say that he has an opinion, the people who eat melon can't care about other things, and subconsciously hold their breath, waiting for the answer.

   So what is your opinion, big beauty, hurry up, we want to hear it!

  He Xinyan: "You only got 31 places in the exam when you were in good condition, but you got 11 places in the exam when you were not in good condition. If you have been in such good condition, wouldn't it be bad? You should thank me."

  People: "..."

   The big beauty is very good, this angle is very strange, and it is well-founded and convincing!

   Bai Yulan laughed loudly and shouted outside the door: "Xinyan, you are right!"

   "I want to thank you very well, or maybe someone will get out of the 50th place in the test!"

   There was a burst of laughter around.

  He Yuye's whole face was flushed red, shocked, angry, and wronged, and tears fell out.

   She didn't expect that there was a group of people eavesdropping outside, and there were quite a few people listening to the sound. She obviously didn't hear the sound just now, and she thought everyone had walked away!

   When He Yuye was distracted, He Xinyan began to pull out her hair again.

   I feel pity for this one crying, but unfortunately this trick doesn't work for me.

   "One last time, don't provoke me in the future, understand? I don't care if you are intentional or not, as long as it has something to do with you, I will count on you."

   "I see, I will pay attention to it in the future." He Yuye's eyes were still red.

  He Xinyan let go of her hand, so that the other party can always have a longer memory, right?

   She handed over a handful of hair on her hand, "If you dare, of course I'll throw you to drink toilet water. You can try and see if you can provoke me."

   He Yuye didn't recover until He Xinyan left.

   She didn't expect that He Xinyan would come directly to play like this, and she was completely uneasy about playing cards.

   She has already lost the game and didn't even get a medal, isn't it bad enough? Why does she bully people like this?

   Seeing the handful of hair in her hand, the tip of her nose was sore, and she began to cry again.

   "Yuye, are you alright?" The boys who were protecting her waited anxiously outside the door, pushed open the door and walked in.

  He Yuye: "I'm fine, sorry for dragging you down."

   The girl's eyes were obviously full of tears, but she pretended to be strong and suddenly made several boys feel bad.

  He Xinyan is simply an atrocity, it's too much!

   "No, it's us who dragged you down." Several boys quickly comforted, "Some people take advantage of this, and you are the victim."

   Several people comforted each other and went out, only to find that the corridor outside the door... was still full of people.

  The classmates who haven't left after watching the lively are also the first time I see this type.

   couldn't help but have a heated discussion with each other.

   "I believe it. No wonder He Xinyan wants to say that. No matter if it has anything to do with her, it will be counted on her head. Damn, this sentence is absolutely right."

   "Is this the human king? Oh, there is no good meaning, it is purely derogatory."

   "Redefined the word victim, talent!"

   "Think about it from another angle. Maybe she is a die-hard fan of Yanshen. You see how many thieves she is, and she quietly achieved the achievement of being slapped by Yanshen."

   "Isn't this really touching porcelain? I'm 29 and I don't even dare to talk to Yan Shen, I don't think I deserve it!"

   "I'm not worthy of my 25th!"

   "Me too! I'm too embarrassed to talk to Yan Shen..."

   At first, everyone's attention was still on He Yuye, and then gradually no one paid attention to He Yuye.

   But this kind of neglect made He Yuye a little uncomfortable, as if he was not worth mentioning in the eyes of others.

  The voices of those discussions became increasingly harsh, as if mocking her oversight.

   The boy next to her quickly comforted her: "We don't need to compare with others, Yuye, you are much better than me, you have always been so outstanding and dazzling."

   He Yuye glanced at the boy who was talking, and did not feel comforted at all.

   This competition ranked only 84th, and there is no comparison with himself at all.

   She almost ran away.


  The news that He Xinyan won the first place in the physics competition quickly spread.

   The class group was flooded with news again.

   Actually, everyone is not surprised. He Xinyan will definitely come back with a gold medal. What is surprising is her strong strength, and she really has no shortcomings at all.

  【This woman is so **** charming, I declare that you are my wife, don’t be ignorant of praise! 】

  【How did she get this result, or is she not a person! crash~]

  【Don’t ask, asking is the difference between man and God. 】

   [Damn, my classmates from No. 2 Middle School came to ask me about He Xinyan, saying that they wanted to make friends and want to eat shit, so they almost wrote the plot on their faces. 】

  【Does everyone know the unspeakable things after the closing ceremony today? Yan Shen is so handsome! 】

  【Hahaha captured a group of school tyrants to be fans of younger brothers and sisters, right? The scene is too funny, I'm going to laugh my head off! 】

  Xu Jingyang looked at the news in the group, and in addition to being proud, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of pride in his heart, feeling proud.

   He unceremoniously sent a screenshot of the chat record in the group to Yu Han.

   I'm going to show my cousin how good He Xinyan is and how good the person she likes is.

   After sending the message, he called He Xinyan, who was quickly connected there.

   "Xinyan, congratulations on winning the gold medal in the physics competition! Let me invite you to a meal to celebrate, what do you think of Yulu Western Restaurant?" It just so happened that he could bring the information about his house inspection to He Xinyan.

  He Xinyan: "Yes, but I should invite you."

  Xu Jingyang was stunned for a second, and stunned for a second, you?

   The originally planned candlelight dinner for two went to waste, and he knew that He Xinyan would definitely bring Lin Xuxu and Qiaoyu Bridge with him.

   He thought a little sourly, that He Xinyan had a very good relationship with those two people, and they were inseparable all day long.

  Why don't you get such a good treatment.

   And he always felt that the three of them had something to hide from him, which made him even more unhappy.

   (end of this chapter)

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